
  1. 货币政策有无结构性调控功能?

    Whether it has structured regulation function ?

  2. 在结构性调控上,注重运用财政政策,加强薄弱环节发展。

    In structural regulation area , fiscal policy should play a more important role in promoting the development of weak links and sectors .

  3. 要防止投资反弹,首先要从加强对科学发展观的认识入手,运用经济手段做好结构性调控工作,主要从控制土地和信贷两个方面入手,同时还应该加强其他的配套措施建设。

    So , if we want to prevent investment rebound , we must enhance the understanding of scientific developing ideas , exercise economic means to adjust the structure and intensify the establishment of other policies .

  4. 从营口沿海产业基地看城市空间结构性形态的优化调控

    Optimizing Structural Form of Urban Space Based on Case of Yingkou Coastal Industrial Base

  5. 本文以辽宁营口沿海产业基地为例,试图在城市空间结构性形态的优化调控方面进行有益的探索。

    Taking the example of the Coastal Industrial Base in Yingkou , this article tries to explore some useful strategies in the optimization and adjustment of the structural form of urban space .