
hónɡ shān wén huà
  • Hongshan culture
  1. 红山文化中玉鸟的图像学意义与艺术风格

    Jade Bird 's Meaning and Arts Style in the Hongshan Culture

  2. 红山文化勾云形类玉器文化意义再探讨

    Study on the Hongshan Culture 's Hook-Cloud shaped Sort of Jades

  3. 对红山文化玉三孔器的再认识

    A Reinterpretation of the Hongshan Culture Jade Article with Three Bores

  4. 试掘一些遗址,命名了红山文化。

    And try on excavating some sites , name Hong Shan culture .

  5. 红山文化区域生产方式的两次转变

    Two Significant Changes of Production Forms in The Red Mountain Culture Region

  6. 台湾收藏的红山文化玉器雏议

    Views on Jade Ware of HongShan Civilization Preserved in Taiwan

  7. 红山文化坛、庙、冢与中国古代宗庙、陵寝的起源

    Hongshan Culture and the Origin of Chinese Ancient Ancestral Temple and Mausoleum

  8. 龙毫无疑问,就是出自东北地区的红山文化。

    Long There is no doubt that the Hongshan culture from the Northeast .

  9. 红山文化勾云形玉佩的再解读

    Re-study on the Cloud-shaped Jade Ornaments of Hongshan Culture

  10. 笔者对这一时期的玉器及所代表的红山文化做一简单研究。

    The author does a simple research on this period of jade culture .

  11. 红山文化古玉器到底有多少?

    How many does the Hongshan-Culture ancient jade have ?

  12. 红色(英文)岫岩软玉与红山文化

    Xiuyan Soft Jade and the Red Mountain Culture

  13. 红山文化玉器的多样化说明原始宗教崇拜的发端亦在东北;

    The variety of Hongshan jade wares illustrates the primitive religion worship originated from Northeast .

  14. 红山文化碧玉龙

    The Culture of Hong Shan Jade Dragon

  15. 考古发现的红山文化遗址中所包含的文化遗存极具研究价值。

    The relic which was discovered in archaeological sites of Hongshan culture is worth researching .

  16. 红山文化玉器艺术赏析

    Appreciation of Jade Art of Hongshan Culture

  17. 红山文化玉器研究综述

    A Summary of Study on Hongshan Jade

  18. 红山文化区域生产方式经历了农牧交替的两次重大转变。

    The production modes in the Red Mountain Culture region have undergone two significant changes .

  19. 因此我们说,由于这一特殊原因,散失民间的红山文化玉器已远远超过考古所发现数量。

    Thus exact quantity of Hongshan Culture jade existing is significant for both collection and research .

  20. 红山文化的唯玉为葬与辽河文明起源特征再认识

    The Exclusive Interment of Jade in the Hongshan Culture and a Reconsideration of the Liaohe Civilization

  21. 铜石并用时代考古学文化有红山文化(6500&5000B.P.)

    The period of Age of copper and stone both used includes : Hongshan culture ( 6500-5000 B.P. )

  22. 在红山文化的农业生产工具中,数量最多的是石刀和石耜。

    " Hongshan culture " of the agricultural means of production , is the largest number of Shidao and Shek Si .

  23. 红山文化证明东北是玉文化的发祥地&兼谈岫玉对玉文化的贡献

    Hongshan Culture Proved that Northeast was the Birthplace of the Jade Culture & Xiuyan Jade 's Contribution to the Jade Culture

  24. 在红山文化区域,先后发现+、■形的考古实例和各种变体。

    It had been discovered of archaeological examples and many variant of " + " and "■" in Hongshan culture region .

  25. 红山文化是位于我国北方西辽河地区的一支重要的原始文化。

    Hongshan culture is a important prehistoric culture which is located in the area of western Liaohe River in northern China .

  26. 世界最早的文化,中国红山文化,比古代埃及文化要早一倍的时间。

    The world earliest culture , the Chinese Hongshan culture , compared ancient times the Egyptian culture to early time of time .

  27. 良渚和红山文化中神缘关系的充分发展使其成为典型的“祭祀国家”。

    The God fate relationship is the social infrastructure and power mechanisms of the formation and development of " worshipping states " .

  28. 商代的玉器在继承红山文化和良渚文化玉器的基础上,与青铜器艺术互为借鉴,互为影响。

    Inheriting the Hongshan Culture and the Liangzhu Culture jade carving , the jade carving in the Shang dynasty boasts its own features .

  29. 红山文化古玉器,朴拙而智慧的艺术造型;精湛而独特的加工工艺;神秘而深厚的文化内涵;这一切,无不为世人所震惊。

    The ancient jade articles shock people all around the world for its amazing artistic style as well as its beautiful craftwork and mystification .

  30. 它们充分的考古学实证向世人昭示:红山文化社会是新石器时代中国北方较为先进的经济社会。

    Their full archaeological evidence proves that the Hongshan Culture society is the more advanced economic society in north of China in Neolithic Age .