
  • 网络Organizational reputation;organizational prestige
  1. 像就有利于病人又有利于你团体组织声誉的志愿活动。

    Volunteer activity like this is beneficial for both the patients served and for your facility 's reputation .

  2. 那就有可能会损害组织的声誉并削弱信息的可信度。

    That can jeopardize organizational reputations and undermine the credibility of their information .

  3. 他们甚至可以使用这些相同的凭证对其他人进行攻击,从而严重损害组织的声誉。

    They can even use these same credentials to launch attacks against others , causing serious damage to an organization 's reputation .

  4. 这些会见和交谈使我深深感到世卫组织极佳的声誉。

    These meetings and conversations have impressed on me the excellent reputation of WHO .

  5. 村庄环境条件下的组织特性、声誉机制与关联博弈

    Organizational Characteristics , Reputation Mechanism and Its Associated Game in the Condition of Village Environment

  6. 中国红十字会的不幸之处在于,这家救济组织恢复自身声誉所需要的时间,可能比四川从此次地震中恢复过来所需的时间还要长。

    Sadly for the Red Cross , the relief organization may need even more time to recover than Sichuan .

  7. 具体而言,只有当感知到的并购方组织的组织声誉和群体领导的伦理型领导都较高时,群体才会反馈较高水平的伦理合作行为。

    Specifically , merged groups would perform ethically , adopting cooperative behaviors , only when high level of ethical leadership and organizational reputation were perceived in the merging firm .

  8. 网络组织成员合作的声誉模型分析

    Game Analysis of Reputation Mode on Cooperation of Members in Network Organization

  9. 但是联户组织领导人却获得声誉、名望等社会性选择性激励。

    But the joint leaders won reputation , fame and other social selective excitation .

  10. 但是如果他们的客户是谎言的攻击目标,或者有组织的活动的声誉受害者呢?

    But what if clients are the target of lies or maybe an organized effort to harm their reputation ?

  11. 组织氛围、组织公平、群体关系及组织声誉等方面影响了工作室项目管理团队中成员的认同感水平。

    Organizational climate , organizational justice , group relations and organizational reputation affect the organizational identity level of the members in studio project management team .