
jìng rán
  • actually;unexpectedly;go so far as to;to one's surprise
竟然 [jìng rán]
  • [to ones surprise] 表示出乎意料之外

  • 竟然不顾事实

竟然[jìng rán]
  1. 扔下的手杖,被他的尸体所化成的养料滋润,竟然开花结果,长成一片连绵千里的桃林。

    The walking stick thrown down by him , being nurtured3 by the nourishment4 converted from his dead body , unexpectedly bloomed and fructified5 , and it grew into peach woods , which stretched for thousands of miles .

  2. 玛莉竟然放弃事业,甘当家庭妇女。

    Mary unexpectedly gave up her career and became a housewife .

  3. 他们竟然对问题置之不理,令我非常诧异。

    It appalled me that they could simply ignore the problem .

  4. 真想不到!她竟然从未坐过飞机。

    Fancy ! She 's never been in a plane before .

  5. 撞车事故中竟然没有一人丧生,这真是奇迹。

    It 's a miracle nobody was killed in the crash .

  6. 这确实是一记简单的射门,而我竟然没射进。

    It was a really simple shot , and I muffed it .

  7. 我无法相信竟然有人能堕落到这种程度。

    I can 't believe that anyone would sink to such depths .

  8. 一想到他竟然对我说谎,我就很伤心。

    It hurt me to think that he would lie to me .

  9. 真想不到他竟然从聚会开始一直睡到结束。

    It 's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party .

  10. 竟然提拔她当销售经理,叫每个人都感到意外。

    Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise .

  11. 她的第一位顾客竟然是布莱尔夫人。

    Her first customer was none other than Mrs Blair .

  12. 所有人当中你竟然那么说,真让我吃惊!

    I 'm surprised that you of all people should say that .

  13. 政府对此竟然不采取任何措施,我觉得不可思议。

    It staggers me that the government is doing nothing about it .

  14. 这么大一座城市,竟然没有一支管弦乐队,真是说不过去。

    It is a scandal that such a large town has no orchestra .

  15. 你竟然干出这样的事来!

    You 've really gone and done it now !

  16. 出乎所有人的意料,那个计划竟然取得了成功。

    To everyone 's surprise , the plan succeeded .

  17. 出人意料的是,那个职位竟然落到一个毫不起眼的人头上。

    To everyone 's surprise , the post went to a rank outsider .

  18. 竟然又见到了他,她到现在还惊愕不已。

    She still hadn 't got over the shock of seeing him again .

  19. 不知怎么的,他从四楼上跳下来竟然幸免于难。

    Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building .

  20. 他竟然对你这样无礼,真叫我吃惊。

    I find it astonishing that he should be so rude to you .

  21. 令人难以置信的是那位大臣竟然没有意识到这个问题。

    It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem .

  22. 乔认为保罗竟然那样对他说话,气得直发抖。

    Joe quivered with indignation that Paul should speak to him like that .

  23. 她惊诧的是他竟然没怎么变。

    She was amazed how little he had changed .

  24. 我真傻,竟然同意借给他钱了。

    I stupidly agreed to lend him the money .

  25. 她竟然受到那样的对待,太不像话了。

    It was shameful the way she was treated .

  26. 她竟然去世了,真是很难相信。

    It was unthinkable that she could be dead .

  27. 当时我一定是眼瞎了,竟然没有意识到我们所处的危险。

    I must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in .

  28. 想想看,我母亲写了那么多部书,我竟然一无所知!

    To think that my mother wrote all those books and I never knew !

  29. 我可真够糊涂的,竟然相信他的话。

    I was stupid enough to believe him .

  30. 使我惊诧的是,她竟然能把这件事瞒了我们这么久。

    What amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us .