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简政放权[jiǎn zhèng fàng quán]
  1. 转变政府职能,深化简政放权,创新监管方式,增强政府公信力和执行力,建设人民满意的服务型政府。

    The government needs to transform its functions , further streamline capacity , building itself into a service-oriented government able to satisfy the needs of the people .

  2. 在当前情况下,要稳增长,简政放权是一个极为重要的手段。

    Under the current circumstances , streamlining administration and delegating power is a very important means to stabilize growth .

  3. 进一步简政放权,深化行政审批制度改革,最大限度减少中央政府对微观事务的管理。

    Further deepen the reform of administrative review and approval procedures , and reduce the central government 's control over market operations to a minimal level .

  4. 去年在经济面临困难的情况下,正是通过简政放权,激发了民间投资的潜力。

    Though the economy was operating under difficulties last year , we managed to unleash the potential of private investment through streamlining administration and delegating power .

  5. 简政放权等改革,极大地激发了市场活力、发展动力和社会创造力。

    The reform greatly invigorated the market and stimulated development and social creativity , and boosted our efforts to streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments .

  6. 简政放权、取消和下放行政审批事项,激发市场活力,让企业、社会更有创造力,就可以带动更多的就业。

    With administration streamlined and power delegated , some powers of administrative approval will be cancelled or delegated , which will energize the market and make the businesses and society more creative , thus generating more jobs .

  7. 农业科研单位优化人事管理机制应该遵循服务为本、执行政策、简政放权、规范管理、增强活力等5项原则。

    Five principles of the service as the base , the performance of police , simplified working processing and softening the terms , standardization management and strengthening activity should be obeyed in the reform of personnel management of agricultural research organization .

  8. 今年以来,中国政府继续带头自我革命,大幅度简政放权,推进市场化改革,让更多的人、更多的企业展现创造创新的活力。

    Since the beginning of this year , the Chinese government has continued to spearhead a self-targeted revolution by substantially streamlining administration and delegating powers and promoting market-based reforms so as to boost the vigor of creation and innovation for more individuals and businesses .

  9. 我想起去年在我们推进简政放权、商事制度改革的时候,我去一个地方的企业登记场所,遇到一位已经退休的妇女。

    Last year , when the government pursued the reform of the business systems to streamline its administration , I recall that I paid a visit to one of the local venues for business registration , and I came across a woman who was already retired .

  10. 十八届三中全会提出,要让市场在资源配置中发挥决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用,我想简政放权是重要的突破口、切入点。

    It was decided at the Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee that the market will play a decisive role in allocating resources and the government should better play its role . Streamlining administration and delegating powers is an important starting point in this direction .

  11. 必须以经济体制改革为重点全面深化改革,统筹兼顾,真抓实干,在牵动全局的改革上取得新突破,增强发展新动能。加大简政放权、放管结合改革力度。

    We must focus on economic structural reform as we comprehensively deepen reform , taking all things into consideration in planning , working solidly to deliver concrete outcomes , making new breakthroughs in areas that can boost development as a whole , and strengthening new momentum to drive development .