
jīnɡ jì zhí wù
  • economic plants
  1. 经济植物在农林业、医药、食品、工业等方面具有很大的开发潜力。

    Application of economic plants on the aspects of agriculture , forestry , medicine , food and industry has great potential of exploration .

  2. 不同N水平的富营养化水体中经济植物净化能力比较研究

    Comparative studies on purification ability of economic plants in different N level eutrophic water

  3. 许多正链RNA病毒是严重危害人类健康的病原体,是造成经济植物动物死亡的致病因子。

    Many plus-strand RNA viruses are the causative agents of some highly contagious diseases in human , animal and plant .

  4. 吊瓜(FructusTrichosanthisKirilowii)是民间发展起来的经济植物,有食用吊瓜和药用吊瓜等品种。

    Fructus Trichosanthis Kirilowii is an economic plant developed from civil area having edible and medicinal varieties .

  5. 喀斯特经济植物山核桃抗旱性对Fe的响应黔南和黔中喀斯特天然林植物区系研究

    Response of Drought Resistance of Carya cathayensis Sarg . to Fe ~ ( 2 + ) in Karst Area Studies on the Floristics of Karst Nature Forests between Southern and Central Areas in Guizhou Province , China

  6. 黄芩(ScutellariabaicalensisGeorgi)是我国的大宗地道药材之一,为我国重要的经济植物,并且具有重要的生态保护价值。

    Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is one of the most important medicinal plants in northern China and it also possesses significant value in ecological protection .

  7. 棕榈科(Palmae)是单子叶植物纲中很有特色的一个类群,是热带植物区系的重要组成部分,是世界上最重要的三大经济植物类群之一。

    Palmae is a very distinguished colony in the monocotyledon and a very important component of the tropical flora .

  8. 间歇曝气比循环水流对TN和TP有更好的去除效果,且运行能耗较低。(4)低温对经济植物净化甲鱼养殖废水的能力成为一个限制性因素。

    The research showed that the intermittent aeration processing is better than Circled-flow and is energy saving . ( 4 ) Low temperature is a restrictive factor on purification of turtle-breeding wastewater by economic plants .

  9. 罗汉果(SiraitiaGrosvenorii)是单性、雌雄异株的葫芦科球根多年生植物,是特产于我国南部的重要经济植物。

    Luohanguo ( Siraitia grosvenorii ), a dioecious and perennial cucurbitaceae plant with root tubers , is an economically important species endemic to southern China .

  10. 沙棘属(Hippophae)是重要的水土保持和经济植物,该属植物在居群内、居群间、亚种乃至物种等不同水平均表现了丰富的遗传变异和强烈的分化。

    Hippophae is a kinds of significant water and soil conservative plant . It shows great genetic differentiation at different levels , such as within populations , among populations , at subspecies and even species levels .

  11. 采用合理的植物组合和定期收割,可分别使APFB中水生经济植物可食部位的Pb蓄积量减少20%和50%左右,经济水生植物的食用安全性显著提高。

    Through reasonable plants arrangement and periodical reaping the accumulation of Pb in edible parts of economic aquatic plants could be cut down by 20 % and 50 % respectively and the edible safety of wetland plants can be enhanced evidently .

  12. 广西主要经济植物的多媒体信息系统

    A multimedia information system for the main economic plants in Guangxi

  13. 新疆植物资源与经济植物的分类和利用

    Classification and utilization of plant resources and economic plants in Xinjiang

  14. 桦南县野生经济植物及其开发利用探讨

    Discussion About Wild Economy Plant And Their Development In Hua'nan County

  15. 杉木幼林套种经济植物的模式

    The interplanting patterns of economic crops with young Chinese fir plantations

  16. 经济植物篱对水土流失的影响

    The effect of alley cropping on the soil and water losses

  17. 经济植物篱保墒效果灰色分析

    Grey analysis of the effect of soil moisture retention of alley cropping

  18. 宁夏野生经济植物信息系统的结构和功能

    The Structure and Function of Ningxia Wild Economic Plants Database Information System

  19. 黄土高原经济植物资源的保护性开发对策

    Economic Plant Resources and Its Sheltered Utilization in Loess Plateau

  20. 东喜马拉雅山地重要经济植物锈病

    The rust diseases of important economic plants in East Himalayan mountainous region

  21. 中国经济植物数据库的研究和建立

    A research and establishment of data base for economical plants in China

  22. 植物营养诊断研究进展及在我国经济植物中的应用

    Development of Nutrition Diagnosis and its Application in Economic Plants

  23. 辽东地区4种林下经济植物光合特性研究

    Photosynthetic characteristics of four economical plants under-forest in eastern Liaoning

  24. 经济植物篱主要模式及其生态经济效益研究

    Study on the types of hedgerow and their ecological-economical benefit

  25. 经济植物篱和增施钾肥综合效益研究

    Study on Synthetical Benefit of Alley Cropping and Potassium Application

  26. 水培经济植物净化养殖废水研究现状

    Research Status on the Purification of Aquaculture Wastewater with Economical Aquatic Plants

  27. 三种经济植物对重金属吸收积累的研究

    Absorption and accumulation of heavy metals by three economic plants

  28. 7种国产野生经济植物的染色体数目

    Chromosome numbers of seven wild economic plants from China

  29. 经济植物篱模式在坡耕地上的试验示范研究

    Tests and Pilot Study on Economic Living Hedges to Sloped Land in Guizhou

  30. 中国西南地区经济植物篱的研究

    Study on Alley Cropping for Sustainable Agriculture on Sloping Lands in Southwest China