
  • 网络CIUDAD VICTORIA;Victoria City;cvm
  1. 长期以来,中环一直是香港的行政和金融中心,而且在英国统治早期,这里是为西方人保留的,被称作维多利亚城。

    Central has long been the administrative and financial centre of Hong Kong and was reserved for Westerners under the early part of British rule , when it was also instead known as Victoria City .

  2. 或许比维多利亚城大得多

    probably much larger than the city of Victoria .

  3. 维多利亚州首府墨尔本城附近有国际运动会场馆(鸟瞰图,从左至右):墨尔本公园网球中心与墨尔本城;

    Melbourne , capital of Victoria , has international sporting venues sited close to the city ( aerial view , left to right ): Melbourne Park Tennis Centre and the city ;