
  • 网络Configuration Apply;structural application
  1. 本文共叙述了四个部份:强度分散性、串联模型、并联模型以及简单的结构应用。

    The scatter band of strength , series model , parallel model and some simple structural applications .

  2. 复合材料的性能可以满足广泛的要求,因此在越来越多的结构应用中起重要的作用。

    Composites are gaining importance in more and more structural applications because their properties can be adapted in a wide range to the according requirements .

  3. 研究了环型拓扑结构应用于VPN的扩展和隧道管理,解决VPN多分支机构互连的健壮性。

    Use to manage the VPN remote user and the branch organization , and solve VPN , many branch organizations connect with each other of haleness .

  4. 通过对电站汽轮发电机组框架式基础类型的简要叙述,分析了大型汽轮机采用弹簧基础的优越性,并建议将弹簧基础结构应用于引进的300MW、600MW机组,以适应电站设备出口的竞争。

    Describing briefly gate type foundations of steam turbine-generator sets in power plants , the superiority of spring cushioned foundations is being analyzed together with a proposal of applying them to the licensed 300 and 600 MW sets to accommodate them to export competition requirements .

  5. 我国建筑钢结构应用现状及发展

    Present status and development of building steel structure in China

  6. 预应力钢结构应用中若干问题的探讨

    Probing into the Application of Prestressed Steel Structure

  7. 将优化得到的喷口结构应用于三维制退器模型进行了验证计算,计算结果表明改进后模型中制退器所受的冲击力提高了49.3%。

    The optimal nozzle structure parameters were applied to the 3D model of the muzzle brake to evaluate the improvement after optimization .

  8. 对大跨屋盖结构应用模态加速度法新的表达式改进风致响应计算。

    The new expression of the mode-acceleration solution is employed to improve evaluations of the wind-induced response for large roof structures in this paper .

  9. 球形管道机器人是将球形机器人的结构应用于管道爬行这一背景中设计的一种机器人。

    A spherical pipe robot is a kind of robot which is designed for use in the pipe depending on the structure of a spherical robot .

  10. 文章将探讨服务器、客户端在同一局域网内的分布式多层结构应用系统的安全问题及其所采取的安全对策。

    This paper is to probe the security problem and its countermeasures of the application system of the distributed multiplayer structure of the server and client terminals in the same network area .

  11. 在内燃机中组合式活塞结构应用广泛,例如钢顶铝裙活塞、内外组合活塞等。

    Composite pistons of various types are widely used in internal combustion engines , such as steel crown and aluminium skirt type , inner and outer pistons type , and so on .

  12. 建立了双线圈电液转换器的动态数学模型,对线圈断线故障进行了仿真分析,证明双线圈结构应用于动圈电流归零式电液转换器能显著地提高其可靠性。

    A dynamic mathematical model is set up for a double-coil electro-hydraulic converter and a simulation analysis conducted of the coil broken wire fault . It is shown that the double-coil structure used for the electro-hydraulic converter of zero-steady current type can significantly enhance its reliability .

  13. 可编程序控制器(PLC)的结构和应用探讨

    A Study on the Structure and Applications of PLC

  14. 有线电视VOD中数据库网关的系统结构与应用研究

    Study on the system architecture and applications of database gateway of VOD in CATV

  15. 针对判决反馈均衡器的部分IIR提前结构及其应用

    Partial IIR move up structure and its application in decision feedback equalizer

  16. HL型空冷器的结构及其应用

    HL Type Air cooler , its design and Application

  17. H.323视频会议体系结构的应用研究

    The Application Study on H.323 Standard in Video Conference

  18. 分析了Web应用服务器集群结构的应用需求,实现了自适应动态拓扑结构,在集群成员间维持拓扑视图的一致性,完成动态加入和优雅退出操作。

    It analyzes the application requirements of WAS cluster structure and implements an adaptive dynamic topology . The consistency of topology views is kept around the cluster members and graceful joining and leaving operations are performed .

  19. 她想要将这些表复制到Oracle测试数据库,以确定她进行的结构和应用程序更改是否适合Oracle环境。

    She wants to copy these tables to her Oracle test database in order to determine if the structure and application changes she has made are suitable in that environment .

  20. Turbo-Prolog的表内套表结构及其应用

    The nested list structure and its application in Turbo-PROLOG

  21. 采用双埋层、双阱和外延结构,应用2μm设计规则,成功地将NPN器件和CMOS器件制作在同一芯片上。

    NPN and CMOS devices have been fabricated on the same chip with a buried twin well and epitaxy structure , using 2 μ m design rule .

  22. OBB层次结构及其应用加速算法的研究

    Study of OBB Hierachical Structure and Its Application Speed-up Algorithm

  23. 本文通过实例讨论了文档/视图结构的应用和要解决的主要问题,并由此介绍了一种在Windows环境下用Visualc++编制应用程序的方法。

    The author , discusses with examples , the application of the text / video structure and the major problems to be salved , and on the basis , introduces the method of making the applied program with Visual C + + in the Windows environment .

  24. [Mn(CHZ)3](ClO4)2的制备、晶体结构和应用研究

    Studies on Preparation , Crystal Structure and Application of [ Mn ( CHZ ) _3 ] ( ClO_4 ) _2

  25. PCX文件结构及其应用

    PCX File Construction and Application

  26. 概述了互补相关(CRAE)模型的结构及其应用与发展。

    We summarized the frame and application of Complementary Relationship Areal Evapotranspiration ( CRAE ) model .

  27. 根据氟碳铈矿稀土组成的特点和市场可预测的稀土产品结构,应用串级萃取理论优化设计氟碳铈矿P507HCl体系萃取分离流程。

    According to the composition of bastnasite and the constitution of products in the rare earth market , a new separation process for bastnasite by solvent extraction in P 507-HCl system was presented .

  28. 本文介绍了集成式Bragg光纤光栅(FBG)和非本征型Fabry-Perot干涉腔(EFPI)复合传感器的结构及应用该传感器同时测量静态应变、温度和振动的原理。

    A novel fibre optic sensor integrating an in fibre Bragg grating ( FBG ) and an extrinsic Fabry Perot interferometer ( EFPI ) in series , used for simultaneous static strain , temperature and vibration measurement , is presented in this paper .

  29. Pro/E上二次开发具有文档-视结构的应用程序

    Customized Development of Document-View Structured Application Based on Pro ? E

  30. 工业与民用建筑中混凝土结构的应用现状和发展预测

    Application and development of concrete structure in civil and industrial construction