
luó mǎ jù lè bù
  • Club of Rome
  1. 罗马俱乐部曾估计一九九二年石油将耗尽。

    Club of Rome estimated that oil would run out in1992 .

  2. 论罗马俱乐部的人文精神

    On the Humanism of the Club of Rome

  3. 罗马俱乐部的科学精神

    The Scientific Spirit of the Club of Rome

  4. 罗马俱乐部于1968年4月在意大利首都罗马成立,并由此得名。

    The Club of Rome established in April , 1968 in Italy , and named from this .

  5. 从增长到发展&罗马俱乐部可持续发展思想述评

    From growth to developmet : a review on thoughts of sustainable development of the club of Rome

  6. 根据这本小册子,罗马俱乐部是保证一个财团控制所有国际金融。

    According to this pamphlet , the CLUB OF ROME was pledged to a consortium which controls all international finance .

  7. 最终罗马俱乐部不得不与莱切和都灵进行秘密竞价,来分别争夺后卫卡塞蒂与科莫托。

    The capital club will be forced into the blind auction with Lecce for fullback Cassetti and with Torino for Comotto .

  8. 第六章分析了罗马俱乐部思想体系的特征及其学理性贡献。

    Chapter VI analyzes the characteristics of the thoughts of Club of Rome and its academic contribution to the study of global issues .

  9. 第3章总结了罗马俱乐部、法兰克福学派、海德格尔和后现代主义的主要技术批判理论,并对他们的批判理论一一进行了批判。

    In chapter three , the paper summarizes the technological criticism theories of Rome Club , Frankfurt School , Heidegger and post-modern technological criticism theories , and criticizes them respectively .

  10. 现代西方学者关于人的发展代价的研究,主要体现在罗马俱乐部、以人为中心的综合发展观、法兰克福学派和后现代主义的相关论述中。

    Modern Western scholars on the costs of human development , mainly in the Club of Rome , the comprehensive development of human-centered view , the Frankfurt School and post-modernism in the relevant discourse .

  11. 作为国际知名科研团体的罗马俱乐部,从系统哲学和科学的角度对人类面临的全球问题提出了独到而深刻的见解。

    As a famous international scientific research group , Club of Rome expressed creative and profound view of the universal problems , which man is being faced with , from the angle of systematic philosophy and systematic science .

  12. 这些问题包括:人口问题,工业化的资金问题,粮食问题,不可再生的资源问题,环境污染问题(生态平衡问题)。罗马俱乐部提出,解决全球问题需要全球性的行动。

    These problems include : population problem , industrialization fund problem , grain problem , non-renewable resources problem and environmental pollution problem ( ecological equilibrium problem ) . The Club Of Rome proposed that " the global problematique " need the global motion .

  13. 本文介绍了人口与环境关系理论的几个代表人物以及他们的理论。其中包括以罗马俱乐部为代表的悲观论和以西蒙为代表的乐观论。

    Sign of Spirit This paper mainly mentions the representatives concerned with theories on relationship of population and environment , and introduces their theories in details , including the pessimistic theory of Roman Club and optimistic theory with representatives scientists such as Semon .

  14. 论述了他对现代可持续发展思想的奠基作用,以及罗马俱乐部的疑虑,将在现实与哲学层面上,长期困扰人类的认识。

    In fact , Rome Club are the early important founder of the modern concept - " Sustainable Development ", and the question they put forward will continue to puzzle the world , both in reality and in philosophy , for a long time .

  15. 罗马俱乐部在考察当代人类社会发展面临的种种问题时提出人类困境的思想,揭示了人与自然关系的失衡状态,引发人们的深刻反思。

    Club of Rome ( COR ) puts forward the idea of human predicament in probing the contemporary human actions and the development of science and technology , thus revealing from a different aspect the unbalanced state of the relationship between man and nature and giving rise to our introspection .

  16. 他说,我有这样一个计划,我要把这张相片带回去,放大以后张贴在罗马队的球迷俱乐部里。

    He said that he had a plan to take the photo back to Italy and to show it to the local fun groups in Rome Football Fun Club after it was enlarged .

  17. 拉齐奥退役门将佩鲁济正在和罗马进行谈判,可能会担任罗马俱乐部的一个经理职位。

    Former Lazio goalkeeper Angelo Peruzzi is set to resist a playing comeback to take up a role with Roma .