
jí bié
  • level;grade;rating;rank;scale;standing
级别 [jí bié]
  • [rating;grade;level;rank] 等级差别;等级的高低次序

级别[jí bié]
  1. 他佩戴标示级别的肩章,上面有中士的V形标志。

    He wore shoulderstrap rank slides with sergeant 's chevrons .

  2. 她拒绝把科林由“法律顾问”这一低级别往上提。

    She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of ' legal adviser ' .

  3. 英语在这一级别是必修科目。

    English is a compulsory subject at this level .

  4. 他们与我们不属同一个级别。

    They 're in a different league from us .

  5. 在高级别公务员中,女性仍然寥寥无几。

    There are still few women in the upper reaches of the civil service .

  6. 这样重大的事件谅必应进行更高级别的讨论吧?

    Surely such weighty matters merit a higher level of debate ?

  7. 在当天最高级别的赛马中有18匹马参加。

    There are 18 runners in the top race of the day .

  8. 在舰船上,级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。

    The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship .

  9. 他已赢得了超过25次国际级别赛事的胜利。

    He had notched up more than 25 victories worldwide

  10. 这两家伦敦的俱乐部是该级别里仅存的保持不败的球队。

    The two London clubs are the only undefeated teams in the division .

  11. 这将是他第五个世界冠军,第三个成人级别赛事的冠军。

    This will be his fifth international championship and his third at senior level .

  12. 她给他找了一个级别很高的闲职:国会图书馆研究员。

    She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library of Congress .

  13. 我们知道在温布利不会顺风顺水,因为在这一级别就没有轻松的比赛。

    We know it won 't be plain sailing at Wembley because there are no easy games at this level .

  14. 在部队里级别越高,最后就越有可能去做文职工作。

    The more senior you become in the forces , the more likely you are to end up in a desk job .

  15. 他比同一级别的大多数军官年长5岁,因此他决心积极努力来弥补过去损失的时间。

    Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank , he was determined to make up for lost time .

  16. 这样做会打乱工资级别制度。

    That would upset the wage differential .

  17. 它们被仔细地分成各种级别。

    They are carefully graded .

  18. 陆军中校比少校级别高。

    A lieutenant colonel ranks above a major .

  19. 她的级别比我高。

    She is above me in rank .

  20. 仲裁不实行级别管辖和地域管辖。

    The jurisdiction by level system and the district jurisdiction system shall not apply in arbitration .

  21. 该级别的邮轮共有三艘,分别是奥林匹克号、不列颠号和泰坦尼克号。

    The Olympic class included the Olympic , the Britannic and the Titanic .

  22. 事实上,消费者对级别最低的一星级机构给出了相比于五星级杌构更高的满意度。

    As a matter of fact , consumers expressed higher satisfaction with the one-star facilities , the lowest rated , than with the five-star ones .

  23. Lionfood(狮子食)指中层管理岗或者类似级别行政职位的人。为什么要用lionfood来指代中层管理人员呢?据说这背后有个小故事。

    Lion food refers to anyone in middle management or a similar administrative position .

  24. 今年的巴斯电影节期间将出现一个新的电影分级类别——女权主义级别电影(或称F级电影),意在凸显电影行业中女性工作者缺乏的现状。

    A new feminist1 film classification , f-rated film , is to be used at this year 's Bath Film Festival to highlight the lack of women working in the movie industry .

  25. 分层结构中,一个项的从属级别。

    The degree of subordination of an item in an hierarchic arrangement .

  26. 10.全球公共卫生高级别会议

    high-level meeting on international public health security

  27. 在美国,立法机构分为地方、州和联邦三个级别。

    In the United States there are legislatures at the local , State , and Federal levels .

  28. 在这里,整个部落分为两个级别:克洛基和库米德

    Here the whole tribe is divided into two great exogamous classes or moieties , Kroki and Kumite .

  29. 河南省和郑州市防汛抗旱总指挥部均将防汛应急响应级别提升为Ⅰ级。

    Both Henan provincial and Zhengzhou municipal flood control and drought relief headquarters have raised the emergency response for meteorological disasters to level I.

  30. 当事人可就重审案件的判决或裁定进行上诉。通常当事人有权向至少高一级别的法院上诉。

    The litigants from the retrial . Generally a party has the right to appeal any judgment to at least one higher court .