
xiàn quān
  • coil;winding
线圈 [xiàn quān]
  • (1) [coil]

  • (2) 一串圆环或一条螺线(如由柔软的线或薄片做的)

  • (3) 绝缘金属线绕在卷轴上或其他结构上形成的螺线或蜷线,通常用以产生电磁效应或提供电阻

线圈[xiàn quān]
  1. 烧穿的线圈应换新的。

    The burnt coil should be renewed .

  2. 调整矫直机直到线圈末端拉平。

    Adjust flattener until the coil ends are leveled and flat .

  3. 磁线圈把电子束聚焦成微小的点。

    Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots .

  4. 埋在地下隧道里的线圈可能很快就会被用来储存大量的电。

    Coils buried in tunnels below the ground might soon be used to store large amounts of electricity .

  5. 通电时线圈即具有磁性。

    The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on .

  6. GIS用空芯线圈电流互感器及运行分析

    Air Core Coil Transformer Used in GIS and Operational Analysis

  7. 偏转线圈磁芯模CAD系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation to CAD System of Magnetic Core Mould for Deflection Coil

  8. 体内 ̄(31)pNMR表面线圈探头的研制

    A surface coil probe for ~ ( 31 ) p in vivo NMR

  9. 基于负载变化健控理论的线圈耦合系数k的测定

    Survey of coupling coefficient K of coil on the base of Load-Shift Keying theory

  10. PLC控制的偏转线圈水平绕线机

    The horizontal coil winder controlled by PLC

  11. ~(31)pNMR表面线圈探头射频场B1的空间分布特性研究

    Spatial distribution of radiofrequency field B 1 produced by 31 P NMR surface coil probe

  12. 用RLC自动电桥测量耦合线圈匝比、残余阻抗及CT误差

    Measuring ratio 、 residual impedance of coupling coils and CT error by RLC autobridge

  13. 目的近年来出现的新型术中MRI系统对于梯度线圈提出了很高的要求,尤其重要的是低电感和高效率。

    Objective Gradient coils of the intraoperative MRI system developed in recent years are required for low inductance and high coil efficiency .

  14. 采用以IGBT为主组成的电子开关通断合/分闸线圈电流。

    It adopts Electronic switch being composed of IGBT to control the opening / closing coil current .

  15. TSC式消弧线圈及其自动控制系统的改进设计

    Improved Design of TSC Arc-Suppression Reactor and Its Automatic Control System

  16. 感应电流EIT中激励线圈的设计

    Design of coils in induced current electrical impedance tomography

  17. 通过选择合理的线圈参数和PWM信号的调制频率,可以达到减小电流纹波的目的。

    The response speed of force increases and the current ripple reduces by choosing the rational parameters of coil and the modulated frequency of PWM .

  18. HL-2A极向场线圈系统的优化设计

    Optimum design of the PF coil system on the HL-2A tokamak

  19. HT-7装置纵场线圈超导线接头的钎焊工艺

    Soldering technology for super-conductive joint of longitudinal field coil in HT-7 device

  20. OpenMark2000磁共振成像系统中,采用正交合成技术,研制出的正交头线圈,较常规螺线管线圈的信噪比提高20%以上。

    By using Quadrature combining technology in Open Mark 2000 MRI system of An Ke Inc. , we developed Quadrature head coil which is better than normal solenoid coil by 20 % in signal to noise ratio .

  21. 并建立激励源(激励线圈)模型,研究在被检测体中的磁场分布,获得MIT系统模型的几何参数范围。

    By establishing incentive coil model , researching the magnetic field distribution , we get the geometric parameter scope of MIT system .

  22. HT-7U装置环向场线圈涡流损耗分析

    Analysis of eddy current losses in the toroidal field coils of the HT-7U tokamak

  23. HT-7U极向场磁体线圈真空压力浸渍袋模工艺的研究

    Study on bag mold technique of vacuum pressure impregnation for HT-7U poloidal magnet coils

  24. HT-7U模型线圈导体的制造

    Conductor Fabrication for the HT-7U Model Coil

  25. 线圈圈数增加,Leff增加,Q值和自谐振频率SRF下降;

    The coil turns increases Leff will increase , the Q value and resonance frequency SRF will drop ;

  26. 灵敏度编码磁共振谱成像(SENSESI)采用线圈矩阵来并行采集MRSI数据,是一种不仅可以大大减少数据采集时间,而且不影响空间和谱的分辨率的全新方法。

    SENSE-SI applies coil array for parallel MRSI data acquisition . It offers a new approach to reducing the acquisition time at preserved spectral and spatial resolution in MRSI .

  27. 计算结果表明,拉应力结果与JET环向场D形线圈的结果一致,沿导体的剪应力很小,近似为纯张力线圈。

    It has been shown that the results of mechanical stress are in agreement with that of the JET toroidal field coils , the shearing stress is small along conductor , approximate to pure tension coil .

  28. 此外,还探索了碳纳米线圈作为新型的三维结构模板在表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)中的应用。

    In addition , we have explored the application of CNCs as a novel three-dimension template in surface enhanced Raman scattering ( SERS ) .

  29. HT-7U超导托卡马克装置极向场线圈的等效弹性常数及其残余刚度

    Equivalent Elastic Constants and the Residual Stiffness of Poloidal Field Coils For the HT-7U Superconducting Tokamak Device

  30. 超级电容器用RuO2/碳微线圈材料的研制

    Preparation of RuO_2 / carbon micro-coils materials for supercapacitor