
  1. 第十一宫也掌管立法团体及继子女。

    The11th house also deals with legislative bodies and step-children .

  2. 你可以预计到第十一宫强的人有很多朋友。

    You might expect , then , that the11th house person would have many friends .

  3. 第十一宫在第五宫的正对面,第五宫代表了自我表达,那些我们一直在享受的事物。

    The Eleventh House is opposite the5th house , which is our self-expression , what we are already enjoying .

  4. 在第十一宫的行星表明通过友谊解释的状况、但是宫主星是友谊和手足情谊的表达的关键。

    Planets in the eleventh indicate conditions that are interpreted through friendship , but the ruler is the key to the expression of friendship and brotherhood .

  5. 一个财务问题将会占据你的全部注意,掌管爱情与金钱的金星正在逆行,并落在在控制团队与目标的第十一宫位内。

    A financial issue will command your full attention . Venus , the planet of love and money , is currently moving retrograde in your eleventh house of groups and goals .

  6. 水星掌管你有关团队和朋友的第十一宫,因此这周末对于开办聚会、参加慈善活动或其他聚会而言真是再完美不过了。

    Mercury rules your eleventh house of groups and friends , so this would be the perfect , most lovely weekend to throw a party or attend a charity benefit or other gathering .

  7. 掌管友谊第十一宫还掌管俱乐部、慈善、社区以及我们在这些团体里的职务。可以想你一下这个团体里的新的职位是离你如此之近!

    The eleventh house of friendship also rules clubs , charities , and communities and the responsibilities we take on in those groups , so assuming a new position within a group is a very real possibility .

  8. 你是如此幸运,有火星穿行于有关荣誉、奖励、成就和名望的第十一宫,并在天顶如灯塔一般熠熠生辉。

    You are so fortunate to have Mars gleaming like a beacon at the very top of your chart ( where the12 could be on a clock ) as he tours your tenth house of honors , awards , achievement , and fame .