
huǎn jí
  • urgency;emergency;degree of urgency;pressing or otherwise;greater or lesser urgency;of greater or lesser urgency
缓急 [huǎn jí]
  • (1) [pressing or otherwise;of greater or lesser urgency]∶舒缓与紧急

  • (2) [emergency]∶指需要相助的事

  • 缓急或可救助。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • 缓急人皆有之

缓急[huǎn jí]
  1. 最小空闲时间优先(leastslackfirst,简称LSF)算法结合任务执行的缓急程度来给任务分配优先级。

    The LSF ( least slack first ) algorithm assigns a priority to a task according to its executing urgency .

  2. 该算法根据网络拓扑变化的缓急自动调整发送BPDU数据包的时间间隔。

    This algorithm adjusts the intervals based on the network topology 's change .

  3. 最小松弛度优先LLF(LeastLaxityFirst)调度算法结合任务执行的缓急程度来给任务分配优先级,任务的松弛度越小,越需要尽快执行。

    The LLF ( Least Laxity First ) scheduling algorithm assigns a priority to a task according to its executing urgency . The smaller the laxity value of a task is , the sooner it needs to be executed .

  4. 由于发病年龄悬殊、起病缓急与病情进展速度不一,而且各脏器受损的顺序和程度也存在差异,导致初发症状多种多样,临床表现复杂多变,造成WD临床诊断困难。

    Due to the age of onset and progress varies , organ damage differences , leading to the initial symptoms of WD varied and clinical manifestations are complex , resulting in the clinical diagnosis difficult .

  5. 莫扎特钢琴作品的缓急法与自由节奏

    Pressing-or-Otherwise Method and Free Rhythm in Mozart 's Piano Works

  6. 温中补气和里缓急法治疗老年慢性萎缩性胃炎346例

    Clinical Observation of 346 Cases of Senile Chronic Atrophic Gastritis by Chinese Medicine

  7. 温中补虚,缓急止痛。

    To warm and invigorate the spleen and the stomach , and relieve pain .

  8. 认识到凡事(包括你自己)的先后缓急和价值都不是绝对的;

    understanding that priorities and values , including your own , are not absolute ;

  9. 具体费用依据课程的难度以及对论文需要的缓急程度来定。

    The cost depends on the difficulty of the subject and how soon the paper is needed .

  10. 由流体流动的福劳德数可以确定流动的缓急程度。

    The Froude number of flow is the factor of flow status : supercritical flow or subcritical flow .

  11. 厚重的笔墨,行止缓急有序的线条,流露出的是生命的蓬勃,以及大自然温热的感染力。

    The thick ink & the orderly weighted lines show the flourish of life as well as the charming of nature .

  12. 如果可能的话,家务活应该按缓急程度来分类,快性子的人负责更为紧迫的任务。

    When possible , chores should be classified by their urgency , with the faster person responsible for the more pressing tasks .

  13. 可伸缩性是指系统能够容易地适应对使用强度、容量大小或需求缓急较高或较低的要求。

    Scalability pertains to the capability of a system to adapt readily to a greater or lesser intensity of use , volume , or demand .

  14. 每当桌上大乱,就该抽出时间来整理,把各项文档依缓急先后分次,然后逐一处理。

    You should find some times to put all archives in proper order and handle them one by one in terms of priority when the table is messed .

  15. 临床运用应必须针对病人体质状况、病情轻重、证候情况确立标本缓急,选择恰当作用程度的活血化瘀药。

    Clinically administration must point to patients'constitution , disease severity , and signs for detailed treatment plan , and select proper drugs of activating blood circulation to remove stasis .

  16. 任务的抢占阈值是随着任务执行的缓急程度不同而动态地变化的,而且不受任务个数的限制。

    Every task is dynamically assigned a preemption threshold that is dynamically changing with the executing urgency of the task and is not limited by the number of tasks .

  17. 在市场经济中,利率帮助协调生产者投资项目的周期长短,以满足消费者消费意愿的缓急。

    In a market economy , interest rates help to coordinate consumers'preferences to enjoy goods sooner versus later , with producers'investments in projects that take shorter or longer to complete .

  18. 汉字的体块比例、转折的缓急、空白的大小等诸多问题多数情况下也正是版式设计所面临的问题,它们具有共通性。

    The body mass ratio , turning the priorities , gaps size and many other issues in most cases of Chinese Character are exactly the problems faced by the design layout , they have commonality .

  19. 对老年多系统病证的处方用药并非针对单病单证,也并非面面俱到、多靶点治疗,而是在辨证论治的基础上,权衡标本缓急,综合调治。

    Multi-system disease and syndrome in elderly prescription drug is not a single disease documents , not all-inclusive , multi-target therapy , but rather on the basis of TDS , to weigh specimens priorities , modulating .

  20. 散寒解热口服液是具有发汗解表、散寒解热、缓急止痛、宣肺化痰功效的中药复方制剂,适用于外感风寒发热证(细菌性上感、感冒、流感等)。

    Oral Liquor for dispelling cold and clearing heat is a Chinese herbal compound with functions of relieving exterior syndrome and inducing diaphoresis , dispelling cold and clearing heat , relieving spasm and pain , and ventilating the lung and resolving phlegm .

  21. 控释肥料能依据作物营养特性,调控各种养分供应强度与容量,达到供肥缓急与作物需求相一致,提高肥料利用率,减少肥料对环境的污染。

    Control of fertilizer release can adjust the intensity and capacity of nutrient supply according to the crop nutrient characteristics and keep the balance between fertilizer release and crop requirement , thus increasing the use efficiency of fertilizer and reducing the environment pollution .

  22. 根据发病缓急程度、病理变化及临床表现特点,分为急性阑尾炎型、慢性肠炎型、肠梗阻型、腹腔肿块型、腹膜炎型、出血型、肠瘘型、中毒性巨结肠及癌变型。

    In accordance with disease course , pathological changes and clinical presentation , it could be classified into 9 types of acute appendicitis , chronic enteritis , intestinal obstruction , abdominal mass , peritonitis , hemorrhage , intestinal fistula , toxic megacolon and cancer .

  23. 经过6年的野外调查和查阅文献资料,首次建立了以蕴藏系数、保护缓急程度等7项指标在内的定量评价珍稀濒危药用植物指标体系。

    Based on the field investigation and data or literature references over six years , an evaluation system for endangered and precious wild officinal plants , which contain seven indexes such as storage index and protection urgency degree , was set up for the first time .