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  • equivalent
  1. 随后您可以将Ruby视为Javaservlet等价物了。

    You then have the Ruby equivalent of a Java servlet .

  2. 这将返回您手动进入以下URL时会看到的内容的XML等价物

    This returns the XML equivalent of what you would see if you manually went to the following URL

  3. 对于Windows中的.dll文件,UNIX的等价物是共享对象(.so)文件。

    The UNIX equivalent of a.dll file in Windows is a shared object ( . so ) file .

  4. 微软真希望要客户们接受nt,将它作为高档Unix服务器的等价物。

    Microsoft really wants customers to accept NT as equivalent to high-end Unix servers .

  5. 更正式一点的说法是,您能够将其作为RUP软件架构文档的等价物。

    More formally , you could treat it as the equivalent of the RUP Software Architecture Document .

  6. Scala语言所提供的唯一一个静态特性就是对象,其在Java中的等价物就是单例。

    The only static feature the Scala language offers is ( companion ) objects , whose counterparts in Java are singletons .

  7. 这将允许欧洲银行管理局(europeanbankingauthority)把这些国债当做现金等价物,因为它们可以随时出售给欧洲央行。

    This would allow the European Banking authority to treat the T-bills as the equivalent of cash , since they could be sold to the ECB at any time .

  8. 上一期文章中曾经指出,构造型和标签可以作为扩展UML模型的工具,以便支持在UML中没有等价物的XML概念。

    In the previous article , I pointed to stereotypes and tags as tools to extend the UML model and support XML concepts that have no equivalent in UML .

  9. 像其Ruby等价物一样,这个代码打开一个URL连接,把Accept头设置成text/xml,发出get,并输出结果。

    Like the Ruby counterpart , this code opens a URL connection , sets the Accept header to text / xml , issues the get , and prints the result .

  10. 该标准支持现在所有HTML表单控件的等价物,并增加了另外两个有用的控件用于范围选择和显示数据。

    The standard supports equivalents for all of the standard existing HTML form controls , in addition to a couple of other helpful controls for range selection and displaying data .

  11. 它可以将它们替换成SAX等价物,分别替换成startElement()、endElement()和characters()。

    It suffices to replace them with their SAX equivalent , respectively to startElement (), endElement (), and characters () .

  12. 正如您所预料的那样,您可以直接将ERb(或是基于C语言的eruby的等价物)插入ApacheHTTP服务器并调用Web页面。

    As you might expect , you can plug ERb ( or the C-based eruby equivalent ), right into the Apache HTTP server and invoke Web pages .

  13. 培养30d脱落出现后,内源细胞分裂素iPA等价物[iPA(eq)]的含量与脱落酸的比值[iPA(eq)/ABA]特别高。

    At the 30th day of culturing , after abscission occurred , endogenous iPA ( eq ) / ABA ratio was very high .

  14. 但是,这些片段很难区分,所以最好把编译后的应用程序当成是黑盒子&Java字节码的GWT等价物。

    However , these are pretty much indecipherable , and the compiled application is best regarded as a black box & GWT 's equivalent of Java bytecode .

  15. 对于这些函数,UNIX的等价物分别是dlopen、dlsym和dlclose例程。

    The UNIX equivalents for the same functions are the dlopen , dlsym , and dlclose routines .

  16. Harvey还说要是出现一个集成了Java技术的、以Solaris为基础的LAMP等价物(即SAMP),他也不会感到吃惊。

    Harvey also said that he would not be surprised to see a Solaris-based equivalent to the LAMP stack ( a SAMP stack ) with Java technology integrated as well .

  17. 重要的是,必须在数据源上运行“runstats”实用程序的等价物,以便昵称创建接受当前的统计信息。

    It is important that you run the equivalent of the'runstats'utility on the data source , so that nickname creation will pick up the current statistics .

  18. 缺点是,Quick使用起来似乎过于复杂,而Zeus只支持String用于绑定数据值(没有原语或使用ID-IDREF或等价物的对象引用)。

    On the downside , Quick seems overly complex to use and Zeus supports only Strings for bound data values ( no primitives or object references using ID-IDREF or an equivalent ) .

  19. MII是一个逻辑信号接口,是10Mb/sAUI的100Mb/s等价物。

    MII is a logical signal interface , and its function in 100Mb / s Ethernet is equivalent to AUI of 10Mb / s Ethernet .

  20. WSIF提供一个端口编译器,如果给定一个WSDL,与所用到的复杂类型的Java等价物(以JavaBean的形式)一起,端口编译器将为每一个端口类型生成一个客户机存根。

    WSIF comes with a port type compiler which , given a WSDL , generates a client stub for each port type along with Java equivalents ( in the form of JavaBeans ) of the complex types used .

  21. 企业的现金流是指企业的现金和现金等价物。

    The enterprise cash flow includes the cash and cash equivalents .

  22. 甘氨酸等价物与1,2-亲电试剂烷基化成环;

    ( 2 ) Alkylation of a glycine equivalent with a 1,2-electrophile ;

  23. 此外,审美还是宗教的功能等价物。

    Further - more , aesthetics is the functional equivalent of religion .

  24. 为获得钱或其等价物而交换或给予。

    Exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent .

  25. 第一块是我们的投资:股票、债券和现金等价物。

    The first is our investments : stocks , bonds and cash equivalents .

  26. 电子现金作为物理货币的电子等价物,已经成为一种安全方便的电子支付手段。

    E-cash , as the electronic equivalent , is one of secure electronic payments .

  27. 在答应归还或归还等价物的允诺上被允许接受某物的人。

    Someone who receives something on the promise to return it or its equivalent .

  28. 以下就是这些概念的描述和相应的等价物。

    Below are a few of the concepts with their description and respective equivalents .

  29. 晶闸管一词源于其气体管等价物&闸流管。

    The term " thyristor " came from its gas tube equivalent , thyratron .

  30. 截至12月,丰田汽车拥有逾170亿美元现金及现金等价物。

    Toyota Motor ended December with more than $ 17 billion in cash and equivalents .