
  • 网络military junta;burmese junta
  1. 现在,赢在运行的墙,是用彩色海报,谴责缅甸军政府贴满洗衣店。

    Now , Win runs a laundromat where the walls are plastered with colorful posters denouncing Burma 's military junta .

  2. 在本周于内比都召开的例行会议(每四月举行一次)上,缅甸军政府据传将对其军区指挥官以及其他一些高级军事职位进行人员重组。

    During its four-monthly meeting in Naypyidaw this week , Burma 's military junta reportedly decided to reshuffle its regional military commanders and other senior military posts .

  3. 缅甸军政府在高级将领丹瑞(ThanShwe)的领导下,正急于在选举之前打垮少数民族武装组织。

    The government , led by Senior General Than Shwe , is keen to break the power of the ethnic armies before the elections .

  4. 多年来,缅甸军政府严密控制着经济。

    For years , Burma 's military closely controlled the economy .

  5. 缅甸军政府的将军们必须是解决方案的一部分。

    The generals are going to be part of the solution .

  6. 2007年缅甸军政府曾邀请南掸邦军举行了一次和平会谈。

    The Burma Army invited the SSA'South'for a peace talk in2007 .

  7. 潘基文说,他希望缅甸军政府信守承诺。

    He said he hoped the Burmese junta would keep its word .

  8. 缅甸军政府说,将在2010年举行大选。

    Burma 's military government says general elections will be held in 2010 .

  9. 缅甸军政府过去几十年在国内采取铁腕统治。

    Burma 's military has ruled the country with an iron fist for decades .

  10. 在这种情势下,缅甸军政府依然按计划举行了宪法公投。批评人士称之为一场骗局。

    Critics have labeled the referendum a sham .

  11. 与外界隔绝的缅甸军政府一直受到国际压力,要求它接受更多的外国援助。

    Burma 's reclusive government is under international pressure to allow more outside assistance .

  12. 两家民族武装均正在准备和缅甸军政府之间不可避免的内战;

    The two groups are preparing for inevitable civil war with the Burmese junta .

  13. 缅甸军政府的将军们表示,他们将按计划在星期六举行制宪公投。

    The generals say they plan to go ahead with a constitutional referendum next Saturday .

  14. 他说,缅甸军政府领导人目前的政策是“犯罪性的玩忽职守”。

    Gates said he would describe the Burmese generals'current policy as one of-in his words-criminal neglect .

  15. 根据这项协议,缅甸军政府终于同意让外国医疗队伍协助纳尔吉斯热带风暴的受害者。东盟外长还同意,为协助纳尔吉斯热带风暴受害者设立一个援助协调机制。

    The foreign ministers also agreed to establish a mechanism to coordinate assistance to cyclone victims .

  16. 从那年开始,缅甸军政府实施了一些颇受争议的修复活动。

    In the years since , the military government of Myanmar has undertaken a controversial restoration effort .

  17. 但是,布什政府担心缅甸军政府领导人不接受美国的援助。美国第一夫人通常不会在白宫讲台上谈论外国局势。

    First ladies normally do not appear at the White House podium to talk about events abroad .

  18. 缅甸军政府领导成员计划于下周在内比都召开会议。

    Leading members of the Burmese military junta are scheduled to meet in the coming week in Naypyidaw .

  19. 他谴责缅甸军政府对国际社会的援助意愿“充耳不闻。”

    He accused Burma 's military government of being " deaf and dumb " to offers of foreign aid .

  20. 但是,缅甸军政府拒绝国际援助人员入境的举动甚至使缅甸传统上的盟友都感到不满。

    The Burmese junta 's refusal to allow access to relief teams is causing frustration even among its friends .

  21. 人权组织和几个西方国家政府谴责缅甸军政府对纳尔吉斯热带风暴的受害者漠不关心。

    Human rights groups and several Western governments have accused Burma 's military of neglecting the storm 's victims .

  22. 有些民族党领导人是缅甸军政府支持的民间群众组织‘联邦巩固与发展协会’成员。

    Some ethnic party leaders are members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association , the junta-backed civilian mass organization .

  23. 缅甸军政府上星期同意允许外国救援人员到受灾最重的地方去展开工作。

    Burma 's military government last week agreed to allow more foreign aid workers in to the hardest hit areas .

  24. 如果缅甸军政府试图以武力实现其改编计划目标,这项协议将予撤销。

    It has said the agreement will be revoked if the junta tries to achieve its BGF goal by force .

  25. 缅甸军政府起初拒绝大部分的外国援助,但在国际上巨大压力下,最终态度软化。

    The Burmese military rulers , which had rejected most offers of foreign aid , finally relented under intense international pressure .

  26. 缅甸军政府领导人丹瑞大将为纪念缅甸建军节在全国电视台上露面。

    Burmese general Than Shwe went on national television , Thursday , to mark the country 's Armed Forces Day holiday .

  27. 但是,缅甸军政府一直不愿意准许国际救援人员进入缅甸指导救援努力。

    But Burma 's military government has been reluctant to allow international aid workers into the country to direct the effort .

  28. 美国一直对缅甸军政府执政领导成员及有关企业执行经济制裁。

    The US has maintained its economic sanctions on members of the junta and specific businesses tied to the ruling leadership .

  29. 因此我们要对缅甸军政府说,让美国来协助你们帮助你们的人民。

    So our message is to the military rulers : Let the United States come and help you help the people .

  30. 缅甸军政府表示,新宪法是沿着民主化路线图向前走了一步。

    The Burmese junta says the new constitution is a step in what the generals say is a roadmap to democracy .