
hóng lì
  • dividend;bonus;extra dividend;divvy
红利 [hóng lì]
  • (1) [bonus]∶参加集体生产单位的个人所得的额外收益

  • (2) [extra dividend]∶企业分给股东的利润

红利[hóng lì]
  1. 公司提供红利,作为提高生产速度和效率的刺激。

    The company offers a bonus as an incentive to greater speed and efficiency in production .

  2. 老板答应如果我们做成这笔生意,他就给我们每人一份红利。

    The boss said if we could swing this deal he 'd give each of us a bonus .

  3. 支付现金红利制度可能被人钻空子。

    The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse .

  4. 由于征收新税,年度红利减少了30%。

    The new tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent .

  5. 该公司将很大一部分利润用作红利。

    The company pays out a large share of its profits in dividends .

  6. 利润和红利的增长看上去会在较长时间内维持在平均水平之上。

    Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future .

  7. 虽然大多数国家的军事支出在降低,但和平红利并没有兑现。

    The peace dividend has not materialised despite military spending going down in most countries .

  8. 红利股票的高收益率对私人投资者极具吸引力。

    The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors .

  9. 这些红利会在10年后存款到期时支付。

    These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years ' time .

  10. 这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的红利。

    These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders .

  11. 增长了8%后,最终的红利将会保持在20.7便士的水平。

    The final dividend will be held at 20.7p , after an 8 per cent increase .

  12. 该年的红利总计达5万美元。

    Dividends for the year amounted in the aggregate to $ 50 , 000 .

  13. B:除保险之外,您还可以从保险公司得到多少不等的红利,这要看它的经营效益。

    B : Besides insurance for you , you can also get more or less dividend from Insurance Company based on its beneficial result of management .

  14. B:存款利息是固定的,而保险红利在每个保单年度末自动转到您的账户上,而且期限越长红利越多,因为它是按复利计算的。

    B : The deposit interest is fixed , while the dividend of each policy will be transferred automatically into your account through our bank by the end of each policy year . The longer the term is , the higher the dividend you earn because it is calculated at the compound interest rate .

  15. 双人学科(P)的-红利魔法伤害不能被阻塞。

    Twin Disciplines ( P ) - Bonus magic damage cannot be blocked .

  16. 新的法律从失败的CEO们身上撤除巨额红利和发薪日,

    The new law takes away big bonuses and paydays from failed CEOs ,

  17. 瑞士信贷集团CEO杜德恒:现金红利、工资和股票共计1790万美元。

    Brady Dougan , Credit Suisse CEO , $ 17.9 million in cash bonus , salary and stock .

  18. 这个分红规则叙述如下:每当盈余超过一个给定的正整数b,保险公司就把超出b以上的盈余作为红利支付给股东。

    The dividend policy is that when the surplus is bigger than a positive integer b , the insurer pays out all of the surplus over b as dividends .

  19. CapitalOneFinancial的CEO费尔班克(RichardFairbank):获得了975万美元的股票期权,但无现金红利和工资。

    Richard Fairbank , Capital One Financial CEO , was awarded $ 9.75 million in stock options , but no cash bonus or salary .

  20. 美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)CEO谢诺(KennethI.Chenault):1740万美元,主要是现金红利和股票。

    Kenneth I. Chenault , American Express CEO , $ 17.4 million largely in cash bonus and equity payments .

  21. 一类具有新红利界限的Erlang(2)风险模型

    A kind of erlang ( 2 ) risk model with new dividend barrier

  22. AIG首席执行官利迪向财政部长盖特纳保证说,该公司2009年的奖金红利将降低30%。

    Seeking to reassure the Treasury Secretary , AIG 's Liddy said the company would reduce its bonuses in2009 by30 percent .

  23. 一些AIG的管理人员已经退回发放的红利,同时国会也正在考虑立法对高红利征收异常高税率。

    Some AIG executives have returned the bonuses they received , while Congress ponders legislation that would tax the bonuses at an exceptionally high rate .

  24. 但是,世纪佳缘尚未透露IPO发行数量和发行价格。公司将募集资金用于偿付优先股股东的未支付红利和一般性公司用途。

    Has not revealed its IPO size and price range in the prospectus , saying that financed capitals will be used to pay dividends to preferred shareholders and for general purpose .

  25. 基于考虑股票不支付红利和支付连续红利的两种情况,本文给出了欧式期权风险指标var的计算公式。

    Based on study of two different cases , stock without payment of bonus and stock with payment of successive bonus , this paper gives formula of Europe style option risk index var.

  26. 花旗集团的stevenwieting预测,企业红利和股份回购将会在来年出现飙升的场面。

    Steven wieting of Citigroup projects that both dividends and share repurchases will rise sharply next year .

  27. 阿里表示,甚至只是把一半的外汇储备,投资于收益率高出500个基点的工具,这些国家将得到500亿美元的财政红利,大约相当于本地区GDP的0.8%。

    By investing even half their reserves in instruments yielding an extra 500 basis points such countries would generate a $ 50bn fiscal dividend equivalent to about 0.8 per cent of regional GDP , Mr Ali said .

  28. 印度许多经济评论员认为,虽然深化结构改革再好不过,但凭借“人口红利”(demographicdividend),要维持8%或更高的增长速度也是能做到的。

    Many Indian economic commentators say that further structural reforms , though desirable , are not essential to keep the economy growing at8 % or more because of the " demographic dividend " .

  29. 带红利的两类索赔风险模型的Gerber-Shiu函数提出索赔,要求索赔

    On the Gerber-Shiu Functions for a Risk Model with Dividends Involving Two Classes of Insurance Risks

  30. 在EVA与薪酬激励的融合上,论文重点分析了EVA薪酬激励方案的具体设计&EVA红利计划和EVA股票期权,并就融合中可能出现的问题提出了解决建议。

    On the integration of EVA into compensation incentive , the paper analyzes specific design & EVA Bonus Plan and EVA Stock Options , and provides suggestions to possible problem in the process of integration .