
  • 网络Online drama;seti
  1. 合一影业首席执行官朱辉龙(AllenZhu)表示,该公司还根据红极一时的网络剧制作了五部电影,其中包括《报告老板》(YesBoss)、《万万没想到》(Surprise)和《泡芙小姐》(MissPuff)。

    Allen Zhu , Heyi Film chief executive , said the studio planned five films based on hit internet series such as Yes Boss , Surprise and Miss Puff .

  2. 所以,拜托!如果你尚未赞助,请花点时间来帮忙我们并成为ICTS网络剧的一份子。

    So please , if you haven 't sponsored yet , take the time to help us out and become part of the ICTS series community .

  3. 2014年被称为“网络剧时代元年”。

    The year 2014 was called " the first year of the era of online shows . "

  4. 正因如此,考斯-瑞德更喜欢演网络剧,尺度更自由,而且观众群体比电视剧更年轻、时尚。

    For this reason , Kos-Read prefers doing web serials which enjoy more free rein and attract a younger , hipper crowd than TV .

  5. 网络剧的兴起可谓是忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。

    The rise of Internet Drama is said that : " It is like the spring breeze comes suddenly in a night , and the pear tree full of pear blossoms suddenly " .

  6. 最后,《传世》或许和许多科幻剧一样,但是对于一部夏季档网络剧而言,它至少尝试做了些微改变。

    In the end , Extant may be going where many other sci-fi stories have gone before , but for a summer network drama , it 's at least trying to take a slightly different path .

  7. 除了开发《光晕4》和即将上市的《光晕5》之外,沃尔夫基尔还负责跨媒体特许经营业务。这项业务目前已经横跨小说、漫画、网络剧,以及史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格制作的真人动作电视剧等领域。

    In addition to developing Halo 4 and the upcoming Halo 5 , Wolfkill has been responsible for the transmedia franchise that has spanned novels , comics , a web series , and an upcoming live-action series produced by Steven Spielberg .

  8. 在第二章中,同时从网络剧的发展、境外电视剧的充盈以及传统电视剧的二次传播三个方面举例论述了网络媒体与传统电视媒体传播电视剧内容的不同。

    In the second chapter , . the contrast from the network of development , foreign series of TV drama and traditional fuels of secondary spread of three aspects for the media and traditional network TV drama to disseminate TV content of the different .

  9. 当时,很多人都认定,网络自制剧里只有新人,水平就像制作成本那样低。

    But back then many assumed online shows only starred new faces and looked about as cheap as their budgets .

  10. 未来网络小说电视剧改编的建构。

    The second part , the construction of TV adaptation about future online fiction .

  11. 昨天,中国网络自制古装剧《太子妃升职记》已经从网站上下线。

    Chinese online costume drama " Go Princess Go " was taken down from the website yesterday .

  12. 网络文学影视剧改编从生产到输出的整个环节就是循环生产再生产的过程。

    The process of the adaptation of network literature , from production to the output , is the cycle process of production and reproduction .

  13. 政治惊悚剧《纸牌屋》的第一季就表现不俗,是第一部在黄金时段艾美奖中获奖的网络独播剧。

    Season one of the political thriller made history in September when it became the first online-only series to win an award during the Primetime Emmys .

  14. 在网络文学影视剧改编热潮的背景下,网络文学和影视艺术生产却遇到了各自的挑战与困境。

    Under the background of the booming of network literature adaptation , the network literature and the production of film and TV art have met their own challenges and difficulties , respectively .

  15. 我认为Netflix公司能够做这样一部成功的只在网络播放的网剧实在是太酷了。

    I think it 's so cool that Netflix was able to make such a successful online-only web television series .

  16. 他曾是网络电影与电视剧流媒体服务公司Netflix的联合创始人,并曾经出任该公司第一任首席执行官。

    Most recently Marc was co-founder of the online movie and television streaming service Netflix , serving as their first CEO .

  17. 2015年是网络小说改编电视剧遍地开花的一年。

    The year 2015 saw another boom in TV drama adaptations of online literature .

  18. 这部低预算、改编自网络小说的网络剧取得了远远超出预期的巨大成功。

    The low-budget , novel-adapted online TV series has been a huge success , defying expectations .

  19. 因为小说拥有稳定的粉丝群,所以最近以网络小说改编影视剧的现象大行其道。

    Online novels have now emerged as theme favorites for TV series because of their solid fan base .

  20. 网络小说的电视剧改编渐入佳境,涌现出不少耳熟能详的电视剧作品。

    Network TV adaptation of the novel starts getting better , and emerged in many familiar TV works .

  21. 网络媒体作为电视剧新的传播渠道带给广大用户和受众一场场全新的视觉盛宴。

    As a new webTV channels of communication with the users and by new acts of vision royal feast .

  22. 网络媒体对电视剧传播渠道、传播内容及传播对象的影响始终是本文论述的核心。

    Network media in television transmission channels , spread the influence of content and transmitted objects is always the core discussed in this paper .

  23. 从某种程度上来说,改编自同名畅销丛书的偶像剧《绯闻女孩》是讲述网络世界的电视剧开山之作。

    Gossip Girl , a teen soap based on a popular book series for young adults , in some ways was the first television show about the Internet .

  24. 但是,目前我国对网络条件下影视剧传播的研究仍然处于刚刚起步的阶段,对历史剧传播效果的研究亦属空白。

    However , the current condition of the network transmission of television drama is still in its infancy stage and the spreading effect of the historical drama is also blank .

  25. 因此,研究网络条件下历史剧的传播对于研究网络影视剧传播乃至大众文化的网络传播有着十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , the research of the spread of historical series under the network conditions is very important for the dissemination of films and TV series of networks as well as the network mass culture .