
  • 网络Tuberculosis infection;Latent Tuberculosis Infection;tuberculous infection;LTBI
  1. 低年龄组涂阳肺结核发病率的明显下降与结核感染率的显著降低密切相关;

    The tuberculous infection descending in low age groups had caused the incidence declining ;

  2. DOTS策略通过控制结核传染源,显著降低了低年龄组结核感染率和发病率,但对已感染者发病率的影响不明显。

    By controlling the infection sources , DOTS strategy had significantly reduced the tuberculous infection and tuberculosis incidence in low age groups , but had little effect on the infected people .

  3. 同时也更准确——老鼠能够发现更多的肺结核感染,因此能挽救更多的生命。

    It is also more accurate — the rats are able to find more TB infections and , therefore , save more lives .

  4. 目的研究结节性颅内结核感染的磁共振成像(MRI)表现特点及其临床意义。

    Objective To Study MRI characteristics of ds intracranial tuberculosis and their clinical significance .

  5. Toll样受体与抗结核感染免疫

    Toll Like Receptor and Anti-Infection Immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis

  6. 利福平吡嗪酰胺联用方案与异烟肼标准方案预防性治疗潜在结核感染效果的Meta分析

    Rifampicin Plus Pyrazinamide versus Isoniazid For Treating Latent Tuberculosis Infection : A Meta-analysis

  7. 结论停止BCG复种后不会引起儿童青少年结核感染及发病的增加。

    Conclusion BCG revaccination termination don 't increase tuberculosis infection and initiation in children and adolescents .

  8. 其它如长期在朝鲜工作的佛教慈善团体“好朋友”(GoodFriends)则认为,情况相当糟糕,并且由于营养不良,肺结核感染正在增加。

    Others , such as Good Friends , a South Korean Buddhist charity long working in the North , insist the situation is very bad & and that tuberculosis is on the rise owing to malnutrition .

  9. 目的观察停止卡介苗(BCG)复种后,儿童青少年结核感染及发病情况。

    Objective To observe the infection and incidence of tuberculosis in children and youth after termination of BCG revaccination .

  10. 目的对颅内结核感染病例CT和MRI的影像学表现进行研究,从而评价两者在诊断颅内结核感染的地位和作用以及对该病临床分型与分期的应用。

    Objective To study CT and MR images of intracranial tuberculous patients and to evaluate their position and capability in diagnosing this disease and their practice in clinically classifying and defining term of the disease .

  11. 目的比较利福平吡嗪酰胺联用方案(RZ)与异烟肼方案(H)化学预防潜在结核感染的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of rifampicin plus pyrazinamide versus isoniazid for prevention of tuberculosis among persons with or without HIV-infection respectively .

  12. 目的探讨卡介苗(BCG)对大鼠结核感染及CD4+CD8+双阳(DP)T细胞的影响。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of Bccillus Calmette Guerin ( BCG ) vaccine on anti-tuberculosis and CD4 + CD8 + double positive ( DP ) T lymphocytes .

  13. 目的现有条件下提高纯结素实验(以下简称PPD)检测结核感染的特异度。

    Objective To increase the exceptionally good degree of the pure tuberculin experiment ( PPD ) checkout tubercule infection under the now available condition .

  14. 由此可见,用于反映停止BCG复种组结核感染与发病的两项主要指标均不高于甚至低于未停BCG复种组。

    Therefore , the two indicators used as reflecting tuberculosis infection and onset after BCG revaccination termination were both not higher and even lower than the BCG revaccination group .

  15. 研究表明,TLR对先天免疫和获得性免疫都有调控作用,与抗结核感染免疫有关的主要是TLR2和TLR4。

    TLR can regulate both innate immunity and adaptive immunity in molecule level.TLR2 and TLR4 are two important molecules to the anti-infection immunity to M.tuberculosis .

  16. 认为免疫复合物是抗结核感染的重要组成部分,其中IgM/C3-CIC主要在发病初期起重要作用,IgG/C3-CIC在疾病的整个活动过程中都起作用。

    These results suggest that immune complexes are an important part against tubercle bacillus infection , in which IgM / C3-CIC plays an important role in the early stage and IgG / C3-CIC does in the whole course of this disease .

  17. 结果31例肾移植术后肺部感染患者中单纯细菌感染9例,真菌感染3例,CMV感染5例,结核感染1例,混合感染10例,病原不清3例。

    Results The 31 patients with pulmonary infection after kidney transplantation included 9 cases of simple bacterial infection , 3 cases of fungus infection , 5 cases of CMV infection , 1 case of TB , 10 cases of mixed infection , and 3 cases of infection with unclear pathogen .

  18. 结论:PPD实验是一种简单易行的筛检结核感染及肺结核的方法,根据试验结果采取不同防治措施,可有效控制结核病在学校的传播和流行。

    T. Conclusion : the PPD test is a simple methods to check tuberculosis infection and tuberculosis screening , according to the test results the different control measures can be taken , which can effectively control the popularity of tuberculosis in schools . Dissemination and popular in school .

  19. 近年大学生结核感染与免疫状况分析

    The analysis for infection and immunization of tuberculosis in recent years

  20. 实体器官移植术后结核感染的诊断与疗效分析

    Diagnosis and Curative Effect of Tuberculosis in Solid Organ Transplantation Patients

  21. 结核感染T细胞斑点试验辅助诊断小儿肺结核的临床研究

    The clinical application of T.SPOT-TB test in diagnosis of childhood pulmonary tuberculosis

  22. 目的:探讨中枢神经系统结核感染诊断。

    Aim : To investigate the diagnosis of the central nervous system tuberculosis .

  23. 目的:探讨肾脏移植术后结核感染的临床特点、诊断及治疗经验。

    Objective To explore diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis infection following kidney transplantation .

  24. 69例中枢神经系统结核感染临床与病理

    Clinical Manifestation and Pathology of Central Nervous System Tuberculosis

  25. 华北部队新兵结核感染状况调查

    An Investigation on TB Infection Status of New Soldiers in Northern China Troops

  26. WHO和控制结核病组织的目标是到2050年世界范围内减少一半结核感染者。

    The WHO and Stop-TB partnership aims to halve TB prevalence worldwide by2050 .

  27. 大学生结核感染、发病情况的调查及防治对策

    Investigation and Prevention of the Tubercle Infection and Its come-on among the College Students

  28. 注射用母牛分枝杆菌预防性治疗潜伏性结核感染的细胞免疫机制

    Cell-mediated immunological mechanism of Mycobacterium vaccae in the prophylactic treatment for latent tuberculosis infection

  29. 尿沉渣找抗酸杆菌阳性率较低,B超检查对泌尿系结核感染诊断的特异性较低。

    Positiveness of acid-fast stains of urinary sediment and specificity of B-ultrasonography were low .

  30. 组织病理证实是结核感染,而且有抗酸杆菌存在。

    Histopathologic study proved the diagnosis of tuberculosis with identification of the acid-fast bacilli .