
  • 网络Hongdou Group;Hodo
  1. “柬埔寨人Wentao是在红豆集团经营的一家纺织厂工作的当地人之一,红豆集团是该经济区的主要中国投资方。

    Wentao , a Cambodian national , is one of a number of locals who works at a textile factory run by Hodo Group , a major Chinese investor in the economic area .

  2. 他说他在红豆集团工作的五年改变了他的人生。

    He says his 5 years as an employee of Hodo has changed his life .

  3. 红豆集团总裁周海江表示,工业区给每个参与者都带来了好处。

    Zhou Haijiang , director of Hodo Group says the industrial zone provides benefits to everyone involved .

  4. 他说在他正式成为该公司的员工之前,红豆集团为他提供了两年的培训,培训地点就在该公司出资建立的一个机构,他不仅在那儿掌握了他的工作技能,还学会了中文。

    He says that before he formally became an employee , Hodo provided him with two years of training at an institution funded by the company , where he his work skills , the Chinese language .