
  1. 分析了不同市场环境下,企业倾向于形成的组合激励模式。

    The tendencies to enterprises ' choosing their combined incentives under different market environments were analyzed .

  2. 市场环境与企业经理组合激励模式选择研究

    Choice of Combined Incentives for Managers under Market Environment

  3. 经营者组合激励中非物质激励的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Non-Material Incentive in Combination Incentive to Managers

  4. 企业管理者薪酬组合激励机制的对比与选择

    Comparison and selection about the mechanism of income combination incentive

  5. 交叉组合激励模式压电管式超声电机

    A Piezoelectric Tube Ultrasonic Motor with Crossed Exciting Mode

  6. 随后,管理者组合激励模型被建立。

    Then , the optimal model of the combination incentive to managers is built .

  7. 企业经理组合激励模式研究

    Study on Mode of Manager 's Combined Incentives

  8. 对经理长期报酬和短期报酬的优化组合激励问题进行了探讨。

    In this paper , we study the excellent incentive combination in long-term and short-term reward of a manager .

  9. 通过分析建立了组合激励的两阶段搏弈模型,求解模型得到了最优报酬组合。

    We establish a two-stage model of game in combination of incentive through analysis . We get the excellent combination through solving the model .

  10. 首先分析基于业绩评估的企业经理组合激励模式,分别从主观业绩评估完美和评估不完美两种情形讨论主观激励与客观激励的组合激励模式。

    The paper studies the character of combined incentives mode on base of performance valuations , which includes perfect subjective valuation and imperfect subjective valuation .

  11. 基于公司治理的视角,从激励效益和激励成本的角度,建立关于企业外部市场结构变化和组合激励模式变化的模型。

    According to corporate governance theories , a model for the changes between combined incentives and market environments was built based on incentive benefits and costs .

  12. 本文主要是对企业家人力资本基于主观业绩的隐性激励合同与客观业绩的显性激励合同的组合激励进行的研究。

    The paper analyses combinative incentive contract , including implicit incentive contract based on subjective performance and explicit contract based on objective performance to entrepreneur human capital .

  13. 本文在对企业经理激励理论进行综合分析的基础上,发现现有激励文献的研究主要集中于单一激励模式,组合激励散见于一些零星的文献中。

    The paper finds current research mainly focuses on the study of the single incentives mode of managerial effort , based on the survey of the managerial incentives theory .

  14. 本文发现,无论是从管理学角度、管理实践角度,亦或是经济学角度而言,企业对高管进行组合激励都是迫切所需并有待根据具体情况完善的。

    The study found that both from a management perspective , the perspective of the management practices , executives or economics point of view , the combination of incentives are urgently required and needs to be improved .

  15. 桥梁节段模型实验的组合正弦激励方法

    Combined sine-wave method of stimulation for the experiment of bridge model

  16. 探讨了阻尼比、振型组合、激励方式对桥梁结构地震反应的影响。

    Discusses the influences of the damping ratio , the vibration mode combinations and the motivational pattern for the bridge structure seismic response .

  17. 实验结果表明,在不同组合和激励条件下,圆弧阵具有声波测井的单极子、偶极子和四极子声源的辐射特征。

    The results show that the annular array in different combination and excitation condition has radiation characteristics of monopole , dipole and quadrupole of acoustic logging .

  18. 外商投资行为取决于其对外投资的动因组合,税收激励则通过影响企业对外投资的动因组合而影响其投资行为。

    Foreign investment act on the causes of its foreign investment portfolio . Tax incentive affects foreign investment through the portfolio also .

  19. 本研究在薪酬与业绩组合的一般激励模型的基础之上,引入了政治激励变量,并将高管人员的控制权进一步细分为显性控制权与隐性控制权。

    Based on the combined motivation model of pay-performance , this study involved the political motivation variables , and further divided the control power of executives into explicit and implicit control power .

  20. 该算法通过分析组合单元延时参数激励波形的特征和单元BDD的特征,推导了组合单元延时激励波形的生成定理,给出了基于该定理的组合单元延时激励波形生成算法。

    A stimulus generation theorem is presented after studying with the delay stimulus and combinational cell 's BDD . A stimulus generation algorithm for delay characterization is then implemented based on this theorem .

  21. 各种分配方式组合应体现短期激励和长期激励相结合的原则。

    These multiple income apportionment should embody both short term and long-term incentives .

  22. 基于联盟成员风险偏好组合的技术外包激励机制研究

    Study on Incentive Mechanism of Technology Outsourcing Based on Combination of Risk Preference of Members

  23. 同时,愈重视津贴组合,并提供激励性奖金,亦可提高派外意愿。

    Similarly , MNCs should stress allowances and incentive bonuses for the expatriation to increase expatriate willingness .

  24. 确定了激励组合中的物质激励与非物质激励的量值,得出了非物质激励可以节约激励成本的结论;

    Identifying the measure of material and un-material incentive in the incentive combination , and then making a conclusion that un-material incentive may save the incentive cost ;

  25. 所以研究建立一个合理的激励机制体系,从激励手段组合中分析何种激励方式对财务效应有正面作用,何种激励方式对财务效应有负面影响。

    Study to establish a reasonable system of incentives , what incentives have a positive effect on the financial effect , what incentives have a negative impact on the financial effects from the combination of incentives analysis .