
  1. 绘画风格与语言是画家的立身之本。

    The painting style and language are the essence for the artists .

  2. 质量理念:质量是立身之本。

    Theory of quality : quality is the basis on which an enterprise stands .

  3. 对于当代大学生而言,诚信是立身之本,是人格健全、道德高尚的重要内容,是成为合格人才的必然要求,是跨入全球化时代的准入证。

    For the college students , honesty is the basic requirement in today 's globalization .

  4. 人文精神是民族之魂、立身之本。

    Humanistic spirit is the soul of a nation and the base of a person .

  5. 高等职业技术学院的“立身之本”在于自身的教育质量和办学特色。

    The fundamental functions of higher vocational institutes are closely connected with their teaching-quality and featured management .

  6. 持续改进产品质量、提升质量管理能力是企业的立身之本。

    Continuous improvement of product quality and the quality of management capabilities is the base of enterprise .

  7. 品牌是出版的立身之本,尤其是品牌的美学品格。

    It is on the foundation of aesthetic character that the publishing brand thrives in the market .

  8. 适应剧种风格,是越剧生存与发展必须重视的问题,失去自身风格就失去了立身之本。

    It deserves attention for the survival and development of Shaoxing opera to adapt to its drama style .

  9. 会计信息尤其是会计盈余的决策有用性是财务会计的立身之本。

    Accountant information especially the efficiency of the decision on accounting earnings is the cornerstone of finance accountant .

  10. 飞行安全是各航空公司的立身之本,受过良好训练的飞行员是飞行安全的重要保障。

    Flight safety is the foundation of airlines and one of its important guarantee lies in well trained pilots .

  11. 因此,挖掘新闻事实中所蕴含的价值,使新闻价值实现最大化,已成为各路媒体记者的立身之本。

    Therefore , exploring the value behind news report comes to be an essence of media reporting for all correspondents .

  12. 地域特色是兵团垦区电视台立身之本

    The Territorial Characteristic Is Our foundation which Set up the Body for the Local TV Station of the Military Reclamation AreaL

  13. 文化民族性即文化的个性,它作为民族成员根据各自的生活环境所形成的生存智慧和立身之本,是民族生存的前提和条件。

    The nationality of culture is the premise and condition of the nation as the living wisdom and basement of national member .

  14. 与此同时,该公司奉为立身之本的合并套利和事件主导投资也产生了巨额回报。

    At the same time , the merger arbitrage and event-driven investment on which the firm was built have been producing strong returns .

  15. 独立性、中立性和公正性是信用服务公司的立身之本,也是创造客户的源泉。

    The independent , neutral and justness is the root of the credit service company existing , is also a headspring to win customer .

  16. “信誉第一,客户至上”是公司的办厂宗旨,“重合同,守信用”是公司的立身之本。

    Our company is based on people and technology and always adheres to the principle of fame first , quality first and the customer first .

  17. 诚信是会计的立身之本,也是任何市场主体生存和发展必不可少的道德资本。

    Honesty and credibility are two dispensable qualities in accounting , and also the honorable moral qualification needed in the survival and development of any individual and organization .

  18. 对产品质量和售后服务的绝对重视是我们的立身之本以及决意永续经营的根本手段。

    The absolute attention to product quality and after-sale service is our foundation which set up the body and basic means to determine to be managed continuously forever .

  19. 纸价下跌,从而使得纸质记录成为了可能,这点至关重要,因为这是金融立身之本-,人们需要财务记录。

    The price of paper fell and created opportunity for record-keeping , which was very important because that 's what finance is built & you need financial records .

  20. 在目前制定民法典的过程中,专家学者对农用地的关注非常多,而对作为农民立身之本的宅基地的研究相对缺乏。

    During the process of legislation of civil law , the experts and scholars concen about the farming land much more , but study on the residence base scarcely .

  21. 他们不仅获得了对于现代人而言是立身之本的专业技能,更关键地是获得了对职业角色和职业身份的体认。

    They not only won the conduct of the professional skills for the modern people , more critically , he gained the recognition of occupational roles and professional identity .

  22. 公司从成立伊始就将诚信作为立身之本,积极推行诚信服务,努力打造百姓满意的精品工程。

    The company adheres to establishing business on integrity and pursuing sincere service since its founding , so as to offer state-of-art projects to meet and even exceed customers'demands .

  23. 学报的方向性是学报统率之首,学术性是学报立身之本,科学性是学报生命之魂,创新性是学报繁荣之源。

    The directivity is command of Journal , the academic nature is basis of Journal , the scientificalness is spirit of Journal , the innovation is resource of Journal prosperity .

  24. 从创立之日起,昆仑信诚就将“最具优势的产品以最优惠的价格提供给广大客户”作为立身之本。

    From the date of creation , Kunlun Fidelity will be " the most advantage to the most favorable prices available to the majority of customers " as the foundation .

  25. 由此可见,人性是教育的立身之本,是教育的起点,也是教育的终点,且贯穿于教育活动的全过程。

    Thus , humanity is education foundation , the starting point of the education , but also is the end of education , and throughout the whole process of education activity .

  26. 王令以儒学为立身之本,特别重视自身道德修养,追求以儒道兴学,以儒术治国。

    Wang made the conduct of the Confucianism , especially paid attention to his own morality . He seeks to set up schools of Confucianism and to conduct people with Confucianism .

  27. 土地是财富之母,又是人类的立身之本;人类赖土地以生存繁衍,人类社会又因依存土地而发展。

    Land is mother of wealth , land is foundation of human . Human depends on the land to survival and multiply , human society develops because of the land dependence .

  28. 修改后的《工会法》明确了工会工作的基本职责及相关法律责任,是工会的立身之本,力量之源。

    The revsed Law of Trade Union defines the basic duties of the trade union work and the related legal responsibilities . It is the foundation and the source of the trade union .

  29. 所以,他们转向另一个极端。现在提供的多达130多种产品,让顾客眼花缭乱。与此同时,作为快餐业立身之本的服务速度却显著降低。

    So they swung to the opposite end of the pendulum , offering so many varieties that customers were confused by more than 130 items while service speeds a key ingredient for fast food slowed dramatically .

  30. 尤其要通过建立大学生个人诚信档案与奖惩机制,让大学生真正明白诚信确实是人的立身之本,是迈入社会的通行证。

    More importantly , we need to set up college students ' personal credibility files and their rewards and penalties mechanism , and help them clearly understand that credibility is indeed most important in human relationship .