
  1. 第六宫,就像黄道第六个星座处女座一样,代表个人发展的最后一个阶段,因此也是非常重要的阶段。

    The sixth house , like the sixth sign Virgo , represents the last personal stage in development , and is thus a critical one .

  2. 当一个第六宫冥王星越靠近下降点,就越应将其作为落入第七宫理解;

    The closer a sixth house Pluto is to the descendant , the more it will be interpreted as though it were in the seventh house ;

  3. 火星姿态优雅地向本次满月套近乎,本月大多数时候这个精力充沛的行星将位于你象征着日常工作的第六宫。

    Mars will be beautifully oriented toward this full moon , and this energy planet will be based in your sixth house of workaday assignments most of the month .

  4. 同时也请记住第六宫的新月是会展开获得和之前的工作相彷的新工作的机会的,而不是晋级性的新工作。

    Keep in mind too that the new moon in the sixth house will open the opportunity for a job similar to the one you had-not one that represents advancement .

  5. 每当太阳有关,你要注意你的健康,因为太阳是天然的统治者您的预防性保健措施,亲爱的双鱼第六宫。

    Whenever the Sun is involved , you have to watch your health , as the Sun is the natural ruler your sixth house of preventative health measures , dear Pisces .

  6. 天王星在不好的角度,由于这颗行星在你关系工作项目的第六宫,这似乎预示着一项任务会突然终止。

    Uranus will be in hard angle , and because this planet is in your sixth house of work projects , it looks like an assignment is coming to an abrupt end .

  7. 第六宫掌管了所有的小家畜,再加上海王星提供的能量,他就像个黄金打造的支架一样,支持着太阳和新月,你的努力将很快获得回报。

    The sixth house rules small domestic animals of all kinds , and with Uranus providing such a shimmering , golden beam to the Sun and new moon , your efforts should be easily rewarded .

  8. 鉴于第五宫自我行为的完成,第六宫的工作则是出于必需或是帮助他人,是更为自我表现的活动。

    Whereas fifth house activities are done for their own sake , sixth house work is done out of necessity or in support of other , more self-expressive activities .