
pào zhuànɡ xì bāo
  • bulliform cell
  1. 拟泡状细胞是提高植物抗旱性和抵御外界不良影响的结构,是自然选择中植物显现的有利变异之一;

    Similar bulliform cell is structure of improving plant drought resistance and resisting badness effect from environment , is one of plant appearing avail variation in natural selection ;

  2. 中肠腺小管上皮在Z2期细胞已有了分化,由4类细胞组成,即胚细胞(E细胞)、纤维细胞(F细胞)、泡状细胞(B细胞)和吸收细胞(R细胞)。

    The midgut gland cell differentiation occurs at Z2 . There are 4 types of cells , i. e. , embryonic cell ( E-cell ), fibrillar cell ( F-cell ), blister cell ( B-cell ) and resorptive cell ( R-cell ) .

  3. 小麦叶片表皮泡状细胞形态的数量特征

    Statistics Analysis on the Quantitative Characteristics of Bulliform Cells in Wheat Leaves

  4. 正对主脉的上表皮凹陷处均有泡状细胞。

    The bulliform cells were situated in groove of upper epidermis facing the main vein .

  5. 上表皮细胞从叶缘至中部有5种类型,主脉正上方凹陷处有13-15个泡状细胞。

    The upper epidermal cell could be divided into five types from leaf margin to middle part of leaf . The bulliform cells ( 13 ~ 15 ) were situated above of median adaxial grooves .

  6. 根据硅质乳突和泡状细胞的分布和特征,可将本属叶表皮分成三种类型,但此区分分类意义及环境指示意义均不大。

    Based on the distribution and characteristics of the siliceous papillae and bulliform cells , three types of leaf epidermis of these species are recognized . However , such differentiation has little taxonomical significance , and its value as an environmental indicator is still unknown .

  7. 在轻度盐化草甸芦苇的叶肉细胞内分布较多的Na+和Mg2+,而在鞘细胞内K+、Ca2+和Cl-的分布均较叶肉细胞和泡状细胞为高。

    Higher Na + and Mg 2 + was determined in the mesophyll cells than in the bulliform cells and vascular bundle sheath cells , and higher K + , Ca 2 + and Cl - in the vascular bundle sheath cells of the light salt meadow ecotype .

  8. 鼻咽泡状核细胞癌DNA含量与PCNA计数的研究

    The study of cellular DNA content and PCNA expression of vesicular nucleus cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx

  9. 鼻咽泡状核细胞癌中癌细胞群体的AgNORs定量分析

    AgNORs quantitative assessment of cancer cell populations in vesicular nucleus cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx

  10. 图像处理检测的PCNA表达量与鼻咽癌的病理分级也呈明显的正相关,与5年生存率呈负相关,但泡状核细胞癌虽属低分化鳞癌却不符合上述规律。

    PCNA expression level and pathological grading of NPC were positively correlated , and PCNA expression levels and five years survival rate negatively correlated in all pathological gradings of NPC except the vesicular nucleus cell carcinoma .

  11. 结果显示:①NPC中可见片状分布的ISEL阳性细胞,其形态不表现凋亡特征,以泡状核细胞癌更常见。

    The results showed that : ① Massive distribution of ISEL positive cells was frequently exhibited in vesicular nucleus cell carcinoma ( VNCC ) of NPC , in which no apoptotic pattern character was found .

  12. 鼻咽泡状核细胞癌和低分化鳞癌的临床生物学行为的对比研究

    A comparative study of vesicular nucleus cell carcinoma and poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in nasopharynx

  13. 肝泸泡树枝状细胞肿瘤是最近认知的疾病。

    Follicular dendritic cell ( FDC ) tumor of the liver is a recently recognized entity .

  14. 在双核菌丝顶端与倒壁凹陷处,以及菌丝交界处的细胞壁附近,都观察到管状、囊泡状的细胞器集合体。

    At the tip region and side-wall and the branch bounday of the dikaryotic hypha , tube-like or vacuolar organelle collection was observed .

  15. 临床上,鼻咽癌98%是低分化鳞癌;高分化鳞癌、腺癌、泡状核细胞癌等较少见。

    Clinically , Poorly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma is present in 98 % NPC patients , well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are rarely encountered .

  16. 结果发现:复合保鲜剂能使菌体变形,在菌体表面形成泡状结构,破坏细胞壁和细胞膜的结构,起到抑菌的作用。

    It was shown that the bacterial deformation , bubble-like structure formed on the bacteria surface and the injury of the structure of cell wall and cell membrane could be caused by the combined biological preservative .