
  • 网络Management Coach;Managerial Coaching;Management Coach Course
  1. 如何成为一名优秀的管理教练

    How to Become an Excellent Management Coach

  2. “今晚你一定得回家,周五晚上,你要解雇你自己,”一个管理教练对她说。

    " You have to go home tonight , Friday evening , and you 've got to fire yourself ," a management coach told her .

  3. 20世纪90年代管理教练技术被引入中国。

    In the 1990s , managerial coaching was introduced into China .

  4. 多么棒,多么简单的建议,这是管理教练所提出来的。

    Wow , what an excellent simple advice from a management couch .

  5. 管理教练功能的多维结构及对员工绩效和工作满意度的影响研究

    Multi-dimensional Managerial Coaching Function and Its Impact on Employees ' Work Performance and Job Satisfaction

  6. 本研究开展了如下几项研究工作:(1)管理教练行为模型的构建研究。

    The research works in the paper present as follow : ( 1 ) The research on managerial coaching behavior model construction .

  7. 研究结果为提升管理教练行为有效性提供了途径。(3)管理教练行为的结果变量研究。

    These results provide the approaches for improving the effectiveness of managerial coaching behaviors . ( 3 ) The research on outcome variables of managerial coaching behavior .

  8. 此外,本研究还对教练者与被教练者的性别组成的调节作用,以及不同类型的被教练者在管理教练结果方面的差异进行了比较分析。

    In addition , the study tests the moderating effects of gender composition of coaching relationship , and the differences in coaching outcomes among different types of coachee .

  9. 在系统的文献回顾以及专家访谈的基础上,构建了管理教练行为的理论框架,并开发了《管理教练行为量表》。

    Based on systematical literature review and specialists interviews , the research constructs the theoretical framework of managerial coaching behavior , and develops the managerial coaching behavior questionnaire .

  10. 本文从管理教练基本定义、特点及三大要素等几方面阐述了一名优秀的管理教练应该具备的素质。

    The qualities that an excellent management coach should have are described in this paper from aspects of the definition , the characteristics and three essentiality of a management coach .

  11. Jokerit俱乐部的经理表示,芬兰为这项运动建立了可靠的体系,可以细分为初级、管理和教练体系。

    According to Jokerit Club 's manager , the country has a solid system for the game , which can be sub-divided into junior , management , and coaching systems .

  12. 负责管理队员的教练助手。

    An assistant football coach in charge of the linemen .

  13. 他们不怎么知道教练的角色,尽管我告诉他们管理者和教练之间的不同。

    They do not know much about coach role , although I give them information about difference between manager and coach .

  14. 不同于成熟的管理模式,教练技术作为一种新兴的管理模式和技术其本身在其诞生地&西方也尚处于快速的发展之中。

    Being different from mature management mode , as a new mode and technique , coaching is still in quick development in western countries , its birthplace .

  15. 公司的管理人员、教练人员在国内相关军、警安全保卫系统中具有相当的权威和知名度,同时也有着丰富的管理经验,在业内享有很高的声誉。

    The coaches engaged by the Company are experts in personal safeguard with rich training experiences and high reputations in this vocation and within and outside China .

  16. 在对于科技保障团队的需求程度方而,足协管理部门、教练组和队员对于医疗保障团队的需要程度均相对较高。

    In the degree of needs for science and technology service team , Chinese Football Association management department , coaches and players are highly need of medical service team .

  17. 格林说一些管理人员、教练组成员和球员和犯人们像在法庭上一样交谈,而当他在那儿的时候他喜欢和他们玩多米诺骨牌游戏。

    While some of the front office , coaching staff , and players take the court with the inmates , Green said he prefers to play dominoes while he 's there .

  18. 他不仅为全球卓越企业的高层领导者、CEO及其管理团队担任领导力教练,同时也是一位杰出的教育家和演说家,以及多部领导力著作和文献的作者。

    He is not only a senior leader , CEO and leadership coach of his team in excellent enterprise but also a outstanding educator , elocutionist and author of many famous leadership literatures .

  19. 球队的所有行政管理事务将有教练及管理层决定。

    All administrative affairs will be decided by team coach and managements .

  20. 甚至能够听到管理界人士发出教练是一种新的技术,还是一种新的生活方式?的感慨。

    Even people from the management asks , Whether coaching is a new technique , or a new lifestyle ?

  21. 基于人本管理健身企业对教练资源的开发与管理

    On the Development and Management of Fitness of Human Capital in Fitness Enterprise at the Angle of Theory of People-oriented Management

  22. 本文通过问卷调查和走访,从管理、训练、教练、后备运动员等方面入手,详细调查各方面数据,掌握第一手黑龙江省冰壶后备人才的相关信息。

    In this paper , through questionnaires , visit all Curling team of Heilongjiang Province . Detailed investigation of all aspects of data , e.g. management , training , coaches , reserve players . Predominate the first-hand information about reserve forces of Heilongjiang Province .