
  • 网络Millay;Millet;My Lai;Miley
  1. 是啊我就米莱写了篇论文

    Yep . I , uh , did a paper on Millay .

  2. 米莱:我是你过期的女友,只配喝这过期的可乐。

    Millay : I was your girlfriend expired , only drink it with Coke expired .

  3. 米莱、亨特和罗赛蒂是著名的拉斐尔前派画家。

    Millais , hunt and Rossetti were famous Pre-Raphaelite painters .

  4. 米莱图斯人一般都知道泰勒斯,就像一般纽约人都久闻爱因斯坦的大名一样。

    The average Miletian may have heard the mane of Thales , just as the average New Yorker has probably heard the name of Einstein .