
  • 网络isostatic pressing technology
  1. 利用等静压技术制备牙科Al2O3/ZrO2陶瓷材料

    Preparing of Al_2O3_ / ZrO_2 Composite Dental Ceramics through Isostatic Pressing Technology

  2. 等静压技术在粉末冶金材料生产中的应用

    Application of Isostatic Pressing Technology in Production of Powder Metallurgical Materials

  3. 文中表明,粉末冶金近净成形(near-net-shape)热等静压技术将是涡轮叶盘毛坯成形工艺的研究焦点;而涡轮叶盘精加工的最有力手段仍是电火花加工技术。

    Analysis shows that powder metallurgy near - net - shape hot isostatic pressing ( HIP ) will be the focus of future research for turbine blisk blanking , while EDM will still be the most competitive technology for turbine blisk finishing .

  4. 采用自蔓延高温燃烧合成结合准热等静压技术(SHS/PHIP),成功地得到了致密性良好、直径为240mm的大尺寸TiCNi系硬质合金部件。

    Dense TiC Ni large scale hard alloys were prepared by self propagating high temperature synthesis and pseudo heat isostatic pressing . Combustion product consisted of TiC phase and Ni binder phase .

  5. 热等静压技术和设备的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Hot Isostatic Pressing Technology and Apparatus

  6. 等静压技术正在促进铍的应用和发展

    Application and Development of Beryllium Helped by Isostatic Pressing Technology

  7. 利用等静压技术制备多孔PZT95/5压电陶瓷

    Study on the Preparation of Porous PZT95 / 5 Piezoelectric Ceramics by CIP

  8. 等静压技术的新发展

    New development of isostatic pressing technology

  9. 热等静压技术的发展及应用

    Development and Application of HIP Technology

  10. 目的利用等静压技术制备高密度坯体,减少牙科陶瓷烧结时的尺寸收缩。

    Objective To find out how to prepare high-density dental ceramics through isostatic pressing so that sintering shrinkage will be reduced .

  11. 介绍了等静压技术的发展概况、原理与类别,并着重评述了该技术在粉末冶金材料生产中的应用及对材料组织性能的影响。

    Application of isostatic pressing technology in production of powder metallurgical materials and influence of the technology on properties of the material are reviewed emphatically .

  12. 利用热等静压技术高温高压的特点,在金属陶瓷的基体上获得了硬质梯度涂层。

    The high temperature high pressure hot isostatic pressing technology was used for deposition of hard coating on Ti ( C , N ) - based cermet .

  13. 评述了等静压技术对铍应用的促进和该技术在铍制造中的几种基本工艺,并对其未来发展进行了展望。

    The paper has reviewed the help of isostatic pressing technology for Be application and some isostatic pressing processes in beryllium manufacturing , and predicted it 's development .

  14. 文章共分四个部分,即热等静压技术在钛合金、高温合金、铍材以及难熔金属等方面的应用。

    The paper is divided into 4 parts , describing the applications and development of HIP technology in the field of Titanium based materials , Superalloys , Beryllium materials and Refractory metals .

  15. 采用超细粉碎α-Al2O3粉,按冷等静压成型技术制备95瓷,结果表明,瓷体烧结温度降低了100℃。

    95 ceramics were prepared by cold isostatic processing method using superfine comminution α - Al2O3 powder . The results indicate that the decrease in sintered temperature of 95 ceramics body is 100 ℃ .

  16. 冷等静压成形技术及其在精细陶瓷生产中的应用

    Cold Isostatic Pressing Technique and Its Use for Fine Ceramics

  17. 激光烧结与等静压复合技术制造致密合金零件

    Manufacturing dense alloy parts via selective laser sintering combined with isostatic pressing

  18. 利用热等静压原位合成技术制备了Ti3SiC2/SiC复相陶瓷,对其高温氧化行为进行了研究。

    The high temperature oxidation behavior of the Ti_3SiC_2 / SiC multiphase ceramics fabricated by in-situ synthesis under hot isostatic pressing were studied .

  19. 热等静压(HIP)技术在硬质合金及陶瓷材料中的应用

    Applications of hip technology in cemented carbides and ceramics materials

  20. 热等静压(HIP)技术在金属材料方面的应用

    Applications and development of hip technology in the field of metallic materials