
  • 网络performance;state of operation;condition of business
  1. 它可以有效地把公司发展和管理层利益紧紧联系起来,起到激励内部管理层积极性、降低代理成本、改善企业经营状况等方面的积极作用。

    And its rapid development shows that it can link the development of the company and the benefits of the management , which can inspire the proactive of the management , reduce agency cost and improve the performance of the company .

  2. EVA概念的应用近来在美国和西方等国逐渐兴起,通常管理者和投资者采用它作为衡量公司经营状况的指标之一,以及用作奖励管理者工作业绩的度量标准。

    The application of the EVA concept recently rise gradually in the United States and the other west countries , the governor and investor adopt it to measure the management performance , and use it as an indicator to repay the manager 's working accomplishment .

  3. 这个地区的绝大多数工厂都十分陈旧,经营状况也非常糟糕。

    Most factories in the area are obsolete and badly managed

  4. 当局要想哄骗经营状况良好的银行接管小银行是越来越难了。

    It is becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones .

  5. 我根本没想到公司的经营状况这么差!

    I had no idea the company was doing so badly !

  6. 通过对C单位资产状况、经营状况、组织结构的分析,进一步研究其管理现状,找出质量管理方面存在的问题,在此基础上对C单位的质量管理体系进行设计。

    Study of problems existing in the management of C units , through analyzing of asset position 、 operating conditions and structure , and researching how to design of quality management system in C units .

  7. 针对中国商业银行分支机构众多的特点,将X效率引入绩效评价指标中,有利于研究分析银行分支机构的经营状况,为其制定正确的发展战略。

    Since most Chinese banks have many branches , adding X-Efficiency into the performance evaluation indicators can help to analyze the operating status of branches and make appropriate development strategy .

  8. 西欧第二大石油公司英国石油(BP)昨日公布了远好于预期的第三季度业绩,并宣布计划再度削减10亿美元的成本,这表明其经营状况正在好转。

    The operational turnaround of BP was underlined yesterday when western Europe 's second-biggest oil company unveiled far better than expected third quarter results and plans to cut costs by an additional $ 1bn .

  9. TL公司是生产为铁路提速客车轴承配套的滚动体的专业化企业,该公司的经营状况已由2000年丰厚盈利转变为目前的保本经营。

    TL company is enterprise which professional manufacture the roller of high speed railroad bearing . The income has changed from payoff to no profits since 2000 .

  10. 这使现代的经营状况比宝马汽车(BMW)还好,而后者一直就以无需花大价钱吸引消费者购买其靓车而著称。

    That puts it in better shape than even BMW , which has typically not had to spend much to entice customers to buy its Tony products .

  11. 由于MBO在激励内部人积极性、降低代理成本、改善公司经营状况等方面起到了积极作用,因此在英美等国家得到了广泛的发展。

    MBO has been widely applied in England and USA because of its positive effect on inspiring with managers , reducing cost of agent and improving status of corporations ' work .

  12. 针对现有企业经营状况分析方法普遍存在的过于依赖评价者主观经验的不足,提出了企业经营状况分析的多类SVM分类方法。

    In order to overcome the prevalent defects of existing enterprise management situation analysis methods that depend on subjective experience of evaluating personnel , a multi-class SVM classification method of enterprise management situation analysis is proposed .

  13. 其次,结合上海SN公司生产经营状况,分析了项目转移成本控制现状以及项目转移成本控制中存在的主要问题。

    Second , combined with Shanghai SN company production and operation situation , we analysis the project transfer cost control present situation and the mail problems of project transfer existing in the company .

  14. 特尔(IntelCorp.)首席执行长欧德宁(PaulOtellini)上周向员工表示,公司2009财政年度第一季度经营状况的不确定性很大,不能排除当季亏损的可能。

    Intel Corp. 's ( INTC ) chief executive told employees last week that conditions are so uncertain in the first quarter that he could not rule out reporting a loss .

  15. 通过实证分析证明,KMV模型能够比较准确的反映上市公司的真实经营状况,将KMV模型应用于我国商业银行信贷风险管理是可行的。

    The empirical analysis shows that KMV model can reflect real operation of listed companies accurately and this model can be used in China 's commercial banks .

  16. 小型投资银行的经营状况使分析人士感到困惑,因为根据预计,它们将获益于2010年多德-弗兰克(Dodd-Frank)改革给较大竞争对手带来的更严格监管。

    The experience of the smaller investment banks confounds predictions that they would benefit from the tighter regulation of larger rivals since the Dodd-Frank reforms of 2010 .

  17. 根据Bailey,监测供应商经营状况是否健康意味得着和你的关键卖家保持联系,以解决商业问题,确保你和任何供应风险能够协调一致。

    According to Bailey , monitoring supplier health means staying in communication with your key vendors to address business issues and ensure you stay in tune with any supply chain risks .

  18. 商业银行经营状况分析指标体系初探

    On the Analytic Index System for Operating Situation of Commercial Bank

  19. 我国商业银行作为金融业的支柱,其经营状况和运营能力,值得关注。

    The commercial banks are the supports of the financial industry .

  20. 结果:经营状况:10.0%亏损;

    Results : 10.0 % of them run at a loss .

  21. 工业企业经营状况综合评价指标体系的构建

    Foundation of synthetical assessment index system about industrial enterprise 's management

  22. 相比10年前,中国企业的经营状况普遍得到改善。

    Chinese companies are generally better run than a decade ago .

  23. 令人高兴的是,豪迈的经营状况正在好转。

    More happily , Homag 's business is on the rebound .

  24. 矿山经营状况综合评价的集对分析方法

    The Set Pair Analysis for the Comprehensive Evaluation of Mine Operation State

  25. 用神经网络评价矿山经营状况

    Using neural network to evaluate the situation of mine management

  26. 2002年世界前100家航空公司经营状况

    An Analysis of Top 100 World Airlines Business in 2002

  27. 矿山经营状况综合评价排序探讨

    Discussion on sorting and comprehensive evaluations of mine management conditions

  28. 评价邮电企业经营状况的方法研究

    An Evaluation Method for Management Level of Enterprises of Posts and Telecommunications

  29. 试论乡镇企业经营状况监测与评价应有的指标体系

    The Inspection and Evaluation Index System of the Township Enterprises

  30. 县级农药市场经营状况调查

    The Investigation on the Selling of Pesticide in County-level Market