- 名mitochondrial genome

BAC Library Construction for Mitochondrial Genome of Sterile and Maintainer Lines from HL Rice
There is a higher DNA copy number of mtDNA per cell than nuclear DNA . In addition , the mitochondrial genome has a 10 times higher nucleotide mutation rate than the nuclear genome .
Research on Polymorphism of Chloroplast and Mitochondrial Genomic DNA
DNA fingerprints of mitochondrial genomes in Sorghum bicolor CMS lines
Genetic epidemiologic study of mitochondrial DNA 7445 ~ ( A → G ) mutation among non-syndromic deafness in chinese population
Molecular Phylogeny and Coevolution of Chinese Gallnut Aphid and Its Host-plant Inferred from DNA Sequences Characterization and Evolution of Hymenopteran Mitochondrial Genomes and Their Phylogenetic Utility
The S-type CMS of maize was reported to be caused by a DNA region designated R in mitochondrial genomes .
Furthermore , mtDNA is known for having high acquired mutation rates . The mutation rate for mtDNA is around 10 times higher than that of nuclear genomic DNA .
Just acute gamma radiation showed significant effects which may be involved in the mtDNA genome replication and repair mechanism .
Differential expressions of mitochondrial genome and apoptosis related genes in A549 cell line induced by cisplatin
The quality of template DNA in RAPD analyse of the soybean mitochondria genome will be high and can 't contain the pollution of proteins or nuclear DNA , etc.
Mitochondrial D-Loop gene polymorphisms in the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Molecular variation at atp A gene loci of mitochondrial genome was analised and characterized in 21 CMS lines of sunflower .
In recent years many complete mtDNA sequences from protozoa have been revealed , which contributed a great deal to our knowledge of mtDNA .
The transmembrane helices structure of domestic goose Cyt b gene and sequence variation in every zone first were analysed and reported by way of studying mitochondrial genome in the paper .
The sequence of the rRNA genes , some of the protein-coding regions and the tRNA genes are highly homologous to those of other vertebrates .
Long-PCR amplification , clone and primer-walking sequencing methods were employed in determine the complete sequence of mitochondrial genome of tokay ( Gekko gecko ) .
Background and objective : Mitochondrial genomes ( mt-genomes ) are , with the exception of viruses , the most economically packed forms of DNA in the whole biosphere .
This paper sums up the mitochondrion DNA polymorphism and human athletic performance . The result shows that MtDNA is double-stranded circular of 16569 bp in length containing 37 genes .
The human mitochondrial genome consists of approximate 1 500 genes , among which 37 are encoded by the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) and the remainder encoded in the nuclear DNA ( nDNA ) .
The technology and methods of the study on molecular mechanism of Cytoplasm Male Sterility ( CMS ) are introduced in regard to mitochondrial genome , mitochondrial gene , mitochondrial RNA , mitochondrial protein , transformed plants and abortion of pollen .
Research progress of the relation between mitochondrial genetic material and CMS in plants is introduced in regarding to plant mitochondrial genome structure character , genetic diversity , plasmid-like , chimeric gene , RNA editing and nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction .
The homologies of these genes were compared with that of fruitfly , Drosophila melanogaster mtDNA . The amino acid sequences were deduced according to the mitochondrial codon of invertebrate as well .
Distance values between two sequences were calculated using the molecular data of complete mitochondrial genomes derived from 20 Eutherian animals , then the distance matrix was obtained .
Dr Cox and his colleagues were therefore able to make a statistical comparison of Indonesian and Malagasy mitochondrial genomes knowing that any changes which had occurred since they separated would be the result of rare mutations . These can be spotted and accounted for .
The control region of mtDNA is called A + T-rich region because of its high content of adenine and thymine . It is the most variant area in the mtDNA both in sequence and in length .
There are three main CMS types in maize : T , C and S. The S type of CMS ( CMS-S ) is a gametic sterility type , and its pollen sterility was considered to be associated with the expression of R region in the mitochondria .
People have engaged in studying the mechanism of CMS Abortion for a long time , it is widely considered that abnormal chimeric gene in mitochondrial genome formed by intramolecular or intermolecular frequent recombination is the molecular basis and primary factor of CMS .
The mtDNA genome has 37 genes , which includes 13 protein-coding genes , 22 tRNA genes and 2 genes for the rRNA subunits . A few of the genes are overlapped with each other , and two regions are noncoding .
A comparison of the homologous DNA-sequences of our 6 species ( belonging to 4 genera of the family Lycosidae ) to 2 relative Chinese species of Lycosidae from GenBank is depicted based on analysis of the 12S rDNA in this paper .