
  1. 对国内外几类常用的PCB表面防护涂料在规定的标准测试条件下三防性能的比较,从而有助于三防涂料在PCB组件产品应用上的优选。

    Some common materials used in PCB surface coating were compared under specified standard testing conditions , and useful information was provided for the selection of coating for PCB .

  2. 并且COTS组件产品始终处于一个完善和技术更新的循环过程中,产品的发布和版本更新的速度和频率非常快。

    COTS component products undergo a technology refresh and renewal cycle . New versions or releases of COTS component products are brought to the market frequently .

  3. Fairchild是全球主要的高性能半导体产品的供应商,销售市场包括电源、接口元件、模拟、混合讯号、逻辑元件、光电组件产品等。

    Fairchild is the leading global supplier of high performance semiconductor products in the power , interface , analog , mixed signal , logic and optoelectronic products markets .

  4. 天合光能的组件产品为全球的民用、商用以及公共设施源源不断地提供可靠、环保的电力能源。

    Trina Solars modules provide reliable and environmentally friendly electric power for residential , commercial , industrial and public utility applications worldwide .

  5. 它可以是产品资源包、单个组件产品,或包含多个组件,和/或一个或多个通用组件的产品。

    It can be a bundle , a single component product , or a product that includes multiple components , and / or one or more common components .

  6. 与实际组件产品的关联通过产品关系特性确立(参见“产品关系”小节获得该特性的更多细节)。

    The linkage to the actual component products is established using the product relationship feature ( see the " Product relationships " section for more details on this feature ) .

  7. 无需与代理一起安装WebSphereXS,以及其他任何额外的组件或产品。

    You do not need to install WebSphere XS alongside the broker , or any other additional components or products .

  8. 航天器组件级产品常压热环境试验中的几个问题

    Some Problems of Thermal Environmental Test under Ordinary Pressure for Subassembly of Spacecraft

  9. 通过重新配置在以下组件和产品之间建立/中断通信

    Reconfiguration to establish / remove the communication between

  10. 不同于防火墙等其他网络安全组件和产品,入侵检测系统要求具有更多的智能。

    Unlike firewall or other security components and products , IDS is expected to be more intelligent .

  11. 根据事务响应时间和流量,组织拥有任何能够改进解决方案性能的软件架构组件或产品吗?

    Does the organization have any software framework components or products which improve the performance of the solution in terms of transactional response time and throughput ?

  12. 从产品生命周期和评价由零组件向产品过渡两个角度出发,提出了面向产品的多工艺方案评价的思想,并据此建立评价指标体系。

    Considering from two aspects , which involved product life cycle and transition from part to product , a new kind of idea of product-oriented evaluation on alternative process plans is presented .

  13. 本文结合电子组件类产品的生产实际,对如何按照质量管理体系标准的要求做好生产现场的技术和质量管理工作做了探讨。

    Based on the practical situation of the manufacturing of electronic assemblies , the approach for improving manufacturing technology and quality manage - ment in accordance with the requirements of quality management system standards was discussed .

  14. 通过查看知识地图总结零组件、产品类、设计标准和相关专家等知识结点之间的关系,方便快速地实现设计数据的查找和重用。

    Knowledge map could help finding out the relationships among different knowledge nodes , such as parts and components , product classes , design standards , relevant experts and so on . It can provide important reference information to data query and reuse .

  15. 该系统的实现目标是:实现指纹识别技术与业务系统的分离,使指纹验证平台以组件化产品的方式无缝集成到一般业务系统,为之提供基于指纹识别的身份认证服务。

    The goal of this system is as follows : Separate fingerprint recognition technology and business systems , make fingerprint verification platform seamlessly integrate into general business systems with the way of component products ; provide fingerprint-based authentication services for the original business system .

  16. 基于组件的机械产品CAD系统建模

    Study on Mechanical CAD System Model Building with Components Technology

  17. GIS组件的农产品安全管理信息系统的设计与应用

    Design and Implementation of Main Farm Produce Management Information System in Zhejiang Province Based on GIS Component

  18. 目前,主要的组织和大型的系统开发通常会使用COTS(商业成品组件)组件产品。

    Current major organizations and large-scale systems usually use some COTS ( commercial off the shelf ) components .

  19. 这类类装入器结构允许在一个JVM中存在离散的类空间;所以,对于运行组件化的产品来说非常有用。

    This kind of class loader structure allows discrete class spaces to exist within one JVM ; thus , it 's very useful for running componentized products .

  20. 在多种分布式应用体系结构中,SUN公司的EJB在开放性、跨平台性、安全性以及分布式组件技术的产品化、成熟化上,处于领先地位。

    Then introduced are the basic concept and architecture of Enterprise Java Beans ( EJB ), which is developed by SUN Company and more open , flexible , secure and mature in the distributed module technology .

  21. RRD是可扩展的基础结构,可以使其他组件和堆栈产品能够将自定义扩展(如生成器和处理程序)添加到RRD扩展。

    The RRD is an extensible infrastructure that enables other components and stack products to add custom extensions , like generators and handlers , to the RRD extension .

  22. 基于组件技术支持产品协同设计的中间文档管理及实现

    Implementation of the COM-based and associated design - supporting management of intermediate document

  23. 下一篇文章将讨论这个组件需要的产品。

    The products needed for this component will be described in the second article .

  24. 控制零件加工基准和加工精度,保证零组件间的产品一致性。

    Control the parts processing benchmarks and processing accuracy , and ensure product consistency between the components .

  25. 多层壳体组件是某产品中的关键零部件,它采用胶粘技术由各层壳体粘接而成。

    In certain productions , multilayer shells assembly is the key components . Multilayer shells are bonded by stickiness technology .

  26. 最后,还对国际贸易的新趋势&产品内贸易作了大概介绍。产品内贸易是以产品内分工为基础的,是由在国际范围内的产品内分工带来的零部件与组件等中间产品贸易。

    This chapter also introduces the new trend of international trade-intra product trade which is based on international division of labor .

  27. 以冲击波形模拟的仿真方法来代替冲击试验中的冲击波形模拟试验方法,可以更加方便地评价印刷电路板组件或者电子产品的抗跌落性能。

    Furthermore , it is more convenient to characterize the performance of PCB assemblies or electronics products during drop / impact .

  28. 随着功能数量的增加,开发组织面临着一种挑战,特别是在由数以百计的原子级组件组成的产品中。

    The development organization faces a challenge as the number of functions increases , especially in products composed of hundreds of atomic components .

  29. 通过有选择地安装组件可以减少产品占用的存储空间,并去掉不适合您的环境的功能。

    By selectively installing certain components , you can reduce the storage footprint for the product and eliminate functions not applicable to your environment .

  30. 第二章根据大批量定制条件下产品结构管理的要求和特点,提出了基于组件技术的产品功能模块技术;

    The main contents and structure of this dissertation are presented in the end . In the second chapter , under the characters and requirements of MC-Oriented Product Structure Management , a Product Function Module which is based on Module Technology is presented ;