
  • 网络the history of rome
  1. 史学大师蒙森的《罗马史》,成果卓著,影响极大。

    The History of Rome , written by the master of historiography Mommsen , is an influential book .

  2. 前苏联和我国史学界过去把朱古达战争作为罗马史的衬托,这种看法有欠公正。

    The unjustifiable views held by the historians in former Soviet Union and in China on the Jugurtha War regarded it as an incidental event in the history of Rome Empire .

  3. 《SPQR:古罗马史》(SPQR:AHistoryofAncientRome),玛丽·伯尔德(MaryBeard)著(Liveright出版社,35美元)。和纽约人一样,罗马人有攻击性、贪得无厌,而且是从其他地方来的;

    SPQR : A History of Ancient Rome . By Mary Beard . ( Liveright , $ 35 . ) Like New Yorkers , Romans were aggressive and acquisitive and came from somewhere else ;

  4. 为此,罗马史的研究者们上穷碧落下黄泉,进行了多角度多层次的探讨。

    Therefore , the roman historians have been working hardly on the multi-angle and multi-level studies .

  5. “至尊战利品”是古代罗马史上一种较为特殊的战利品。

    In ancient Rome , both the continual wars and the complicated political struggles produced a special kind of spoils-spolia opima .

  6. 我报考的科目有初级和高级德语、法语、拉丁文、英语、希腊语和古罗马史。几门考试总共用了九个小时。

    The subjects I offered were Elementary and Advanced German , French , Latin , English , and Greek and Roman history , making nine hours in all .

  7. “除名毁忆”是罗马史上的一道独特风景,其意为对一个人身后之名的制裁,与罗马传统的名誉文化息息相关。

    Damnatio memoriae , or dishonoring someone by removing him from remembrance , is unique in Roman history and closely related to the culture of honor in Roman tradition .

  8. 在古罗马文明史上,元老院作为重要的权力机构发挥着不可替代的作用。

    As the important authority of Rome , the senate played an indispensable role in Roman history .

  9. 他是一个私立贵族男校的老师,教古希腊罗马文明史。

    He is a teacher taught ancient Greek and Roma history in a private aristocracy school only for boys .

  10. 能够拥有图书的贵族富人却往往不读书,不能成为真正有文化的人。这在罗马文化史上形成了一个有趣的怪圈。

    On the other hand , the noble and the rich of Rome who possessed books but did not read them were not the real intellectuals , which was a strange turn in Roman culture .

  11. 当然,这里论述的将不仅仅是宽泛上的历史情境,而是深入到生活的具体情境中去探讨,力图展示一个更为清晰的古希腊罗马雕刻史。

    Of course , this paper will not only broad history context , but further to the life of the specific situation to explore , to show a clear history of ancient Greece and Rome sculpture .

  12. 我们在欧洲的时候看过未删节版《罗马帝国艳情史》。

    We saw the uncut version of ' Caligula ' when we were in Europe .

  13. 我想我甚至把整册爱德华•吉本(EdwardGibbon)的《罗马帝国衰亡史》的完整版装进箱子里。

    I think I even loaded the complete unabridged text of Gibbon 's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire into that box .

  14. 古代罗马社会新闻史简论

    On the Communication of the News Information in the Ancient Rome Society

  15. 比如,让我们看看爱德华·吉本(英国历史学家)在“罗马帝国衰亡史”一书中的一段(取自第二十四章),

    For example , imagine a passage from Edward Gibbon 's " The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : "

  16. 他运用渊博的学识素养和启蒙时代的哲学理念,写出了英国最重要的一部历史巨著&《罗马帝国衰亡史》,一举奠定了其在西方史学界乃至世界史学界的崇高地位。

    With his profound knowledge and philosophical idea of the Enlightenment , Gibbon wrote his most important history work & The Decline and Fall of Roman Empire , which really established his great position in western and even the world history field .

  17. 罗马共和国的公民权问题是罗马史研究中的一个重要课题,但我国学者对这一课题的研究还不够深入。

    Roman citizenship during the Republic is an important issue , but the research about it is not sufficient .

  18. 程式诉讼是罗马法古典时期的主要诉讼模式,在罗马法律史上具有独特的地位。

    Per formulas is a main litigation pattern of Roman law , which has a unique status in the history of Roman law .

  19. 然而,同《十二铜表法》相比,《罗马民法大全》更具影响力,这是一部雄心勃勃试图融合整个罗马史法律的百科全书。

    Even more influential than the Twelve Tables was the Corpus Juris Civilis , an ambitious attempt to synthesize Rome 's history of law into one document .