
  • 网络lateritic nickel ore;nickel laterite ore;nickel ore;laterite
  1. 开发中国特色红土镍矿冶炼工艺建设现代化镍铁厂

    Develop China characteristic lateritic nickel ore smelting process and construct modern ferronickel factorys

  2. 红土镍矿具有含镍低、矿石组成复杂、风化现象严重等特点,决定了处理红土镍矿工艺复杂、成本高,到目前为止还没有得到合理的开发利用。

    Because of the nickel laterite ore containing low-nickel ore complex composition , weathering a serious phenomenon and dealing with this type of nickel silicate minerals process is very complex and cost high , so far it has not been reasonable exploited .

  3. 红土镍矿在NaOH亚熔盐体系中的预脱硅

    Pre-desilication of laterite in NaOH sub-molten salt system

  4. 高浓度NaOH浸出红土镍矿中SiO2的研究

    Study on Extraction of SiO_2 from Nickel Laterite Ore Through Leaching by High Concentration NaOH Solution

  5. 红土镍矿电炉还原熔炼镍铁合金的研究红土矿还原生产镍铁熔炼条件的研究

    Study on Extracting Ferronickel from Laterite Ores by Electric Furnace Reduction Smelting

  6. 世界红土镍矿资源开发及其湿法冶金技术的进展

    Development of Exploitation and Hydrometallurgical Processes of Nickel Laterite Resources in the World

  7. 重要有色金属资源&红土镍矿的现状与开发

    Important Laterite Nickel Ore Resources in the World : Present Situation and Exploitation

  8. 从红土镍矿中回收镍的工艺研究进展

    Research Development on Nickel Recovery Technologies from Nickel-bearing Laterite

  9. 我国虽有一定量的红土镍矿,但品位较低。

    China owns certain amounts of nickel-bearing laterites , but the grade is relatively low .

  10. 世界红土镍矿冶炼厂调查

    Investigation of world Laterite-nickel Ore smelter

  11. 以红土镍矿为原料,采用碱熔融-碳酸化分解方法制备出白炭黑产品。

    Silica white was prepared from laterite nickel ore by the method of molten NaOH-carbonization decomposition .

  12. 红土镍矿作为重要的镍资源,其冶金工艺受到越来越多的关注。

    Nickel laterite is an important resource , and its metallurgical processes have attracted more and more attentions .

  13. 随着高品位硫化镍矿的开采枯竭,低品位红土镍矿的利用日益受到关注。

    With the high-grade nickel sulphide mining depletion , low-grade nickel laterite of increasing concern to be used .

  14. 随着世界镍需求的不断攀升和硫化镍矿资源的逐渐枯竭,对于红土镍矿的研究迫在眉睫。

    With the increasing need of nickel and decreasing of sulfide nickel resources , the study on nickel laterites is obvious .

  15. 本文介绍了红土镍矿资源特点,分析了红土镍矿主要品质评价指标。

    The paper describes the resource characteristics of nickel-bearing laterite , analysis the main quality item of the nickel-bearing laterite to evaluate it .

  16. 随着硫化镍矿资源的日趋枯竭,红土镍矿的开发利用开始得到国内外关注。

    With the sulfide nickel ore resources dry up day by day , the development of laterite nickel ore has been cared about .

  17. 本文对某红土镍矿制镍后产生的含硫酸镁废液制备氢氧化镁工艺进行了研究。

    In this dissertation , the preparation processes of magnesium hydroxide by utilizing magnesium sulfate wastewater generated from the nickel production of laterite were investigated .

  18. 稀盐酸溶液还原浸出红土镍矿的研究减压膜蒸馏从稀土氯化物溶液中回收盐酸

    Reduction Leaching of Lateritic Nickel by Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Solution Study on hydrochloric acid recovery from chloride solutions of rare earth by vacuum membrane distillation

  19. 介绍了一种利用台车连续炉,以红土镍矿为原料,煤粉为还原剂,生产镍铁金属化球团的方法。

    This paper introduces a method of producing metallization pellet with laterite nickel ore as raw material and coal as a reductant in car bottom continuous furnace .

  20. 作为两种主要冶炼镍金属或镍合金的方法之一,用红土镍矿通过火法冶炼镍合金在国内逐渐得到重视。

    As one of the two processes of smelting nickle metal or nickle alloy , the pyrometallurgical process to smelt nickle alloy from laterite ore was paid more and more attention .

  21. 随着世界上硫化镍矿资源日趋枯竭,开发利用红土镍矿是未来镍业发展的方向。

    With the sulfide nickel ore in the world resources dry up day by day , the development of laterite-nickel ore will be the main direction of nickel industry in future .

  22. 随着可用于火法处理的含镍钴的硫化矿逐渐枯竭,使得适用于湿法处理的红土镍矿的研究已经受到了越来越多的关注。

    With the depletion of the nickel and cobalt contained sulfide ore which is easy treated by pyrometallurgical processes , more attentions have been paid on the treating of nickel laterite by hydrometallurgical processes .

  23. 在微波辅助的条件下,采用硫酸直接浸出红土镍矿中的镍和钴,探讨了浸出过程中各种单因素:时间、硫酸浓度、浸出温度和微波功率等对镍和钴浸出率的影响。

    The effects of reaction time , sulphuric acid concentration , temperature and microwave power on the recoveries of nickel and cobalt from laterite ore with sulphuric acid under the effect of microwave irradiation were studied .

  24. 目前,由于不锈钢产业的迅猛发展,全球对金属镍的需求不断增加,然而硫化镍矿资源日益匮乏,使得镍产量的扩大将主要来源于红土镍矿。

    Owning to the rapidly development of stainless steel industry , the demand of nickel greatly increases all over the world . However , the increasingly scarcity of nickel sulphide ore resourses make the enlargement of nickel production mainly rely on nickel laterite .

  25. 红土镍矿硫酸浸出沉镍后产生的大量硫酸镁废液不但污染环境,而且使得潜在价值较高的镁资源不能得到有效利用,大大降低了红土镍矿的资源综合利用率。

    Large amount of magnesium sulfate waste solution generated from sulfuric acid leaching of laterite nickel ore will not only pollute the environment , but also make the higher potential value of magnesium sulfate as a resource could not used effectively , greatly reducing the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources .

  26. 红土型镍矿项目的经济性探讨

    Economic Discussion Of Laterite Nickel Project

  27. 菲律宾吕宋岛红土型镍矿地质特征及勘查开发进展

    Geologic Characteristics and Exploration & Utilization Progress of Laterite Nickel Deposits in Luzon Island , Philippines

  28. 世界红土型镍矿开发和高压酸浸技术应用

    Status of exploitation of laterite type nickel ore and application of high pressure acid leaching technology in the world