
jué miè
  • Extinction;become extinct;die out
绝灭 [jué miè]
  • [become extinct] 灭绝;消失

  • 濒于绝灭

绝灭[jué miè]
  1. 这一结果表明:在后项分支存在时,疾病绝灭与否不仅与基本再生数有关还与初始状态(初始时刻所关注地区的潜伏者和染病者等的数量)有关。

    This result shows that whether or not the disease die out is not only depend on the basic reproductive number of models but also on the initial status ( including the number of the susceptibles , the infectious and so on ) .

  2. 这样一来却使它们免于绝灭

    In doing so they were saved from extermination .

  3. 具污染与捕获的Logistic单种群的持续生存及绝灭

    Persistence and Extinction of Logistic Single-Species with Pollution and Harvesting

  4. 广西罗富法门期竹节石&F/F绝灭事件的幸存者

    Famennian TENTACULITES from luofu , guangxi : survivors of f / f extinction event

  5. 大自然则相反,正在此时离开绝灭并再生到新的DNA中;

    Nature on the other hand is pulling out of its extinction at this time and shall renew itself into new DNA ;

  6. 污染环境中具有捕获的Logistic单种群的弱平均持续生存与绝灭

    Weakly persistence in the mean and extinction of Logistic single population with harvesting in a polluted environment

  7. 环境污染中三维Volterra系统持续生存与绝灭的阈值

    The thresholds of persistence and extinction for system of three species Volterra in a polluted environment

  8. 非自治Lotka-Volterra竞争生态系统的绝灭性和持久性

    Persistence and extinction in Nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra competitve ecosystems

  9. 动物源杂合肽P18对白血病K562细胞的致死作用研究消失基因座,绝灭基因座

    Effect of Animal Based Hybrid Peptide P18 in Human Leukemia K562 Cell Death

  10. 晚泥盆世弗拉斯法门期(FrasnianFamennian)之间存在一次全球性生物绝灭事件(简称FF事件)。这次事件在西秦岭地区有所表现。

    There existed an event of global mass extinction between the Frasnian and Famennian of the Late Devonian .

  11. 利用比较原理,对一类广义Logistic种群的生存状况进行了深入讨论,得到了种群β-生存和在有限时间内零绝灭的充分条件。

    This paper makes a thorough discussion on the existence of a class of general Logistic species community by comparability principle . It gives sufficient conditions for β - existence and zero extinction in finite time .

  12. 道已经介入来了解此区域很久前发生了什么,因为很久前Terra就走向绝灭。

    The Tao has now intervened to understand what occurred in this region of domain long ago ; as long ago Terra went extinct .

  13. 本文研究了一般环境污染模型(M1),得到了N种群持续生存与绝灭的阈值定理,该定理推广了文〔1〕的结论;

    In this paper , we discuss a general polluted environment model ( M 1 ) and obtain the threshold of N-populations between persistence and extinction . This result extends what is stated in paper ;

  14. 对中国和世界上这三条界线的研究表明,它们具有下列相似特征:许多生物门类大量绝灭、铂族元素的正异常、稳定同位素(δ~(13)C)的突然变化等。

    Studies of these boundaries in China and over the world strongly suggest that they have similar features : mass extinction of many taxa of lifeforms , positive anomalies of platinum group metals , and abrupt changes of stable isotopes (δ ~ ( 13 ) C ), etc.

  15. 研究具有一般形式饱和接触率SEIS模型渐近性态,得到决定疾病绝灭和持续的阀值-基本再生数R0.当R0(?)

    In this paper , a kind of SEIS model with general saturated contact rate is studied and the threshold , a basic reproductive number which determines the outcome of the infectious disease is found .

  16. 对环境容量很大且被污染的三种群时变系统进行了研究,给出了三维时变Volterra捕食-被捕食系统弱平均持续生存与绝灭的充分条件。

    This paper studies a predator-prey volterra time-varying system of three species in a large capacity polluted enviroment . The sufficient conditions of persistence and extinction for each population have been obtained .

  17. 晚二叠世长兴(大隆)期的δ13C值急剧降低,并在三叠纪初步达到极小值,反映了二叠-三叠系界线附近生物的迅速衰亡和集体绝灭。

    The δ 13C value remarkably drops since the Changxing stage ( late Permian ), and reaches a minimum in the Triassic , consistent with the reduction and final extinction of biomass .

  18. 拟南芥冷诱导型启动子CBF3的克隆及活性检测消失基因座,绝灭基因座

    Cloning of Cold-Induced Promoter CBF 3 from Arabidopsis thaliana and Its Activity Detection in Transgenic Tobacco

  19. Nomi仍在恢复健康中,那是极性将其梦想推入绝灭而不是生存的结果。

    Nomi is still recovering from health issues that are the result of how polarity has pressed his dream towards extinction rather than life .

  20. 利用Floquet理论,找到了决定疾病绝灭与否的阈值,得到了无病周期解的的局部渐近稳定性的充分条件。

    Using the theory of Floquet , the threshold which determines the spread of the disease is found , the sufficient of the local stability of the disease-free periodic is obtained .

  21. 另外,人类已经通过这一入口而旅行到过去,比如Anu人家族,并由于他们不和谐的血统与模式的缘故,从而帮助上演了本周期的绝灭。

    Additionally humans have traveled through this gate from the past such as the Family of Anu and help perpetuate extinction in this cycle as a result of their discordant genealogies and patterning .

  22. 碳、氧同位素演化特征表明,早三叠世Induan期环境恶劣、生物复苏缓慢,Olenekian早期的地质事件导致生物再次绝灭,延缓了生物复苏的进程。

    The characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotopic trends imply a harsh environment that was disadvantageous to marine faunas , suggesting a very slow recovery in the Early Triassic . Further more , the repeated geological events might have been responsible for the prolonged recovery interval following the mass extinction .

  23. 估计一定时间内物种的绝灭风险;

    Evaluating extinction risk of endangered species in a given time ;

  24. 物种濒危和绝灭不是随机的。

    Species endangerment and extinction does not occur at random ecologically .

  25. 把垃圾往海里倾倒就是在把海洋生物杀绝灭尽。

    Dumping garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life .

  26. 非协同,带来了一次又一次走向绝灭思想形态的跌落。

    Non synergy leads to fall after fall towards extinction thought-form .

  27. 当代生物多样性剧减与古&中生代之交生物绝灭的对比

    Comparison of Modern Biodiversity Variation with Paleozoic - Mesozoic Biotic Crisis

  28. 它们品系的绝灭期还要早几百万年。

    Their line had died out many millions of years earlier .

  29. 野生麋鹿绝灭时间初探

    On the time of extinction of the wild mi-deer in China

  30. 古生代中生代之交的生物绝灭和地质事件四川广元上寺二叠系三叠系界线和事件的初步研究

    Mass extinction and geological events between Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Era