
  • 网络cyber insurance;network insurance;Internet insurance;online insurance
  1. 网络保险的安全风险及防范措施

    The Risks of Safety and Precautious measures of Network Insurance

  2. 文章从计算机网络层次结构的角度,分析了当前网络保险中的主要安全风险,并结合网络保险的性质和安全特点,提出了相应的安全防范措施。

    This article analyzes the risks of network insurance from different aspects of computer network , connects the characteristics of network insurance and safety feature , and raises proper precautious measures of safety .

  3. 互联网的发展使得网络保险成为可能,中国加入WTO使得网络保险变得必要。

    The development of Internet has made Internet Insurance possible , The entry of WTO will make it necessary .

  4. 发展网络保险对传统经营模式的挑战;

    The challenge of developing internet insurance to traditional manage mode ;

  5. 分别是:1、网络保险的信息安全性问题;

    These questions are : 1 、 the information security about e-insurance ;

  6. 网络保险将给传统经纪人制度带来冲击和机遇;

    E-insurance will impact the traditional brokerage system and offer opportunities to brokers .

  7. 网络保险是网络经济时代保险业发展的趋势。

    Applying Internet to the insurance industry is a new trend in Internet age .

  8. 网络保险的监管问题。

    The supervision of e - insurance .

  9. 试论网络保险的发展策略

    On the Development Strategy of Internet Insurance

  10. 保险业务本身的特殊性也在一定程度上制约了网络保险的发展。享受生命本身

    The especial character of insurance itself limit the development of internet insurance . Enjoy Your Life

  11. 试析网络保险的可行性

    On the Feasibility of Internet Insurance

  12. 拓展了传统保险代理业务的应用,推广了网络保险代理在电子商务保险服务领域的产品创新。

    No only it expands the traditional insurance agency , also advances international insurance agent innovation in the area of e-commerce financial services .

  13. 本章还论述了网络保险取得成功的另一个原因,即:低价格高质量的服务。低价高质的服务是保险公司所追求的服务目标,也是留住客户和投保人的根本。

    In this chapter , We had discuss the other reason for the success of e-insurance , which is lower in price but with high quality service .

  14. 分销体系的创新主要有建立专业代理公司,发展保险经纪人以及推进银行保险和网络保险。

    The distribution system innovation is principally related to launching of specialized insurance agencies , cultivation of insurance brokers , and dissemination of insurance services in banks and on-line .

  15. 互联网技术的发展与普及促进了传统营销方式的变革,网络保险代表着保险行业未来的发展趋势。

    With the development and popularity of the internet , online insurance has been promoted as an innovation of traditional marketing , representing the developing tendency of insurance industry .

  16. 作为一种新型的电子商务方式,网络保险自有其独特的优势,当然也存在不可避免的风险。

    As one kind of new pattern e-commerce means , The electric network insures since the preponderance that possess such distinctive , Also be the inevitable hazard surely of course .

  17. 在第二部分,文章分析了我国网络保险存在的问题,包括:互联网用户的群体特征和消费习惯影响网络保险的开展;

    At second part , the text analysis the problem of Chinese internet insurance , including the group character of internet client and custom habit of person having effect on internet insurance ;

  18. 最后,在对网络保险进行经济学分析的基础上,结合国外保险公司发展网络保险的实际情况,提出了几点总结:一、网络保险将加剧保险公司的竞争;

    In the end , based on the economy analyzing of e-insurance and the practice , We get some conclusions : 1 , e-insurance will prick up the competition between insurance companies .

  19. 本章最后针对网络保险的监管问题,提出了网络保险监管的目标:1、确保保险秩序安全;

    In the end , this chapter will introduce the supervision of e-insurance . We set out the objects of supervision and regulation : 1 、 make certain the security of insurance market ;

  20. 因此,文章首先分析了网络保险的优势,并阐述了我国发展网络保险的必要性,紧接着文章分析了网络给中国保险业带来的发展机遇以及发展网络保险面临的巨大挑战。

    At fist , this text analysis the advantage of internet insurance and elaborate the necessity of developing Chinese internet insurance . Then the author analysis the developing chance and challenge which internet bring for Chinese insurance .

  21. 本文论述了网络保险的优势与存在的问题、在我国发展网络保险的必要性、我国网络保险发展现状等问题,并就我国网络保险的发展对策提出了具体意见。

    In this paper the advantages and problems of the Internet Insurance are discussed , the necessity and present situation of its development in China are illustrated and the concrete countermeasure for the development of China s Internet Insurance is given out .

  22. 最终形成了由信息传递、任务管理、终端交互三个核心子系统和地图服务、分布仓库、即时通讯、诚信控制、在线支付、网络保险六个支撑子系统所组成的物流信息系统基本框架。

    The final Logistics Information System framework includes three core sub-systems of information transmit , task management , terminal interactive , with six expansion sub-systems of map service , distribution warehouse , instant messaging , credit control , online payment and web insurance .

  23. 保险业务创新是保险创新的重点,本文通过对发达国家保险业务创新的研究,分析了当前保险业务创新中的银行保险、保险风险证券化、网络保险的发展。

    The insurance business innovation is the key to the innovation of insurance industry . Through a research in the insurance business innovation in developed countries , the development of bank insurance , insurance risks MBS and net insurance is analyzed in this essay .

  24. 基于神经网络的保险公司客户流失预测方法研究及其应用

    Research on Customer Churn Prediction in Insurance Industry Based on Neural Networks with Its Applications

  25. 本文第三章演示了贝叶斯网络在保险公司操作风险管理中的应用,对贝叶斯网络模型的应用做出了评价。

    This chapter demonstrates the Bayesian network operational risk management in the insurance application , the application of the Bayesian network model to make the evaluation .

  26. 网络信息安全保险也是信息经济发展到一定阶段的产物。

    Also network information security insurance is the outcome of information economy developing to some level .

  27. 第四章运用一个保险欺诈的案例,给出贝叶斯网络模型在保险公司操作风险度量与管理中的具体运用。

    Chapter IV using an insurance fraud case , given Bayesian network model operational risk measurement and management of insurance companies in the specific application .

  28. 随后本文对网络信息安全保险的发展进行了研究,涉及网络信息安全保险市场发展的主要影响因素、发展特征、市场发展趋势等方面。

    Following that , the text studies the development of network information security insurance , including influence elements , development characteristics , and development trend .

  29. 接着本文对网络信息安全保险现状进行了分析,包括网络安全保险市场规模与结构分析、网络信息安全保险当前问题分析、网络信息安全保险市场竞争策略分析。

    Still the text analyses the current status of network information security insurance , including its market scope and structure , the current problems and market competition strategy .

  30. 凭借多年的经营经验和广泛的业务网络,美亚保险将随着中国保险市场的不断放开而继续拓展新的业务。

    With its long experience and comprehensive network , Chartis China is now well positioned to capitalize on new opportunities arising from the increasing liberalization of the Chinese Market .