
  1. 降低经济增长目标后,中国应该可以专注于保持高质量发展,而不是简单地提升GDP。

    Lower targets should allow China to focus on sustained quality growth instead of cheap measures to boost GDP .

  2. 在这一基础上,2002年,中国又提出了在20年里使GDP再翻两番的新的长期经济增长目标。

    And on this basis , in 2002 , China set a new long-term economic growth target of quadrupling her GDP in 20 years .

  3. 在这样的背景下,以GDP为第一指标的经济增长目标自然也成为我国发展战略的首要目标。

    In such condition , the goal of economic growth which regard GDP as the first target naturally become the first goal of developing strategy of China .

  4. 汪涛认为中国领导层暗示的明年经济增长目标为7%,而苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)分析师高路易(LuisKuijs)则认为是7.5%。

    Ms. Wang thought the leadership was signaling a 7 % target while , Royal Bank of Scotland analyst Luis Kuijs thought it indicated 7.5 % .

  5. 持续经济增长目标下的最优税负和税收结构调整

    Optimal tax burden and tax structure adjustment with sustained economic growth

  6. 通货紧缩与促进经济增长目标的政策效应分析

    Analysis about the deflation and effect of monetary financial policy

  7. 如果经济增长目标的地位在此过程中有所降低,那将会更好。

    If targets get marginalised along the way , so much the better .

  8. 我们对实现全年经济增长目标充满信心。

    We are fully confident in achieving the economic growth target set for this year .

  9. 比较国外情况,则更高的经济增长目标显然更合乎情理。

    The apparent reasonableness of a higher goal was increased by comparison with the experience abroad .

  10. 波伦蒂说,美国最需要的是一个经济增长目标。

    What the us most needs , Mr Pawlenty said , is a target for economic growth .

  11. 在进行宏观经济增长目标制定和调控过程中,对潜在经济增长率的测算十分有意义。

    To measure the potential economic growth rate is of great use for setting and readjusting macroeconomic growth target .

  12. 所以,接下来的一个重要问题是:中国今年能实现7.5%的经济增长目标吗?

    So now , the next billion-dollar question : Can China achieve 7.5 % GDP growth target this year ?

  13. 他已经迈出了几小步,诸如采纳一个更加现实的经济增长目标。

    He has taken a few small steps , such as accepting a more realistic target for economic growth .

  14. 我国作为发展中国家注重经济增长目标,使环境工作效率极为低下。

    China as a developing country focused on economic growth target , so that the environment is extremely low efficiency .

  15. 中国对实现今年经济增长目标和保持人民币汇率稳定充满信心。

    China is fully confident about attaining this year 's economic growth target and the stability of the RMB exchange rate .

  16. 上周五的新闻发布会上,总理说,经济增长目标将难以实现,而且可能。

    At Friday 's news conference , the premier said the growth target would be difficult to achieve , but possible .

  17. 目前我国实行个人消费信贷面临一些障碍,致使消费信贷低迷,直接影响经济增长目标的实现。

    There are some obstacles in carrying out the personal consuming credit and the realization of economic growth target is negatively affected .

  18. 分析师预计中国明年的经济增长目标还会是2012年的7.5%,或者稍微再低一点。

    Analysts expect China either to renew its 2012 goal of 7.5 % growth for next year , or reduce it slightly .

  19. 广东省在十二五规划中,将经济增长目标降低到了每年8%。

    The province lowered its growth rate target to 8 per cent annually for the current five-year plan that runs from 2011-2015 .

  20. 过去两年,中国政府将经济增长目标维持在7.5%,而之前几年一直都是8%。

    Beijing over the past two years has kept its growth target at 7.5 % compared with the 8 % of previous years .

  21. 昨日中国下调了官方经济增长目标,之后人民币走弱这正是人们所期望的一种“正常”货币的表现。

    Renminbi weakness yesterday followed a lower official outlook for growth , exactly what one would expect from a " normal " currency .

  22. 官方的经济增长目标(常常被称为政府领导人的底线)是一个敏感问题。

    The official growth target - often referred to as a ' bottom line ' for government leaders - is a sensitive issue .

  23. 战后发展中国家采取不同的发展战略以实现经济增长目标,但效果大不相同。

    Since World War ii , the developing countries carried out different strategies to develop their economy , but the results were widely different .

  24. 这些转变并不意味着中国走上告别经济增长目标的道路,这些目标仍是官员晋升体制的核心。

    These shifts do not mark the beginning of the end of economic targets , which remain at the core of the system of advancement .

  25. 即使中国在2014年达到7.5%的官方经济增长目标,那也将是自1990年以来的最慢增长。

    Even if the country hits its official growth target of 7.5 per cent for 2014 , it will be the slowest pace since 1990 .

  26. 一是适当增加货币供应量,防止通货紧缩,促进了经济增长目标的实现。

    First of all , money supply has been increased appropriately and deflation has been prevented , contributing to the realization of the growth target .

  27. 实现今年经济增长目标有不少积极因素,但必须付出艰辛努力。

    There are many positive factors for fulfilling this year 's target for economic growth , but to reach it , we must make arduous efforts .

  28. 很多经济学家此前希望中国将今年的经济增长目标设定在较低水平,牺牲一些短期经济扩张,借此完成较长期的经济调整。

    Many economists hoped China would set a lower target for this year , sacrificing some short-term expansion in an effort to make longer term economic adjustments .

  29. 中国最近将2011-2015年五年计划中的年经济增长目标从以前的7.5%下调为7%。

    China recently revised its economic growth target down to 7 per cent per year for the five-year plan running through 2015 , from the previous 7.5 per cent .

  30. 企业资本支出是国家实现经济增长目标和宏观调控的重要手段,也是企业维持自身生存与发展的必要方式。

    Corporate capital expenditure is a national goal of economic growth and an important mean of macroeconomic control to maintain its corporate existence and the necessary way of development .