
chún lì rùn
  • net profit after paying dividends to shareholders, etc.
  1. 纯利润上升了16.1%。

    Net profit was up 16.1 % .

  2. 去年,这个集团的纯利润率为30%。

    The group had a net profit margin of 30 % last year .

  3. 他们得到了一小部分纯利润以及电影演职人员字幕中的署名权。

    They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit .

  4. 到目前为止,让我们不要尝试处理纯利润方面的ROI问题。

    So for now , let 's not attempt to address the ROI issue in terms of pure profit .

  5. 据航空公司的游说团体TakeTravelForward表示,全球的航空公司每年要付70亿美元给GDS,这是他们期待今年达到30亿美元纯利润的一倍多。

    According to Take Travel Forward , an airlines ' lobby group , the world 's carriers pay $ 7 billion in GDS fees a year-more than double their expected net profits this year of $ 3 billion .

  6. 换句话说,这项收入中很大一部分就是纯利润。

    In other words , they are pretty much pure profit .

  7. 你方可以把纯利润汇往国外。

    You 're allowed to remit your net profit to foreign countries .

  8. 纯利润率值至少在10%,才被认为是好的。

    A net profit margin of at least 10 percent is considered good .

  9. 赢利又分主要两种:总利润和纯利润。

    There are two main types of profit : Gross profit and net profit .

  10. 纯利润是用收入(也叫收益)减去所有公司支出。

    Net profit is income ( also called revenue ) less all of the company expenses .

  11. (金融)在一个指定日期商业纯利润的户头。

    ( finance ) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date .

  12. 该公司去年的销售额增加了,其纯利润也相应增加了。

    The company 's sales increased last year ; accordingly , its net profit increased , too .

  13. 纯利润是衡量公司健康运做与否的一个最重要的数据。

    Net profit is the most important figure for working out if a company is healthy or not .

  14. 要留心至少最近10年此公司总利润和纯利润的情况。

    Take care to look at the gross and net profit figures for at least the last three years .

  15. 该方案用门店特定商品的纯利润作为专家评分,构造专家目标矩阵。

    This model employs the outlier 's net profit of the special commodity as expert grade to build expert-object matrix .

  16. 播期和密度的一次效应对纯利润和产投比的影响均达到极显著水平。

    The influence of sowing date and density on net profit , ratio of produce and put in reached highly significant level .

  17. 餐饮业在3~4月份,损失人民币纯利润0.23亿元;

    From March to April , there was a lost of $ 23 000 000 in the net profit of the restaurant industry .

  18. 结果表明,五因素的一次效应对纯利润和产投比的影响顺序是不同的。

    The results showed as follows : the effects of five factors on net profit , ratio of produce and put in were different .

  19. 总而言之,根据下面的图表所示,该计划预计在未来增长,纯利润也会大幅增加。

    In conclusion , as shown in the chart below , this plan projects rapid growth and high net profits over the next three years .

  20. 因为在谈判的时候,有时只是几秒钟的时间,但是它能够获得争取的利益都是纯利润。

    During the negotiations because of the time , sometimes only a few seconds , but it can be for the interests of all net profit .

  21. 我国新闻出版业每年上交国家的纯利润在全国生产行业中,仅次于石油、电信等产业部门。

    The annual net profit delivered by china 's press and publishing industry is only inferior to that by petroleum and telecommunication in china 's production industries .

  22. 其年纯利润近450万元,税收按政策全免,可在2-3年内收回全部投资。

    The net profit is 4,500,000 Yuan per year , according to the revenue free policy , we can take the whole invest within two of three years .

  23. 物业销售的纯利润,售价扣除产权转让费用、产经纪佣金、有赋税、屋贷款偿清等之后的利润。

    The net proceeds from the sale of a property . The sale price minus legal fees and expenses , realty commission , any taxes paid , mortgage payout etc.

  24. 渔捞业中的最佳经济产量是指能使持续的纯利润最大的产量,此时投入的捕捞努力量为最佳经济捕捞努力量。

    In addition , the maximum sustainable yield ( MSY ) and the optimum fishing effort ( FMSY ) were estimated on the basis of fishery statistics data by Schaefer model and Fox model .

  25. 油气田开发经济评价应确定以下经济指标:销售总收入、投资、生产费用、总利润、纯利润及综合表明项目投资效果的指标(如内部收益率、投资回收期等)。

    It is suggested that the following index be adopted : Total Sales Revenue , Investment , Operating Cost , Total Profit , Net Profit , Internal Rate of Return , and Payable Period ' etc.

  26. 与只有一个捕捞主体相比,当存在两个捕捞主体时,每个捕捞主体投入的捕捞努力量将增加或保持不变,但每个主体单位捕捞努力量所能取得的纯利润将减少。

    Compared with one player case , when there are two players , the fishing effort of each player will increase or be invariant , but the maximum sustainable profit that unit fishing effort can get will decrease .

  27. 施磷的纯利润平均为831.6元/hm2,产投比平均为3.10。油菜施磷增产幅度与土壤速效磷含量呈极显著负相关。

    The average net profit with P application was 831.6 Yuan / hm ~ 2 and the value to cost ratio ( VCR ) was 3.10.It was showed that rapeseed yield increment with P application had significant negative correlation with soil available P level .

  28. 他们可向授权银行申请将其依法纳税后的纯利润和其它正当收益汇出,他们也可申请将上述提到过的储蓄帐户和基金转帐国外。

    They apply to authorized banks for remitting abroad their net profit after tax as well as other legitimate earnings , and to the SAEC or its branch office for transferring foreign exchange capital abroad , both with the funds withdrawn from the above-mentioned deposit accounts .