
  • 网络josephson effect
  1. 超导桥约瑟夫森效应的微观理论

    A microscopic theory of the Josephson effect in superconducting bridges

  2. 约瑟夫森效应及其应用的探讨

    The theory and the application of josephson effect

  3. Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8高温超导薄膜中的本征约瑟夫森效应

    Intrinsic Josephson effects in tl_2ba_2cacu_2o_8 high-t_c superconducting thin films

  4. SQUID是超导物理中著名约瑟夫森效应的一种具体应用,是目前大多数超导电子学应用的基础。

    Physically , SQUID is a specific application of the famous Josephson effects in superconducting physics . This device is really the basis of most superconducting electronics applications at present .

  5. 双势阱中Tonks-Girardeau气体的约瑟夫森效应研究

    The Josephson Effects of Tonks-Girardeau Gas in a Double-Well Potential

  6. 基于高温超导本征约瑟夫森效应的新型两端恒流器件

    Two-terminal constant current devices based on HTS intrinsic Josephson effects

  7. 约瑟夫森效应的一种初等阐述

    An elementary presentation of Josephson effect

  8. 本文应用量子力学的基本原理论述了Josephson'effect(约瑟夫森效应)。

    This paper , discusses Josephson 's effect in light of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics .

  9. 约瑟夫森效应红外探测器

    Josephson effect infrared detector

  10. 提出一种利用交流约瑟夫森效应直接测量自由电子激光频率的方法。

    A method for direct measuring the frequency of a free electron laser using AC Josephson effect is presented .

  11. 超导体最直接的应用是无电阻传输大电流,最神奇的部分则是以约瑟夫森效应为基础的超导电子学技术。

    The directly application of superconductor is great electric current with nonresistant transmition and the uniquely application is the superconducting electronics which is based on Josephson effect .

  12. 在二维薄膜,氧化物特别是铁磁氧化物薄膜和高温超导氧化物薄膜由于尺寸效应而呈现诸多有趣而且有潜在应用价值的现象,如巨磁阻效应,约瑟夫森效应等。

    Likewise , two-dimensional films , especially ferromagnetism oxide films and high temperature superconductors , also exhibit a myriad of interesting and applicable behaviors owing to the size effect , such as colossal magnet resistance ( CMR ), Josephson effect , and so forth .

  13. 其主要工作和结果为:在第一章中,简要的介绍了超导体的研究进展,超导隧道结中的Andreev反射特性,约瑟夫森电流效应以及研究超导隧道结中约瑟夫森电流的理论方法。

    Its main research and result are as follows : In chapter one , some fundamental conceptions are introduced , including the development of the study for superconductors ' properties , Andreev reflection properties and Josephson current effect in the superconductor tunnel junctions .

  14. 混沌学在非线性科学领域中具有重要的地位,近年来约瑟夫森结及其效应也是在混沌领域中人们研究的热点。

    Chaos has an important position in the field of nonlinear science , Josephson junction and its effect is also hot spots in the chaotic field in recent years .

  15. 用初等方法导出了约瑟夫森公式,阐述了约瑟夫森效应及其简单应用。

    Josephson formulas are derived by an elementary method , Josephson effects and their simple applications are introduced .

  16. 约瑟夫森结型辐射热计约瑟夫森结的电感效应及新型可调谐滤波器

    Inductance Effect of Josephson Junctions and a New Type of Tunable Filter