
jìnɡ zhēnɡ xīn
  • competitive spirit;spirit to excel
  1. 竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。

    A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose .

  2. 你太有竞争心了!这只是友谊赛。

    You 're very competitive ! It 's meant to be a friendly match .

  3. 多样性和竞争心造就了他的高水平

    High floor given versatility & competitive streak .

  4. 萧克利,一个竞争心非常强而有时容易动怒的人,已下定决心要在史上留名。

    Shockley , a very competitive and sometimes infuriating man , was determined to make his imprint on the discovery .

  5. 结果(1)成人创新心理素质量表包括创新意识、创新能力和竞争心3个分量表,经检验这3个分量表均具有较高的信度和效度。

    Results The results showed that : ( 1 ) Chinese Adults ′ Innovative Diatheses Scale had been proved of high reliability and validity .

  6. “促使我一直向前进的是我的竞争的心,”他说,“我真的真的很想赢。”

    " What 's kept me going is my competitiveness ," he says . " I really , really do want to win . "

  7. 3.surpassvt.超越,凌驾,胜过竞争,好胜心争取赶上或超过另一个的努力或野心

    Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another .

  8. 辽宁省青少年运动员竞争性和获胜心的研究

    Research on Competition and Achievement of Adolescent Athletes in Liaoning