
  • 网络hierarchy;hierarchical order
  1. 违背伦理纲常与等级秩序。

    And ● Violation of ethics and hierarchical order .

  2. 传统社会的结构、等级秩序和共同的价值体系被瓦解,一切坚固的东西都烟消云散了。

    The traditional structure , hierarchical order and common value system was collapsed .

  3. 有利于维持封建等级秩序。

    Firstly , it benefited to maintain feudal hierarchies .

  4. 该小说颠覆了传统的性别等级秩序。

    This novel subverted the traditional gender hierarchies .

  5. 然而,日本的争常外交仍然未改变过去一贯的战略文化,等级秩序观念依然左右着一些日本政治家的战略思维。

    However , Japan still clings to its hierarchical strategic culture without reflecting on its past aggression .

  6. 物的社会生命:人情伦理与等级秩序&兼论《礼物的流动》

    Social Life of Objects : Emotional Ethics And Hierarchical Order & On The Mobility of Gifts ;

  7. 通过运用文学拼贴画的技巧,巴塞尔姆颠覆了传统小说中的等级秩序,从而消解了小说的中心。

    By means of the collage technique , Barthelme subverts the traditional hierarchy in the novel and renders it centerless .

  8. 唐锐涛指出,中国人很少会挑战权威人物,因为儒家尊重等级秩序的观念根植于中国文化之中。

    According to Doctoroff , Chinese rarely challenge authority figures because their culture is rooted in Confucian respect for hierarchy .

  9. 在过去的社会,公共利益表现的是利益分配的等级秩序。

    In the past the community , public interest is the performance of the hierarchical order of distribution of benefits .

  10. 通过小说界革命,颠覆传统知识等级秩序,使小说变成一种普遍的文体,改变了固有文学结构,以小说为中心的现代整体文学观念初步确立起来。

    Secondly , it changed the inherent structure of literature by the revolution in literature field , and the whole literature thought was constructed .

  11. 孔子把恢复权力体系的希望寄托在主体内在的道德修养上,希望通过培养主体的道德自觉性,使主体自觉地遵循社会的等级秩序。

    He rested the resumption upon the inner moral culture , hoping the grading system could be followed self-consciously by enhancing the moral initiative .

  12. 在几千年的中国封建社会中,中庸虽有许多不同的解释,但占主导地位的是不偏不倚,无过不及,平常不易,并逐渐成为维护封建等级秩序,滞碍社会进步的思想工具。

    In the feudal society of China of several thousand years there had been lots of different interpretation about the doctrine of the Mean .

  13. 它极其强调集体性和家族观,严格的等级秩序和伦理规范成为其文化核心,其他一切活动皆由此而生发,意义也由此来解释。

    The mode of culture emphasizes collectivity and thought of family by far , and its culture core is strict grade order and ethic criterion .

  14. 前者表现为消解文化等级秩序,满足大众精神需要,促进社会发展和提高文明质量;

    On the one hand , it removes culture hierarchy , meets the spiritual demand of the masses , fosters social development and enhances civilized quality ;

  15. 西周的礼是在维护男尊女卑、等级秩序的思想指导下形成的,旨在确认、调整和维护以宗法制度为核心的政权组织关系和伦理社会秩序的规范体系。

    Gift of the Western Zhou Dynasty is formed under the thought that men enjoy higher status than women social estate system of ethics civil order .

  16. 孝是古代宗法制度的产物,其最初含义主要表现在宗教祭祀方面,其目的在于维护社会的等级秩序。

    Filial piety was the product of patriarchal system in ancient times . The primary definition was showed in religion fete with intention of maintaining the society grade order .

  17. 解构主义与女性主义在颠覆西方传统思想与现存的等级秩序的理论和实践过程中找到了共同语言。

    Deconstructionism and feminism have much in common in the process as well as in the language of subverting the Western traditional thoughts and the existent hierarchical theory and practice .

  18. 西用礼刑法律原则的适用,旨在维护等级秩序、强调官僚贵族与平民的不平等的社会现实。

    Legal principle of gift and punishment in the Western Zhou Dynasty aims at maintaining the grade order , emphasizing the social reality of unequality between bureaucrat 's noble and common people .

  19. 其次,交换伦理及功利价值的推而广之,不可避免地造成了价值等级秩序的失序及市民德行的泛滥。

    Secondly , the exchange value of the ethical and utilitarian , by extension , the inevitable result of the Level value of the order of moral disorder and the spread of the public .

  20. 摘要以农业社会为基础的儒家和谐思想,建构的是一种与现代社会和谐有本质区别的、以等级秩序为纬度的社会和谐。

    The Confucian ideology , based on the agricultural society , advocates a kind of harmony of the society , which considers hierarchy as its criterion and completely differs form that of modem society .

  21. 正是因为走向另一极端,我们这个时代变化观念取代了永恒之美,掩盖了以理念优先于艺术、艺术将追随理念的古老的等级秩序。

    Due to our extreme pursuit , change , in our generation , was took place of eternal beauty and covered up the old hierarchy system of concept priority to art and art follows concept .

  22. 国家间中心外围秩序是国内社会封闭性等级秩序的空间拓展,而安全困境最终能够引发权力转移战争的空间结构条件是国家间中心&外围结构。

    The center-periphery order between countries is the outcome of the expanding of the closed hierarchical order in the domestic society . The spatial condition of security dilemma eventually leading to the war is the center-periphery structure .

  23. 在这部作品中,女主人公大胆挑战男性中心社会的行为准则,对人为的男女等级秩序进行了彻底颠覆,对男性权威进行了无情解构。

    In this novel , the heroines audaciously challenge against the behavior standards of the male-centered world , thus the artificial hierarchy between man and woman is completely reversed and the male-centric authority is deconstructed without mercy .

  24. 这一现象蕴涵着深刻的社会心理因素,其根源就在于以宗法制度为基础的家国一体的社会政治结构,维持这一结构的支柱便是严密的等级秩序。

    The phenomenon contained profound social psychological factors the origin of which was the social political structure of family-state unity based on patriarchal clan system , and the major element maintaining the structure was the strict stratum system .

  25. 通过非等级秩序接触世界的现象,然后用过滤后的材料镶嵌出私人的马赛克,这个世纪的画家向我们展示了绘画新的可能性和方向,重新肯定了绘画伟大的表现力。

    Contact the phenomenon of the world through non-hierarchy order , then use the filters to mount personal mosaic . In this century , painters show us the new possibilities , reassert the great expressive power of paining .

  26. 这一理念已明显不同于西周以来政治与伦理合一并以伦理规范维护宗法分封政治等级秩序的政治伦理观,它反映了一种新的民本思想。

    This concept has been significantly different from those political ethics that had been formed since Western Zhou Dynasty which was mixed politics with ethics and with it to maintain the unity and the political patriarchal feudal order society .

  27. 第二章从文体策略和隐喻两个层次来论证巴塞尔姆解构了语言的功能,使语言变得不值得信赖,因而挑战传统意义的等级秩序,最终强调文本的不确定性。

    Chapter Two elucidates that by deconstructing the function of language on the two levels : stylistic strategies and tropology , Barthelme makes language untrustworthy , thus challenging the conventional hierarchies of meaning and stressing the indeterminacy of the text .

  28. 在前方和后方、主要和次要的等级秩序中,女性需要借助恋爱关系确认自己的身份,她们也需借助爱情表述曲折地表达想要进入主流社会的急切心情。

    In the classification of front and back , major and minor , women needed the aids of sex to confirm their identity . They also needed the aids of love to express their anxiousness to enter the main society tortuously .

  29. 在中国古代,伴随阶级的出现,统治者需要建立一种凌驾于阶级之上的力量以方便管理,等级秩序逐步被以立法的形式确认下来。

    In ancient China , along with the emergence of the class , the ruler is a need to establish superior to the class the power of the above for managing , hierarchical order with the legislation form gradually been confirmed down .

  30. 在中国20世纪50-60年代的政治语境中,《青春之歌》一方面认同了主流意识形态,在文本中建立了以革命与阶级斗争为主导话语的等级秩序;

    In the political linguistic context during the 1950s and 1960s of China , The Song of Youth identifies with the dominant ideology on the one hand , establishing in the text a hierarchical order which gives priority to revolution and class struggles .