
  1. 第八窟门两侧三头八臂的摩醯首罗天和五头六臂的鸠摩罗天,形象丰满、自然,独具特色。

    No.8 Grotto with three heads and eight arms and the other with five heads and six arms are well-shaped bodies and natural expressions .

  2. 不仅涉及医学,而且包罗天文学、地理学、哲学、人类学、社会学、军事学、数学、生态学等各项人类所获的科学成就。

    In this book is not only medical science involved , but the scientific accomplishments made by humans in philosophy , anthropology , sociology , strategics , mathematics , ecology and so on .

  3. 我已获得到拂罗里达为期两天的假日,我正打算带我的妈妈去。

    I 've won a holiday for two to Florida . I am taking my mum .

  4. 不久前在德克萨斯罗莱特,有天下午,下士警员帕特里克·瑞手持镶有粉色小花的迷你杯,假想着杯中有水,给两岁的小小女主人贝斯丽斟茶。

    On a recent afternoon in Rowlett , Texas , Police Corporal Patrick Ray poured imaginary tea into a minuscule cup adorned with pink flowers for his 2-year-old hostess , Bexley .