
  • 网络green corridor
  1. 如今,这段绿色长廊工程已经完成了一半,形成一条大小树错落有致、色彩缤纷的亮丽风景线。

    Currently outsourced to two Class-I landscaping enterprises , the project has been halfway through . A " green corridor " with trees of different sizes and colors is in the making .

  2. 综上所述,生态恢复是本文研究高速公路绿化景观设计的中心任务,绿化景观设计强调回归自然,提供一个让人们驻留、交流,身心放松的高速绿色长廊。

    In general , ecological restoration was the main performance of studying plantation landscape design of expressway , plantation landscape design emphasized the return to nature , provided a green corridor enabling people to stay > communicate and relax .

  3. 另外,绿色长廊建设也为附近处于农闲季节的村民增加了额外收入。

    Besides , the project will also offer farmers along the expressway a chance to earn extra money in slack farming seasons .

  4. 唐布拉草原是绿色的长廊。

    The Tangbula Grassland is like a long green corridor .

  5. 因此,城市出入口道路建设将景观美化、生态恢复等方面进行有机结合,与城市历史文化资源有效整合,将城市出入口道路打造成一个安全、舒适、生态、美观的绿色生态长廊。

    Therefore , city access road construction will be the landscape , ecological restoration and other aspects of organic integration of city history and culture , and the effective integration of resources , the city entrance road to create a safe , comfortable , ecological , beautiful green corridor .