
  • 网络slg;STRATEGY GAME;Strategy
  1. 兄弟二人研发了一款背景设定在古代中国的策略游戏,名为老子军团(LaoUnit)。

    The two developed a strategy game set in ancient China , which they called Lao Unit .

  2. 在项目3中,Gary的游戏雇佣您创建基于旋转的策略游戏框架。

    In project # 3 , Gary 's Games has hired you to create a turn-based strategy game framework .

  3. 世嘉还奉上了以二战为背景的《英雄连2》(CompanyofHeroesII),将这个策略游戏带上了俄国战场前线。

    In addition Sega offered up the world war II-themed company of Heroes II , which is taking the series ' tactical gameplay to the Russian front .

  4. 地图不会象在即时策略游戏中例如魔兽III那样,随着探索地图的空白部分就会打开。

    The map is not revealed by traveling in a blank portion of the map such as is found in real time strategy games like Warcraft III.

  5. 一些政治分析人士表示,平壤正在玩一场政治冒险策略游戏,其主要矛头指向美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama),以促使他启动美朝双边谈判。

    Some political analysts have argued Pyongyang is playing a game of brinkmanship aimed primarily at Barack Obama , the US president , trying to manoeuvre him into bilateral talks .

  6. Gomoku是一个经典的中国古老的策略游戏。

    Gomoku is a classic of Chinese ancient strategy game .

  7. 游戏简介:《倒霉熊救援大行动》是一款紧张刺激的即时策略游戏。

    " Unlucky bear rescue operation " is a thrilling real-time strategy game .

  8. 现在我们对在线策略游戏都上瘾了。

    We are hooked on online strategy games .

  9. 官方的说明是,幻想题材回合制策略游戏。

    The Battle for Wesnoth is a free , turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme .

  10. 麻将(瓷砖材料)是一种策略游戏,起源于中国古代的清朝。

    Mahjong is a tile-based game of strategy with roots in the Qing Dynasty of ancient China .

  11. 西洋跳棋是一种非常耐玩的两人策略游戏,流行于美国和英国。

    Checkers is a great strategy to rely on playing the two games , popular in the United States and Britain .

  12. 在许多不同类型的游戏中,像实时策略游戏或角色扮演游戏,几乎每个控件类型都需要。

    In many different game genres , like real-time strategy or role-playing , there is a need for practically every single Control type .

  13. 这是一款非常经典的策略游戏,用你的战术技能在这个特殊的海洋战争中战斗吧!

    Ready to fight in extraordinary ocean battles and test your tactical skills in this classic strategy game that is now more exciting than ever !

  14. 别担心&D3不会变成一个策略游戏,但是策略性的加入只会使玩家在行动前有多种选择可以考虑而不会破坏游戏的进行。

    Dont worry-Diablo III will not be a tactical game but it doesnt hurt gameplay to make the player consider all options before launching the attack .

  15. 和电脑版同名的以二战为主题的回合策略游戏,敌人的智能不错,互动公司出品。

    And the PC version of the same name in World War II-themed strategy game round , the enemy 's intelligence nice , Interactive company Chu Pin .

  16. 策略游戏是一款桌面游戏(基于较旧的游戏),玩家必须猜测代码生成器设置的圆点的顺序和颜色。

    Mastermind is a board game ( based on an older game ) where the player must guess the order and color of pegs set by the codemaker .

  17. 生产商品,兴建新的建筑物,吸引新工人扩大罗马帝国在古罗马,快节奏的策略游戏。

    Produce goods , construct new buildings , and attract new workers as you expand the reach of the Roman Empire in Ancient Rome , a fast-paced Strategy game .

  18. 在游戏的设计方面得到的一个批评是太阳能量的收集,对于从来没玩过实施策略游戏的玩家来说很难理解它的重要性。

    One of the critical points in the design process was when it was pointed out that the sun collection mechanic was hard to learn for players who had never played Real-Time Strategy games .

  19. 复兴》是一款回合制军事策略类游戏,传承了全球鼎鼎大名的游戏大作《文明》的基本设计路线。

    Revival is a turn-based military strategy game in the tradition of theworld-famous game title ," Civilization " .

  20. “日与夜”是一款策略桌面游戏,玩家在游戏中扮演日夫人和夜夫人两位对手进行对抗。

    Day & Night is a strategic board game where two players duel as Lady Day and Lady Night .

  21. 星际2是一款完全的竞争性实时策略类游戏,并且这款续作将忠实于原著:星际争霸。

    StarCraft II is the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game , and the sequel to the hit original , starcraft .

  22. “斗地主”全国锦标赛近日正式启动,“斗地主”是我国流行的策略纸牌游戏。

    A national tournament of " Fight the Landlord , " a popular strategic card game in China , has been officially launched .

  23. 例如,在对一个策略型游戏中一名玩家的决定进行评估时,人工智能系统会对特定一个计划表示出担忧。

    For example , in critiquing a player 's decisions in a strategy game , the AI system could express concerns about a particular plan .

  24. 《英雄联盟》和《遗迹保卫战2》都是多人在线竞技游戏,这种动作策略战争游戏通常由五人小组对战。

    League of Legends and DOTA 2 are both Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas or Mobas , action strategy war games typically involving two opposing teams of five individuals .

  25. 根据第三章提出的设计流程和设计策略进行游戏案例的设计,以论证设计流程和设计策略的可行性。

    According to the proposed design process and design strategy , the paper design the cases so as to demonstrate the feasibility of the design process and the design strategy .

  26. 《天地纵横》之所以在战争策略类网页游戏里占有一席之地,是因为其过硬的游戏品质。

    " China Heaven and Earth " was the war strategy game category pages in place because of its excellent quality of the game .

  27. 研究了订货延迟时间对物流系统库存情况造成的影响,比较了不同采购策略对啤酒游戏产生的作用。

    Through this model , the influence of order delay on logistic system inventory was analyzed , the effect of different procurement plans on beer game was researched .

  28. 科学的分析市场,把握市场发展方向,琐定目标群体并且根据目标人群的需求采用正确的市场营销策略成为桌面游戏吧生存发展的战略方向。

    Scientific analysis of the market , to grasp the direction of market development , target groups and the petty needs of people depending on the target using the right marketing strategy for survival and development of the desktop game right strategic direction .

  29. 最后,依据所提修正策略,对教育游戏案例进行修正。

    Finally , study corrects educational game case according to the proposed correction strategies .

  30. 此阶段对教育游戏软件中激发和维持学习者的动机因素进行了详细分析,给出了激励学习动机的设计策略,并对游戏设计的各个模块进行了详细设计。

    On this phase , creating and sustaining learner motivation factors of the educational game software were analyzed in detail , the design of incentive motivation strategy are given , and each module of game design are designed in detail .