首页 / 词典 / good

  • copy;repair;mend;write out
  • 修补,整治:~生(保养身体)。~性(修养本性)。~完。修~。

  • 抄写:~写。~校(jiào )。


(修补) repair; mend:

  • 房屋修缮

    house repairing;

  • 缮甲兵

    keep army in good condition;

  • 缮城郭

    repair city walls for defense


(抄写) copy; write out:

  • 缮校

    make copy and check;

  • 缮清

    make a fair copy

  1. 他讲他能建缮那部车。

    He says he can repair this car .

  2. 你能为我缮打这份文件吗,珊卓拉?

    Could you type up this document for me , sandra ?

  3. 土工织物在缮吐高速公路软土地基中的应用

    Application of earthwork fabrics in the soft ground foundation of Shan-To expressway

  4. 这小孩不会看钟表缮。

    The child doesn 't know how to tell time .

  5. 装箱单必须作详细的缮制。

    Separate packing list in full details required .

  6. 实际的建缮费用比人们预期的要低得多。

    The actual cost of repairs was a lot less than we had expected .

  7. 本文研究了稀土元素与磺胺偶氮氯膦成缮反应的规律性。

    The regularity of complex reactions of rare earth elements with chlorophosphonazo-p-sulfonamide has been studied .

  8. 听听这些缮音。

    Just listen to the sound .

  9. 用英文缮制的所有单据须一次寄交我行。

    All documents made out in english must be sent to our bank in one lot .

  10. 单证制作技巧:包装单据的缮制

    The Making of Packaging Documents

  11. 请记住用中英两种文字缮制合同,两种文本同样有效。

    Please remember to use both English and Chinese versions and both versions should be equally valid .

  12. 洽谈阶段的细致工作是签订完善合同的前提,但具体的缮制工作更是不容忽视。

    Signature of a perfect contract is based on careful work during negotiation period and the concrete compiling work can 't be neglected .

  13. 有代理的需提出发出货预报,包括货到时间,地点等,并缮制自己的有关费用。

    It has to issued prediction which include the time of arrival , place and prepare the invoice , if have agents in processing .

  14. 我们以一般贸易的出口货物报关单的内容为例介绍该单据的缮制方法。

    We take the specification of an export customs declaration form for general trade as an example to show the method of making out the document .

  15. 经统计,今(2003)年上半年受理之案件,自收受案件样品,经联系专家鉴定至缮竣审议表提委员会审议之过程,每件平均工作日数为6.5日;

    Statistics shows that for queries received during the first half of2003 , the average processing time for examining and submission to the Committee for formal assessment was6.5 business days .

  16. 佛香阁排云殿营缮与颐和园建筑工程管理制度的继承和发展

    The Relationship Between the Renovation of the Tower of Buddhist Incense , the Hall of Dispelling Clouds and the Inheritance and the Development of the Management Systems of the Construction Engineering in the Summer Palace
