
  1. 建成国际食品会展经贸中心。

    Construct a international foodstuff promotion and exhibition trade center .

  2. 汉堡:中国的欧洲经贸中心

    Hamburg : European Center for Business with China

  3. 兰州地处我国地理中心,国家重要的工业基地和经贸中心。

    Lanzhou , located in the middle of our country , is the center of industry , economy and trade in China .

  4. 第三章针对青岛国际经贸中心项目的风险进行了识别和评价。

    In the third part , based on the assessment methods , the project risks are identified for Qingdao international trade center in chapter four .

  5. 第三章在前文分析的基础上多方面论证ECFA框架下构建两岸区际经贸仲裁中心的必要性和可能性,对其具体的运行程序进行了初步的设置。

    The third chapter continued giving necessity and possibility demonstration of cross-strait regional economic and trade arbitration center under the ECFA frame and the preliminary Settings of specific operation procedure .

  6. 外经贸商务中心项目时间&成本管理问题研究

    Research on Time-cost Management of Foreign Trade Business Center

  7. 星期五,总部设于英国的调查小组&经贸研究中心称明年西班牙和意大利将会再度筹集5千亿美元债券。

    On friday a Britain-based research group , the Center for Economics and Business Research , said Spain and Italy will have to refinance more than $ 500 billion of bonds next year .

  8. 香港岭南大学亚太经贸合作研究中心总监。

    Director , HK Asia Pacific Economic Study Centre , Lingnan University .

  9. 以加快外经贸发展为中心,积极扩大进出口贸易,更多更好吸收外资,全面推进各项外经贸事业;

    Centering on expediting the development of foreign trade and economic cooperation , the sector will actively expand import and export trade , absorb more foreign capital in a more efficient way , and comprehensively advance the foreign trade and economic cooperation undertaking .

  10. 介绍国家经贸委昆明培训中心工程30m深喀斯特地质嵌岩灌注桩,采用“人工成孔+冲击成孔+导管法水下灌注混凝土”的方法,解决了施工难题。

    This article presents an introduction ot the technology of the 30m deeply embedded impregnation piles which is used by the State Economic & Commercial Commission Kunming Training Center in Karst areas .