
  • 网络Museum Victoria;Victoria Museum;Victoria and Albert Museum;V&A Museum
  1. 墨尔本维多利亚博物馆(MuseumVictoria)的约翰•朗(JohnLong)是该研究小组的负责人。他表示:这无疑是化石界有史以来最不同寻常的发现之一。

    John Long of Museum Victoria in Melbourne , who led the research team , said : The discovery is certainly one of the most extraordinary fossil finds ever made .

  2. 最近在维多利亚阿尔伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)的一次谈话中,西格丽德表示,手袋博物馆当时仅有的凯莉包是件赝品。

    During a recent talk at the Victoria and Albert Museum , Sigrid said the Handbag Museum 's then-only Kelly was a fake .

  3. 他在伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的首份管理工作是在东亚分部(EastAsiadepartment),在那儿他开始把相应的时装款式收藏入馆。

    His first curatorial role at the V & A was in the East Asia department , where he began to introduce examples of fashion into the collection .

  4. 第一封圣诞卡是1843年由维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(世界上最大的装饰艺术和设计博物馆)的老板HenryCole先生发出的。

    The first were sent in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole , boss of the Victoria and Albert Museum .

  5. 波顿曾是伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)馆长,于2002年转投大都会艺术博物馆门下后,已单独或合作组织了13场展览。

    Once a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum , Bolton moved to the Met in 2002 , where he has curated or co-curated 13 shows .

  6. 据信,3年后,维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)的创办人亨利•科尔爵士(SirHenryCole)委托印制了第一张商用圣诞卡。

    Three years later , Sir Henry Cole , founder of the Victoria and Albert Museum , commissioned what is believed to be the first commercially printed Christmas card .

  7. 博尔顿生于英国,现年49岁,在加入大都会博物馆前在伦敦的维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)工作了九年。博尔顿说,他从科达那里懂得了把新与旧放置在一起的价值。

    Mr. Bolton , who worked at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London for nine years before joining the Met , said he had learned from Mr. Koda the value of juxtaposing the old and the new .

  8. 答:我们正计划展出的有乌克兰摄影师鲍里斯·米哈伊洛夫(BorisMikhailov)的作品。2011年他曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)办过个展,在伦敦V&A(维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆[VictoriaandAlbertMuseum])也办过一次。

    A. We are planning to have works by people like Ukrainian photographer Boris Mikhailov , who had a solo exhibition at MoMA [ Museum of Modern Art in New York ] in 2011 and one at the V. & A. [ Victoria and Albert Museum ] in London .

  9. 博物馆包括大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,国家美术馆,泰特美术馆的,收集的华莱士,该研究所的当代艺术,并Saachi画廊。

    Museums include the British Museum , the Victoria and Albert Museum , the National Gallery , the Tate Gallery , the Wallace Collection , the Institute of Contemporary Art , and the Saachi Gallery .

  10. “中国设计”,维多利亚和阿尔博特博物馆,英国伦敦;

    " Design China " V & A Museum London , London Uk ;

  11. 穿鞋的苦与乐:维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆发生的事�

    The pleasure and pain of shoes : something afoot at the V & A

  12. 展示设计与设计展示:维多利亚&阿尔伯特博物馆创意中国当代中国设计展

    Displaying Design and Designing Display : " China Design Now " at the Victoria and Albert Museum

  13. 维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆

    Victoria and Albert Museum

  14. 上文提到的这份手稿来自1493年,现存于伦敦的维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆。

    The page in question is from 1493 and is currently held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London .

  15. 伦敦的维多利亚和艾尔伯特博物馆,格拉斯哥的伯勒尔收藏馆内也有两张稍微后期的地毯碎片。

    London 's Victoria and Albert Museum and the Burrell Collection in Glasgow also have two fragments from a slightly later date .

  16. 大型的博物馆,比如说大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆都需要几天的时间才能参观完。

    The larger museums , such as the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum will take several days to get around .

  17. 自然历史博物馆、科学博物馆以及维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆都座落在南肯辛顿的一小块土地上。

    The Natural History Museum , Science Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum are all situated in a small area in South Kensington .

  18. 世界上只有几家博物馆有幸收藏到这种杯子——包括伦敦博物馆,大英博物馆,以及维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆。

    Only a handful of museums across the globeboast an example in their collections - including London museums , the BritishMuseum , and the Victoria and Albert Museum .

  19. 以慈善家的名字来冠名充分说明了这一点:即使是像维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆这类举世闻名的博物馆,也要依赖私人投资来达成自己的计划。

    The preponderance of philanthropists ' names is a telling indicator of the reliance of even internationally renowned museums such as the VA on private investment to fulfil their plans .

  20. 20世纪20年代,当其第一次出现在维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆,当时的馆长将其判定为“无甚关联的笔记和图画,用红色墨水书写”.

    When first examined by a director of the Victoria and Albert Museum in the 1920s , the director dismissed the notations as " irrelevant notes and diagrams in red chalk . "

  21. 但英国维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆最近仔细察看他们收藏的标本,发现枪盾可能比大多数历史学家最初所认为的更加常用。

    But the UK 's Victoria and Albert Museum recently took a closer look at their specimen and discovered that gun shields may have been more commonplace than most historians originally believed .

  22. 正如凯夫自己在《地球两万日》快到片尾的地方中说的,我第一次见到苏西是在伦敦的维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆。

    As Cave himself puts it , in a recording featured near the end of 20,000 Days : The first time I saw Susie was at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London .

  23. 这句话写在伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的展厅入口处,引领着人们走进去,同时也点燃了我们内心的愿望。

    This sentence is written on the entrance of the exhibition room of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London , leading visitors into the museum and igniting the desire in our inner hearts .

  24. 一进入英国国立维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆,第一眼看见的便是夏日展厅里的鞋子:那是莫伊拉·希勒出演鲍威尔和皮斯伯格的电影《红菱艳》时穿过的红色芭蕾舞鞋,那双红舞鞋展现了女主人公的苦与乐。

    One of the first things you notice on entering the V & A 's new summer exhibition Shoes : Pleasure & Pain are the ballet slippers wornby Moria Shearer in Powell and Press burger 's film The Red Shoes .

  25. 那些博物馆馆长有不同程度的吃惊,有的已经咨询过律师,其他的,如伦敦维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆馆长希望长期出借有争议的藏品会满足安卡拉的要求。

    Museum directors have reacted with varying degrees of shock . Some have instructed lawyers ; others , such as the V & A , are hoping that a " long-term " loan of the contested object will satisfy the demands from Ankara .

  26. 就像伦敦的维多利亚与艾伯特童年博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseumofChildhood)的新展览爱丽丝造型(TheAliceLook)所展示的那样,自从那本书出版之后,时尚界就迷上了她的风格。

    And as The Alice Look , a new exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood in London , illustrates , the fashion world has been obsessed by her style ever since the book was published .