
  1. 基于Access的密云县主要国民经济统计指标数据库查询系统的开发

    Exploitation of the Main National Economic Statistic Indices Database Inquiry System of Miyun County Based on Access

  2. 就业是一个非常重要的社会和经济统计指标。

    Employment is very important statistics index to society and economy .

  3. 社会经济统计指标的地图符号标度与分析

    Scale and analysis of map symbols of social economy statical indexes

  4. 上海市主要经济统计指标一览表(2003年1~7月)

    Synopsis of Shanghai Major Economic Indexes ( Jan. - Jul. 2003 )

  5. 现代企业经济统计指标体系分析

    Analysis of statistic indicator system in modern enterprise

  6. 围绕如何构建半岛蓝色经济统计指标体系和考核评价体系进行了深入研究。

    This paper studies on how to establish the statistical index system and evaluation system of peninsula blue economic in depth .

  7. 本文综合考虑了目前工业企业的特点和实际资料,利用全国机械工业局电站设备行业主要企业的经济统计指标,选取和整理了适应现代企业发展的17个指标组成企业综合评价指标体系;

    : Considering the enterprise characteristics and the original data , using economic statistical indexes of the main enterprises in our electricity station trade in mechanic industry , the author has selected and arranged 17 indexes to form the enterprise estimate index system .

  8. 欧洲经委会成员国短期经济变化统计指标

    Statistical Indicators of Short-term Economic Changes in ECE Countries

  9. 经济和统计指标分类经济人类学是人类学中与经济学对话的部分。

    Classification of economic and statistical indicators Economic anthropology is where anthropology meets economics .

  10. 经济和统计指标分类

    Classification of economic and statistical indicators

  11. 从企业财务分析中看经济效益统计指标的运用

    Discuss the Use of the Statistical Quotas of the Economic Performance From the Financial Analysis of the Enterprise

  12. 接着结合多种经济成分统计指标应满足的条件和指标的设计原则,具体构建了既易于理解又利于填报的私有经济统计指标体系和统计与财务合一的外商经济的统计指标体系。

    Then combine the design principle and condition of statistical index and design the statistical index of privately owned economic system which is very easy to understand and report , and design the statistical index of foreign businessman economic which combine financial and statistics .

  13. 可持续发展角度的经济增长质量统计指标体系的研究

    Research on Economic Growth Statistical Index System On the Point of Sustainable Development

  14. 总结了中国海洋统计规范的演进及不足,提出了海洋经济统计分组与指标类型的改进建议。

    It also summarizes the evolution of marine statistics and problems encountered in marine statistical management , and thereon forwards suggestions on how to improve data categorization and indicators .

  15. 运用系统分析方法,建立了评价区域工业经济实力的统计指标体系,并对安徽省主要地市工业经济实力状况进行了综合评价。

    A set of index system on industrial economy strength is put forward through the systemic analysis , and the industrial economy strength of main districts in Anhui province is evaluated .

  16. 我国灾害经济统计评估系统及其指标体系的研究

    Study on Chinese statistical and estimating system of disaster economy and its index system

  17. 建立适应市场经济运行的经济统计指标体系构想

    On Setting-up of Index System for Economic Statistics Suitable for the Operation of Market Economy

  18. 通过财务分析结果可以反映出企业经济效益的好坏,而评价企业经济效益好坏的统计指标则是进行财务分析的重要工具。

    The economic performance of enterprise can be reflected from the results of financial analysis , however the statistical quotas that can evaluate the economic performance of the enterprise are the important tools of the financial analysis .