
  • 网络Pauli’s exclusion principle;the Pauli exclusion principle
  1. 一旦他们开始成为体系的一部分,泡利不相容原理起作用了。

    And once they start to become part of one system , Pauli Exclusion Principle kicks in .

  2. 一个是泡利不相容原理,我们在周三讨论过它。

    One is the Pauli exclusion principal , we discussed this on Wednesday .

  3. 最后,我们认为可能存在泡利不相容原理不成立这种新的相。

    Finally , we think that , perhaps , a new phase of the inapplicability of Pauli 's exclusion principle can exist .

  4. 而反夸克不是全同的费米子,不受泡利不相容原理的约束。因此,五夸克的波函数可以将四个正夸克波函数与一个反夸克的波函数作外积约化的耦合得到。

    The anti-quark is not all the same fermion . Therefore , the five-quark wave function with four quarks and an anti-quark function be constructed by outer product .