
  • 网络york university;The University of York;York College
  1. KeithHartley在英国约克大学国防经济学中心工作。

    Keith Hartley is from the Centre for Defense Economics at Britain 's University of York .

  2. 28岁的SandraYoo走的是一条不同的道路:她知道,父母负担不起自己的留学费用,因此她先在中国念完本科,然后赴约克大学(UniversityofYork)攻读了一个一年期公共经济学硕士学位。

    Sandra Yoo , 28 , took a different approach : she knew her family could not afford a foreign undergraduate degree , so she studied in China first and then went to the University of York for a one-year master 's in public economics .

  3. 我最终进了约克大学。

    I eventually got a place at York University

  4. 约克大学的研究团队对来自全英国83个诊所的691位抑郁症患者进行了随机的对照实验。

    A team of researchers from the University of Y ork conducted a randomized control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England .

  5. 两年后,他搬到了多伦多的约克大学(yorkuniversity),这样他就可以在一个顶尖的金融中心工作。

    He then moved to York University in Toronto two years later so he could work in a leading financial centre .

  6. 你可能会认为,就一项社会计划进行试验要比在医学领域困难得多,但约克大学试验研究组(yorktrialsunit)主任托格森却告诉我,事实恰恰相反。

    You might think it is far harder to run a trial on a social programme than in medicine , but torgerson , director of the York trials unit , tells me the opposite is true .

  7. 约克大学(YorkUniversity)舒立克商学院(SchulichSchoolofBusiness)毕业生2015年(该校上榜的最后一年)的平均薪资为8.7万美元,比2002年的8.8万美元还低。

    Alumni from Schulich School of Business at York University had a smaller average salary in 2015 at $ 87000 - the last year the school was ranked - than in 2002 , when it was $ 88000 .

  8. 约克大学(yorkuniversity)计算机科学讲师克里斯金布尔(chriskimble)表示,能够通过电子手段完成的工作非常有限,因此必须进行“现实空间”的交流。

    There is a limit to what can be accomplished electronically before interaction in " meatspace " must take place , says Chris Kimble , a lecturer in computer science at York University .

  9. 来自多伦多约克大学的EllenBialystok解释道,双语儿童在执行行动优先排序的任务时表现比单语儿童要好。

    Ellen Bialystok , from Toronto 's York University , explained that bilingual children are better at tasks than .

  10. Bialystock是加拿大多伦多约克大学的心理学教授。

    Ms. Bialystock is a psychology professor at York University in Toronto , Canada .

  11. 为了评价EOSS,多伦多约克大学的JenniferL.Kuk博士和他的同事对得克萨斯一家诊所的数千名病人进行了研究。

    To the EOSS , Jennifer L. Kuk , PhD , of Toronto 's York University , and colleagues examined thousands of patient records from a clinic in Texas .

  12. 英国约克大学新型农业产品中心的DiannaBowles说,黄花蒿“不是一种能耐恶劣环境的作物”,特别是在某些地理区域。

    Dianna Bowles of the Centre for Novel Agricultural Products at the UK-based University of York , said that A.annua " is not a robust crop ", particularly in certain geographic locations .

  13. 来在约克大学的OttolineLeyser称,当植物被修剪之后,所有被阻碍生长的茎尖将互相竞争以便生长。

    Ottoline Leyser from the University of York says that after a plant is pruned , all the inhibited shoot tips compete with each other to grow .

  14. 她在老师的建议下申请了约克大学。

    She applied to York University on the advice of her teacher .

  15. 她在约克大学读经济学三年级。

    She 's in her third year of economics at York university .

  16. 他毕业于约克大学,获心理学学士学位。

    He graduated from York with a degree in Psychology .

  17. 从约克大学看加拿大高等教育

    From York University to see the Canadian Higher Education

  18. 这是约克大学生物学系的网站。

    This is the website for Department of Biology , University of York .

  19. 约克大学有条件录取通知书;

    Conditional offer of the University of york ;

  20. 比亚斯托是加拿大约克大学的心理学教授。

    Ms. Biaystock is a psychology professor at York University in Toronto , Canada .

  21. 苏菲·盖德是约克大学的毕业班学生,她在柏林博物馆发现了这幅画作。

    Sophie Gadd , in her final year at the University of York , spotted the artwork in a Berlin museum .

  22. 在一项研究中,约克大学的研究团队将人们在《英雄联盟》中的表现和标准书面智商测试中的得分做了比较。

    In one study , the York team matched performance in League of Legends with scores from standard pen-and-paper intelligence tests .

  23. 此问卷针对约克大学在校学生,调查这个顾客群体对于在校园内开设中国食品超市的态度,以及购买倾向。

    This survey is being carried out to find out what is the customer behavior , motivations and buying power of luxury goods .

  24. 约克大学的学生在一次全国范围的调查中,对其课程的教学质量给了高分。

    Students at the University of York have given high marks to the quality of teaching on their courses in a major national survey .

  25. 英国补充替代医学研究的主要机构(二)&利兹大学、威斯敏斯特大学和约克大学

    Major institutions conducting researches on complementary and alternative medicine in the United Kingdom : University of Leeds , University of Westminster and University of York

  26. 约克大学社会语言学专家保罗·凯斯维尔说,随着英语的演化,一些拗口的单词已经渐渐进化发展,但是一些很难发音的单词依然存在。

    University of York sociolinguistics expert Professor Paul Kerswill said the English language has evolved to compensate for tricky pronunciations but some words remain a challenge .

  27. 在2007年全国学生调查中,约克大学的学生们对课程的组织与管理给予了赞扬,同时对大学所提供的教学资源也给予了很高的评价。

    They also used the2007 National Student Survey to praise both the organisation and management of their courses , and the learning resources that the University provides .

  28. 国家学生调查活动是允许学生发现大学中哪些方面有待提高的关键。约克大学学生会期望与大学有前瞻性的合作来传递结果。

    The National Student Survey is key to allowing students to identify areas for improvement and YUSU looks forward to working proactively with the university to deliver results .

  29. 英国约克大学和美国哈佛医学院联合在《神经科学杂志》刊登的研究论文称,睡眠能够兼修学习能力和记忆能力。

    A new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience by researchers at the University of York and Harvard Medical School suggests that sleep may help to do both .

  30. 我们对于今年的结果很满意,约克大学的总体结果与2006年一样好,而且显示出在某些方面我们的大学是有进步的。

    We are pleased that this year , the University 's overall results were at least as good as those of2006 , and showed marked improvements in several areas .