
  • 网络Green Zone;green belt;Greenbelt
  1. 它同时扩大了Coherence在最小调整情况下支持的集群绿色地带。

    It also widens the green zone of cluster sizes that Coherence supports with minimal tuning .

  2. 受害者被捆绑且蒙着眼睛,于上个月在一个绿色地带发现。

    The victim found bound and blindfold last month inside the highly security green zone .

  3. 蓝色地带通往机场,绿色地带通往宾馆。

    Airport shuttles are located in the blue zone , Hotel shuttles in the green zone .

  4. 在给乔伊送钱之前,威利斯开车去了一家在科尼岛的酒吧,叫绿色地带。

    Before he dropped the cash off with Joey , Willis stopped at a bar in Coney Island called the green zone .

  5. 地图中央浅绿色地带是较多大埔区居民居住的区议会选区。

    The light green areas are DCCAs ( District Council Constituency Areas ) in central Tai Po where most people in the District live .

  6. 可有些人却质疑这片让人会联想起伊拉克首都巴格达的绿色地带到底是要劝走游客还是引来游客。

    Yet some wonder if the green zone , with its hints of Baghdad , did as much to dissuade visitors as tempt them in .

  7. 其次,美国应宣布自己将与所有伊拉克领导人[包括那些没有居住在巴格达军事要区(即绿色地带)的领导人]进行对话,联合设定并宣布美国全面撤军的最后期限。

    Second , the US should announce it is undertaking talks with all Iraqi leaders – including those who do not reside in the fortress area in Baghdad known as the Green Zone – jointly to set and announce a deadline for full US military disengagement .