
jǐn jí zhuànɡ tài
  • state of emergency
  1. 地震发生后政府已宣布进入紧急状态。

    The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake .

  2. 总统宣布了紧急状态。

    The president proclaimed a state of emergency .

  3. 政府下令进入紧急状态。

    The government decreed a state of emergency .

  4. 普利茅斯所有的医院都处于紧急状态之中。

    All the Plymouth hospitals are on red alert

  5. 该政府已宣布进入紧急状态。

    The government has declared a state of emergency .

  6. 卡杜纳州是尼日利亚最大的西红柿生产地,这种名为番茄斑潜蝇的昆虫破坏了那里80%的农场,致使当地政府宣布进入紧急状态。

    The insect , Tutaabsoluta , has destroyed 80 % of farms in Kaduna , Nigeria 's largest tomato producing state , leading the government there to declare a state of emergency .

  7. 这也正是为什么伦敦大学金史密斯学院的新任院长(WardenofGoldsmiths)——他们对负责人的称呼,决定采取这一举措。弗朗西斯·科纳教授表示,宣布气候紧急状态不能只是一片空话。

    Prof Frances Corner says declaring a climate emergency cannot be empty words .

  8. 东京所处的紧急状态将持续到9月12日。

    Tokyo is under a state of emergency through Sept. 12 .

  9. 东京目前正处于准紧急状态,直至7月11日。

    Tokyo has now shifted to a quasi-state of emergency until July 11 .

  10. 这是日本自疫情暴发以来第三次进入紧急状态。

    Prime . It marks the third state of emergency in Japan since the pandemic began .

  11. 7月8日,日本首相菅义伟确认东京奥运会将在紧急状态下举行。

    Earlier on Thursday , Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga had confirmed the Games would be held under a state of emergency .

  12. 日本政府表示,这次为期两周左右的紧急状态将会“短而有力”。

    The government said the state of emergency - set to last for about two weeks - would be " short and powerful " .

  13. 东京新一轮紧急状态将从7月12日持续到8月22日,持续16天的奥运会将在此期间举办。

    The new state of emergency for the capital will run from July 12 to August 22 -- covering the 16 days of the embattled Games in its entirety .

  14. 据《每日新闻》报道,在位于东京西南边160公里处的静冈市,所有93所学校都取消了观看残奥会的计划,因为该地区已于8月20日开始进入紧急状态。

    In Shizuoka , located about 160 kilometers southwest of Tokyo , all 93 schools have canceled their planned participation because of the state of emergency taking effect in the area beginning on Aug. 20 , according the Mainichi newspaper .

  15. 至此,日本国内已全部解除紧急状态,民众可以自由外出,企业恢复运营。

    With the decision covering Tokyo , the prefectures of Kanagawa , Chiba and Saitama , as well as Hokkaido in the north , Japan has now lifted the emergency imposed across the whole country , allowing citizens to go out freely and businesses to resume operations .

  16. 上星期一,州长ArnoldSchwarzenegger《阿诺施瓦辛格》在加州宣布财政紧急状态。

    Last Monday , Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a " fiscal emergency " in California .

  17. 提出了一种简单实用的方法,优化了基于MAS的自主移动机器人系统在紧急状态下的性能。

    This paper presents a simple and practical method to optimize the performance of the MAS-based autonomous mobile robot under urgency .

  18. 塞拉利昂总统欧内斯特·巴伊·科罗马(ErnestBaiKoroma)宣布全国进入公共卫生紧急状态。

    President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone declared a public health emergency .

  19. 为动员加州州政府所有机构,加州州长杰里•布朗(JerryBrown)已宣布该地区进入紧急状态。他警告说,当地还有可能发生余震,震区仍然存在火灾隐患。

    Jerry Brown , Governor of California , declared a state of emergency in the area , warning that aftershocks may continue and that there is still a risk of fires .

  20. 奥巴马总统宣布全国进入H1N1流感病毒传播紧急状态。这意味着将为医疗设施取消繁文缛节。

    President Obama declaring a national emergency over the spread of the H1N1 flu virus , that declaration is meant to cut through red tape for health care facilities .

  21. 正压控制的设计原则和方法;楼梯间的通风设计以及紧急状态下HVAC系统的运行逻辑设计。

    It mainly deals with the design method and principle of fire damper , positive pressure control , ventilation of stair room and running logic of HVAC in emergence situation .

  22. 飓风“Henri”正在向美国逼近,促使纽约当局宣布进入紧急状态。

    Hurricane Henri is making its way towards the U.S. prompting the authorities in New York to declare a state of emergency .

  23. 叙利亚总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)已经宣布,长期存在的紧急状态法律将于下周解除。

    The President of Syria , Bashar al-Assad , has announced that long-standing emergency laws will be lifted in the next week .

  24. DozensdieinBalkanheatwave巴尔干热浪使数十人死亡腐烂的垃圾可能会与暴热一起席卷雅典似乎要将巴尔干地区烤焦了的热浪本周已使数十人丧生,本地区应急部门都进入紧急状态。

    Athens may be hit with rotting rubbish as well as heat A heatwave scorching the Balkan region this week has killed dozens of people and put the region 's emergency services on full alert .

  25. 马里兰州已宣布进入紧急状态。州长拉里霍根(LarryHogan)表示,5000名国民警卫队官兵及另外5000名来自其他州的警察已被调往巴尔的摩。

    A state of emergency has been declared and Larry Hogan , governor , said 5,000 National Guard troops and another 5,000 police from other states had been called to Baltimore .

  26. 他们表示,目前20%的火势已经受到控制。州长ArnoldSchwarzenegger宣布St.Bernardino郡进入紧急状态。调查人员仍然在调查起火原因。

    They say it 's about 20 % contained . Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared the state of emergency in St. Bernardino County and investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the fire .

  27. 厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔•科雷亚(RafaelCorrea)宣布该国进入紧急状态,他中断了对罗马的访问,敦促厄瓜多尔人在当局处理这场灾难的时候保持坚强。

    Rafael Correa , Ecuador 's president , declared a national emergency and cut short a visit to Rome , as he urged Ecuadoreans to stay strong while authorities handle the disaster .

  28. 美国已有约20人确诊为猪流感,尽管无人病情严重。美国国土安全部长珍尼特纳波利塔诺(JanetNapolitano)昨日宣布,美国进入公共卫生紧急状态。

    Janet Napolitano , homeland security secretary , yesterday declared a public health emergency in the US as about 20 people there were confirmed to have been infected , though none is seriously ill .

  29. 上个月,里约州代理州长弗朗西斯科•多内列斯(FranciscoDornelles)宣布该州进入紧急状态。他说资金不足有可能让“公共安全、医疗、教育、交通和环境管理全面崩溃”。

    Last month , the acting governor of Rio de Janeiro , Francisco Dornelles , declared a state of emergency , claiming that a lack of money threatened " a total collapse in public security , health , education , transport and environmental management . "

  30. 发生遇险或紧急状态时,应将应答机编码放置A7700。

    The code of transponder shall be set to A7700 in case of distress or emergency situation .