
pào cài
  • pickled vegetables;pickles;sauerkraut;kraut;preserve
泡菜 [pào cài]
  • [pickles] 把洋白菜、萝卜等放在加了盐、酒、花椒等的凉开水里泡制成的一种带酸味的菜

泡菜[pào cài]
  1. 泡菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的离子色谱测定法

    Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite in Pickled Vegetables by Ion Chromatography

  2. 他昨天吃四川泡菜了。

    He ate Sichuan pickled vegetables yesterday .

  3. 另一个在约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。

    Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys .

  4. 在这里人们可以品尝辣椒、山茱萸、浆果、葡萄干制作的伏特加,以及各种泡菜、奢华和多样的食物,此外还有新鲜的鹌鹑蛋。

    Here one can taste pepper , cornel , berry , currants home-distilled vodka , various pickles , lavish and diverse food , and fresh quail eggs .

  5. 玛丽:我要一个豪华芝士汉堡套餐,不过不要里面的莴苣、西红柿、凉拌卷心菜和泡菜。

    Mary : " A cheeseburger delux , hold the lettuce . "

  6. 植物乳杆菌B2纯种发酵萝卜泡菜的研究

    Study on Pickling Radish by Lactobacillus plantarum B_ 2

  7. HACCP在四川泡菜生产中的应用研究

    Application research of HACCP in processing of sichuan pickles

  8. 对甘蓝泡菜的一株产细菌素植物乳杆菌LactobacilusplantarumG8进行了研究,确定了在MRS液体培养基中其细菌素产生的条件。

    In this article , a bacteriocin produced Lactobacillus plantarum G 8 isolated from cabbage pickle was studied .

  9. 应用PCR-DGGE技术分析泡菜中乳酸菌的多样性

    The Diversity of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Traditional Chinese Pickles by PCR-DGGE

  10. 接种组合A和组合B发酵的泡菜亚硝酸盐含量明显低于自然发酵,接种组合B比接种组合A的亚硝酸盐含量低。

    The nitrite contents of cabbage fermented with two compounds were lower than that of cabbage during spontaneous fermentation , and the nitrite content of cabbage inoculated with compound B was lower than that of compound A.

  11. SPME-GC法快速检测泡菜风味物质丁二酮的研究泡菜与乳酸菌

    The fast determination of diacetyl : the flavor component in pickle by SPME-GC

  12. 双柱GC-FID法检测腌制辣泡菜中甜蜜素

    Determination of the sodium cyclamate in pickled vegetable using two different polar columns by GC-FID

  13. KOC认为,泡菜及其它传统食品的短缺或许会给韩国运动员在本次赛事中的发挥带来一定的负面影响。

    The KOC said the lack of kimchi and other traditional food might hamper the athletes performance .

  14. 除了手机,2B类中其他物质包括:铅、亚洲泡菜、咖啡、某些食物染料还有救火员或干洗店员的工作环境等。

    Along with cell phones , other items in Group2B include lead , traditional Asian pickled vegetables , coffee , certain food dyes and working as a firefighter or dry cleaner .

  15. 中国美食,或者至少是其中一部分,可能将很快加入韩国泡菜和地中海食物的行列,进入联合国教科文组织(Unesco)的非物质文化遗产名录。

    Chinese food - or at least some portion of it - may be soon joining the likes of kimchi and Mediterranean food on Unesco 's list of intangible cultural heritage items .

  16. Eric对于足量供应的黏米饭、一份鸡块、鱼饼汤、一小份附有海带和肉酱面的绿色泡菜感到开心。

    Eric was excited to each a generous serving of sticky white rice , one chicken nugget , odeng , and a small serving of green kimchi with seaweed as well as noodles with meat sauce .

  17. 结果表明:泡菜汁接种、打浆、不抽真空、热烫5min所得发酵汁感官品质最佳。

    The results indicated that the pitching pickle juice , pulp , no evacuation was an optimum processing technology .

  18. 据韩式餐厅古宝屋的店长金基灿(KimGi-chan)说,这些大批大批前来排队点餐的客人最常点的菜有两种,一种是韩式辣泡菜,一种是那种有豆腐、蛤喇和鸡蛋在内的韩式大酱汤。

    The droves of people and the long lines are often seeking the spicy side dish kimchi or a spicy broth containing soft tofu , clams and an egg , said Kim Gi-chan , owner of Korean restaurant Gubaowu .

  19. 本研究结果显示,接种益生性乳酸菌LL-4发酵可提升泡菜的整体品质。

    The results show that endogenous lactic acid bacteria can improve the overall quality of pickles by inoculated beneficial LL-4 .

  20. Largeman承认该理论无法解释为什么有些孕妇爱吃泡菜,有些爱吃苹果馅饼。

    Largeman acknowledges that the theory doesn 't account for why some pregnant women hunger for pickles and others for apple strudel .

  21. 接种LL-4发酵后,可进一步提升泡菜增殖双歧杆菌的益生能力,并使泡菜的营养品质和风味都得到了一定程度的改善。

    Kimchi by LL-4 fermentation after inoculated can further enhance the proliferation of Bifidobacterium probiotic capabilities and the nutritional quality and flavor of kimchi .

  22. 淳厚的酒需要长期的存放。它最适合德国泡菜,腊肠和阿尔萨斯Munster奶酪,咖喱菜,中国和墨西哥菜,以及其他味道强烈的菜。

    Thick and rich wine , which can age , Gewurztraminer is better with sauerkraut , sausages and the Alsatian cheese Munster , curry seasoned dishes , chinese and mexican cooking and other spiced dishes .

  23. 他新开的Flock&Fowl餐厅专做中国南方的经典美食海南鸡饭,不过他升级了原料,进行了一些创新,比如在粥的上面放炸鸡(自由放养的鸡)、(有机)荷包蛋和(自制)泡菜。

    His newest venture , Flock & Fowl , is devoted to the classic southern Chinese dish called Hainanese chicken rice , but with upgraded ingredients and innovations like congee topped with fried ( free-range ) chicken , a poached ( organic ) egg and ( house-made ) pickles .

  24. 干酪乳杆菌LC-13和乳酸乳杆菌LL-12是从发酵优良的四川泡菜老水中分离的,具有很好发酵性能。

    Lactobacillus casei LC-13 and Lactobacillus lactic LL-12 were isolated from the natural fermented pickles with good flavor and the two strains have good fermentation performance .

  25. 泡菜500的经营人蒂姆·蔡(TimChae)说,美国投资者已经开始把首尔当作某种水晶球,通过它可以看到,硅谷最宏大的梦想——一个无钞、无车、一切应有尽有的社会——已经实现了。

    Tim Chae , who runs 500 Kimchi , said that American investors have begun to think of Seoul as a sort of crystal ball . In it , they can glimpse a future where the most ambitious dreams of Silicon Valley - a cashless , carless , everything-on-demand society - have already been realized .

  26. 影响甘蓝泡菜中亚硝酸盐含量因素的研究

    Study on influence of factors on nitrite content in cabbage pickle

  27. 百合泡菜的工业化发酵生产研究

    Study on the fermentation of pickled Lily in the industrialized production

  28. 我真的要在这个时候给你们送泡菜吗?

    Should I be delivering kimchi for you at this age ?

  29. 用盐水浸泡后保存在糖醋中的泡菜。

    Pickle cured in brine and preserved in sugar and vinegar .

  30. 我在泡菜之国--韩国出生;

    I was born in Korea -- the land of kimchi ;